Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1951 Where to go first?

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1951 Where to go first? Author: in the countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Great Power Heavy Industry's Inverse Scales, the Great Lord of the Holy Ruins, Lord Xue Ying's One Thought, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King Once again found an animal that the world thinks has become extinct, but it is not yet extinct.

They also don't know if there is such an animal? But they believe that if such animals really exist, only Li Fan in the world can find them.

The Internet is interconnected, and the comments and wishes of people from all over the world can also be seen by netizens in China.

They laughed loudly, and a very strong sense of superiority grew in their hearts, and they felt very proud and proud.

Wondering if there are any other animals that are thought to be extinct but aren't?

Yes, it depends on whether Mr. Li Fan has this interest?

Netizens are very excited. Li Fan is worthy of being a legendary figure. People from all countries in the world must pin their only hope on him.

As Chinese, they feel very proud!

Of course, while they are proud, they also want to know, are there any animals in this world that are recognized as extinct, but are not yet extinct?

They are also very interested in it.

"You said, is there really such an animal?"

"I don't know, but since there are already moas, it's not impossible to have other animals."

"The world is too big, there are too many places that are inaccessible, maybe there are."

"As those foreign netizens said, if there is one person in the world who can discover them, it must be Mr. Li Fan. And Mr. Li Fan did seem to have said before that if there is a chance, he is willing to discover more, Animals that are thought to be extinct, but are not."

"Did Mr. Li Fan really say that? If he did, it would be great. Because if Mr. Li Fan said so, it means that he is interested. If Mr. Li Fan is interested, then Everything is possible.”

"That's right, Mr. Li Fan is hidden in the city and is unrestrained. As long as he is interested in things, anything is possible."

"So, it's very possible that Mr. Li Fan suddenly gave the world another surprise?"

"I think it's really possible."



Sansheng Village.

Li Fan couldn't help but move when he saw the comments made by netizens from all over the world, as well as domestic netizens.

It seems like a very good choice to discover more animals that are recognized as extinct, but not yet extinct.

First of all, although the village is very good, but after staying for a long time, I also want to go out for a walk.

Especially those inaccessible virgin forests, deserted Gobi deserts and other places make Li Fan have an inexplicable yearning.

Secondly, is there any such animal in this world? Li Fan was actually very curious, and he also wanted to investigate it himself.

Li Fan has had this idea since he accidentally discovered the moa last time.

Since moas still exist, maybe there are other animals. It would be a great surprise for Li Fan if he could find other animals.

He likes to look for surprises.

Third, if other animals are discovered, it will also be a great contribution to the country. The influence of the Chinese biological community in the world biological community will be unprecedented.

Li Fan is willing to do what he can for the country.

Fourth, Li Fan has the absolute ability to go to any corner of the world that is difficult to survive, and he will not be in any danger.


It can also be regarded as meeting the wishes of netizens all over the world and at home.

If that's the case, why not go out for a walk?

The more Li Fan thought about it, the more heartbroken he became, and he soon made a decision that he was going to embark on such a trip.

Only this time he decided to go alone, without Su Qing, without Qin Yulin, or with the four old men.

It is much more convenient for him to be alone.

To go, you must first have a general destination, and you can't wander around.

Li Fan thought for a while and decided to call Zhang Guangling and ask the two experts if they had any suggestions?

Two experts have been doing research for decades, and their advice should be very useful.

Soon, Zhang Guangling answered the phone. After listening to Li Fan's explanation of the purpose of the call, Zhang Guangling said somewhat unexpectedly: "Do you really plan to go look for it?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Of course, I was also very curious and decided to investigate it myself."

Zhang Guangling seemed a little excited after hearing this, and said, "Okay! Good! It's really good that your kid has this interest. You kid is very capable, but you don't need to worry about your safety. You go to investigate this time, no matter what the result is, for It will be of great historical significance for our country and the world as a whole."

Li Fan said, "Old Zhang, do you think there are other animals in this world besides moas?"

Zhang Guangling said: "To be honest, I can't answer this question with certainty now. It may or may not be. The result of your investigation this time will be very important to the whole world of biology."

Li Fan nodded and said, "So Mr. Zhang, it's the same question from before, where is my first stop? Does Mr. Zhang have any suggestions?"

Zhang Guangling said: "The last time we visited the moa on the spot, we, together with a group of experts, did study this issue. The discovery of the moa made us realize that there may be others that were thought to be extinct, but in fact they are still alive and well. There is no extinct animal. So, where in the world is the most likely to have that animal? We researched, analyzed, but unfortunately, we can't come up with a convincing answer. So, I can't give you Advice. And, even if I have an answer, I'm not going to give you advice. Because, my answer is just my guess and has no practical significance. More importantly, there always seems to be a relationship between you and animals. An inexplicable chance, your guardian beasts, those animals in the farm, and your discovery of a moa by chance, all these can explain the problem. So I think you go by feeling, but rather than listening to us The advice is much better.”

Listening to Zhang Guangling's words, Li Fan thought about it, and it seemed like the same thing. If that's the case, let's randomly choose a place to go.

Then, after talking with Zhang Guangling for a while, he hung up the phone.

Where do you go first? Li Fan pondered in his heart, the world is so big, and there are many places that are very attractive to him.

After thinking for a while, Li Fan's eyes lit up and he made a plan.

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