Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1948 should be a good news

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1948 should be good news Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the special security of the female president, the gate of the mysterious world, the selection of the day, the king of the eternal night, the great ruler of the holy market, the lord of snow eagle, the legend of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient gods, and the new writers who are about to move at the peak of Wulian, have uploaded their own works one after another .

After the work reaches a certain number of words, it will appear in the background of the website, and the editors of each work can see it.

In addition to the background of the website, the works will also appear on the relevant pages of the website, which can be seen by book fans who browse the Qidian Chinese website.

Although they are all works that have not yet been signed, they will not appear in the recommended positions of the website, but they can appear in other positions on the website.

For example, the "recently updated" position, whether it is a signed or unsigned work, can appear here.

For example, various ranking lists, weekly recommendation vote list, public author new book list, new author new book list, etc., works that have not signed a contract can also be listed on these lists.

The rules for the list are based on relevant data, calculated by the computer, and then listed on the list according to the results.

For countless book lovers, they can find new books that have not yet signed in these places.

Now, there are already countless book lovers browsing.

The new writers are excited and looking forward to it, and the fans are also excited and looking forward to it. They are looking forward to the new writers uploading their own works.

When they opened the Qidian Chinese website today, they found that the original empty website had appeared in some places, and they were very happy.

Those online writers have finally uploaded their own works.

Are there any works worth reading? Fans are looking forward to it.

How to choose so many works? The vast majority of book fans choose based on the title and introduction. If they are interested in the title and introduction, they will click on the work to read the text.

They picked the works they were interested in and opened them one by one.

The really disappointing.

Book fans have clicked on a lot of books in a row, and the titles and introductions seem to be good works, but the results are very disappointing, and I feel that there are no works that are barely noticeable.

In fact, this is not to say that the works of those new writers are all so poor that there is not even a single work that is barely eye-catching.

The reason for this is that book fans are comparing their works with "Zhu Xian", and it is strange that they can read it.

After all, they are all new writers. Even if some of them are quite talented, the first work they created cannot be compared to "Zhu Xian".

After reading a lot of works in a row and unsatisfactory, book fans gradually realized this problem.

If they continue to read the next works at the level of "Zhu Xian", it is estimated that they will be able to find books and read them only after Gu Yong publishes the second work in person.

It seems that they have to temporarily forget "Zhu Xian", and then go to see those works.

Book fans sighed in their hearts, and after all, they couldn't expect too much.

Of course, book fans also understand that if everyone's works have the level of "Zhu Xian", then the world can't have only one ancient Yong.

Fans also believe that, over time, the works of new writers will gradually get better.

After lowering the standard, and then looking at those works, the book fans finally found that there are a few works that can barely be read.

If you can barely watch it, then vote for the recommendation, and support and encourage the author.

I heard that recommendation votes are very important to authors, and book fans will naturally not be stingy. Anyway, they are all free. If you vote today, you will have them again tomorrow. If you don’t vote, it will be a waste.


Xiaojianghu Magazine,

Web editorial department.

A group of editors are hurrying to review the manuscript. They are expecting the work to come more violently. The result is that the work is really violent, which makes them feel dazzled.

Fortunately, they are all elite editors, and they can still keep their heads clear after reading works for a long time.

The writers who uploaded their works are all new writers. This is their first work, and it is rare to have a work that makes people shine.

And this will test the editor's vision even more.

Some writers are actually quite talented. Although the works they upload are not very good at the beginning, they will become better and better later.

For the editors, it depends on who has a sharper vision and can see the potential of the author in the poor opening.

Whoever can sign up such a work will definitely lay a solid foundation for the subsequent appreciation and salary increase.


Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming browsed through all the works on the list, then smiled lightly and said, "If you don't use "Zhu Xian" as a reference standard, there are some works that can barely catch your eye. Moreover, it can be clearly seen that among them There are a few authors with good potential. It seems that they have some talent in creating online novels."

Li Bo said: "It was Gu Yong who launched such a platform that allowed those quite talented writers to have the opportunity to show themselves. Without Gu Yong, those writers would never have the opportunity to show their talent."

Yang Qiming said: "Not only did they have no chance to show their talents, but they didn't even know that they had the talent to create online novels. From this point of view, the significance of Gu Yong launching such a platform is even greater."

Li Bo said, "That's true."


Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen asked, "Editor-in-chief, what do you think of those works?"

Wang Yangdao: "Generally speaking, there are few works that make people's eyes shine. However, this is after all the first work of those newcomers. Through those humble openings, we can still discover some authors with certain potential. Those The author's next creation may gradually get better and write to a certain level."

Jian Yishen smiled bitterly after hearing this: "This does not seem to be good news for us."

Wang Yangdao: "In the short term, this is indeed not good news. However, the more potential online novel writers there are now, the more it can prove that the market for online novels will be very popular in the future. If our magazine can successfully transform , this will be a very good new opportunity. So, whether it is good or bad can not be judged lightly.”

Jian Yishen was thoughtful after hearing this, and for him, it didn't seem to be bad news either.

The more potential online novel authors, the more popular the online novel market will be in the future. After these martial arts authors transform online novels with new elements of martial arts, the market will definitely be bigger.

This should be good news.

Of course, the premise is that they can successfully transform and will not be eliminated by the market because of the failure of the transformation.

Jian Yishen has confidence in himself, he believes that he will be able to successfully transform.

His slightly locked brows gradually unfolded, and he smiled faintly.

... 2k novel reading network

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