Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1949 The legendary signing station is short

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1949: The Legendary Signing Station Short Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Emperor of Chaos and Eternal Night, the Great Lord of the Holy Ruins, Xue Ying, the Lord of the Eternal Dragon King

Li Fan also briefly browsed the works on the website.

Overall, he is still satisfied.

Some of the authors have great potential. If they can be trained well, there should be no problem in becoming a god-level author in the future.

At the editorial department of Xiaojianghu Magazine, after careful consideration, the editors have successively selected some works that they think can be signed up.

But they didn't sign up immediately, but reported the work to Gu Wei, intending to listen to Gu Wei's opinion.

After all, they are the first to come into contact with online articles, and they still don’t know enough about the online article market. It’s better to listen to more opinions.

After Gu Wei reviewed it himself, he reported the list of works to Li Fan. This is the first batch of signed works of the website, and Gu Wei dare not be slighted.

After reading the list from Gu Weibao, Li Fan nodded secretly. Those editors were all excellent editors.

Although this is the first time I have come into contact with online texts, my vision is still very accurate. Most of these works reported in the newspapers are fine and can be signed.

There are only a few works, in Li Fan's opinion, the editors are a little distracted.

In this way, Li Fan felt more at ease about the work of the online editorial department.

From then on, there is no need for him to worry too much about the web article.

This is definitely a good thing for Li Fan, who likes to be chic and comfortable, and Li Fan is very happy.

After expressing his opinion to Gu Wei, Li Fan also decided that he would not have to take care of the network affairs for the time being.

Of course, this does not mean that from now on, Li Fan will not care about the online literature. The online literature is still in its infancy, and he still needs to take the helm himself.

Just don't worry too much.

Walking into the village, I met Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin.

The four old men were also talking about the newly uploaded works. When they saw Li Fan, Liang Sheng asked, "Has the Internet Culture Department started to sign the works?"

Li Fandao: "Not yet, but, in a few days, there will be some more signatures."

Liang Sheng nodded and said: "After a work is officially signed, the website is officially on the right track. Now you need to launch other types of works. Only after the types of works are enriched, can online novels really start to develop. ."

Li Fan said with a smile: "Liang Lao is right, but don't worry about it, I will push it out slowly. While pushing it out, leave enough time for the outside world to digest it. If the push speed is too fast, the effect will be ineffective. would be great."

Liang Sheng said: "This is indeed true, you kid just need to grasp it well."

Li Fan said: "Don't worry, Mr. Liang, there will be no problem."


After a few more days, the editors of the online literature department finally sent a contract notice to the first batch of authors.

In the past few days, the authors have spent their time under the intertwined emotions of tension, excitement, anticipation, and loss.

There have been some changes in the data of the works one after another, but the signing station they were most looking forward to was short, but it has not come.

Although they also understand that it will be very difficult to sign a contract, it is a surprise and a miracle to be able to sign a contract, and it is normal to not be able to sign, but they still cannot help but feel regret and loss.

This is human nature.

Late Qiufeng waited for a few days, but he didn't wait to sign the contract, and the whole person seemed a little frustrated. His work was still not good, and he could not get the approval of the editors.

However, he did not give up. Even if the contract cannot be signed, the work can be updated normally. In this case,

That first work should be regarded as a practice pen.

With the practice of writing the first work, he believes that his second work will be able to sign the contract.

Guyong once said that online writing is a big wave, and whoever can persevere will have the possibility of success.

Wan Qiufeng agreed with this sentence and insisted, he thought he could do it.

He has already prepared that this work cannot be signed, but surprises and surprises always come quietly and inadvertently.

Late Autumn Wind landed in the writer's backstage, intending to update today's chapter, but when he entered the writer's backstage, he noticed that there seemed to be a strangeness in the backstage.

My heart jumped for no reason, and then I took a closer look, my heart suddenly became inexplicably mad, and my whole person became nervous, excited and excited.

Because he saw that in the upper right corner of the writer's backstage, in the "Notification" column, it was displayed that a "Writer Consultation New Message" had been received.

It is this piece of "new news about the writer's consultation" that makes the late autumn wind instantly tense, excited and excited.

Because, if the website sent a contract, it was in this way, so he was excited and excited.

However, some other news about the works are also sent in this way. The current "new news about the writer's consultation" is not necessarily a short contract.

Therefore, the late autumn wind is very tense.

He took a few deep breaths, grabbed the mouse with his slightly trembling right hand, and clicked on the newly received "author consultation message".

Looking carefully and impatiently, he felt that he had never been so nervous before.

"Hello author, your work has been reviewed and has reached the signing standard. Please wait patiently for the contact from the signing editor, and indicate your book title and author name. During the signing period, please do not modify your author's name, which will affect the progress of the signing... …”

After seeing the content clearly, Wan Qiufeng clenched his fists, trembling slightly because of excitement and excitement.

This is the signing station he has been dreaming about!

His works were successfully signed, taking the most basic and crucial first step.

Happiness came too suddenly, and the late autumn wind was completely stunned by the sudden happiness.

His mind lost the ability to think for a while, and there was only a voice shouting excitedly, he signed a contract! He has successfully signed a contract!

After a long time, Wan Qiufeng's excited mood slowly calmed down.

He came to the writers group of Qidian Now that he has successfully signed a contract, it is time to pretend.

Wan Qiufeng observed it for a while, and confirmed that no one else in the group had received the contract, and he was the first to receive it.

This made him even more excited. If he was the first to pretend, he would undoubtedly pretend to be the biggest.

He cut a short picture of the signing station and sent it to the group. He didn't say anything else, he knew that was enough.

Sure enough, after a brief silence, the entire group suddenly erupted collectively.

"Grab the slot! Is this the legendary signing station short? It must be, can't be wrong, I finally saw the legendary signing station short. Has the late autumn wind boss signed a contract?"

"Grab the slot! The contract is signed, it must be signed by the late autumn wind! Big brother! Big brother! What is the work of the big brother? I'm going to read it."

"It turns out that this is the legendary signing station short, hold the slot! Crazy envy and jealousy!"

"Envy and jealous! I really want to sign a contract!"

"Ah! Jump jump! Mind jump!"


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