Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1950 Named

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1950 is named "Dragon Head" Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Ten Thousand Dao Sword Master Taikoo God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements The Gate of the Profound World The heart can be described as extremely comfortable.

This make-up is so cool!

Of course, pretending to be coercive will not make the late autumn wind get carried away because of it. It is indeed an exciting thing to sign a contract.

However, signing a contract does not mean that the work is successful, and signing a contract is just the beginning.

To make his work a success, he will need to put in much more effort in the future.

Wan Qiufeng understood this, and he was ready to work harder.


After the late autumn wind received the signing station short, some other writers also received the signing station short.

Surprise, excitement, and excitement also erupted in their hearts.

With the emergence of signed works, the operation of Qidian is on the right track.

The era of web articles has officially begun.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan is in the Xianyuan space.

The previous moa chick had grown to a height of nearly five meters after such a long period of growth.

Its body length has far exceeded the height of a normal moa outside.

From a distance, it looks like a long-necked dinosaur.

This is of course normal. The talent potential of this moa reaches 99%. It can grow and evolve into a divine beast, and its size will naturally not be small.

Li Fan looked at the big guy in front of him. Although he hadn't fully grown yet, he was strong enough. It was time to contribute to the construction of the farm.

Well, the old rule, first get a name.

what name should I choose? Li Fan pondered in his heart.

This guy's scientific name is moa, and now he looks like a dinosaur, so it's called "dragon bird"?

It seems that it is not as domineering as the "Moa", so it is called "Dragon Head"?

This is okay, it's a bit like the name of an ancient beast, so I decided to call it Dragon Head.

It's a pity that this guy's scientific name has the word "bird" in the air, but he has no wings at all.

Otherwise, even if there is a pair of wings that cannot fly, like an ostrich, after the wings have evolved, they should be able to fly into the sky and fight side by side with Xiaotian.

Now there are quite a few mythical beasts in the farm, but only Xiaotian can fly, which is somewhat regrettable.

Li Fan wondered if he could meet another animal with the potential to evolve into a mythical beast with the ability to fly.

It's just that this kind of animal can be encountered, and Li Fan doesn't hold out much hope.


The moa expedition in the barren land in the west of Nanhai Province has ended a few days ago. The scientific expedition work on moa.

The two experts, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen, returned to the Academy of Sciences. Although their fieldwork was over, their work was far from over.

Biologists from other countries have also returned to their own countries, and their work is also far from over.

In the past few days, relevant scientific discussions about moas have once again occupied people's attention.

The living images of moa taken by biologists in the field have also been broadcast on relevant TV channels in various countries.

This ancient, mysterious and terrifying giant bird finally appeared alive in front of countless audiences from all over the world.

The audience was full of emotion when they saw the life of the moa on the TV.

"Oh my god! I actually saw this ancient and mysterious giant bird. It's really scary."

"We all thought they were extinct before,

But now they're alive, it's a great feeling, it's amazing! "

"Of course, when an animal that is recognized as extinct by the whole world suddenly appears in front of your eyes, of course it feels very good! It's also very wonderful!"

"We can now have such a wonderful feeling, and we must thank those biologists for taking such precious images for us. Of course, the person we should thank the most is Mr. Li Fan from Huaguo. It was Mr. Li Fan who first Moa was discovered, and he led biologists from various countries to the barren land in Nanhai Province of China. If it hadn't been discovered by Mr. Li Fan, we would still think that the moa was extinct. "

"Of course, I must thank Mr. Li Fan, he is a brave and great person."

"Through this moa incident, I can't help but think about a question, that is, will there be other animals that we think are extinct, but they are not extinct at all, they are now living in a certain part of the world. a corner?"

"If it was before, I would have told you that it was impossible, and if there were, biologists all over the world would have discovered them. But now, it turns out that our biologists are not necessarily able to find them. Just like they couldn't find moas before. And in this world, the only person who can find them may be Mr. Li Fan from China."

"That is to say, in this world, maybe there are other animals that we think are extinct, but they are not extinct?"

"I think yes, and no one dares to deny this now, including those biologists."

"If this is the case, I really hope to see some other animal that we think is extinct. That feeling must be equally amazing!"

"I thought too, but how can this kind of thing be so easy to do? I heard that Mr. Li Fan discovered the moa, and it was also because of a coincidence. This kind of thing can't be achieved just by hope."

"I remember that Mr. Li Fan seemed to have said before that if there is a chance, he is willing to discover more animals that are considered to be extinct. If Mr. Li Fan is willing, there should be hope."

"Mr. Li Fan is a legendary figure. I heard that there are many legends about him in China. Well, no, his legends have gone to the world. Otherwise, how would we know? I heard that he was able to discover Moa, in addition to chance, but also because of his unfathomable skills and the help of the mysterious beast that protects the village."

"I have also heard that it is precisely because of his unfathomable skills and the help of the mysterious guardian beast that he can go to places that are difficult for others to reach with the help of high-tech equipment. It is because of this that Mr. Li Fan discovered the moa."

"That's right, that's it. So I just said that if there are other animals that we think are extinct, but in fact are not extinct, the only person in the world who is likely to find them is Mr. Li Fan."

"Mr. Li Fan is really a legendary figure. I hope that Mr. Li Fan can once again subvert the previous views of the world biology community."


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