Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1952 The first stop is the African continent

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1952 The first stop is the African continent Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! A good-looking novel is highly recommended: A knife to cut the road of life and death, the great ruler of the holy ruins, the lord of Xue Ying, a thought, the legend of the eternal dragon king Li Fan already had a plan in his heart.

Now, what he is thinking about in his heart is that he is going to find those animals that are recognized as extinct, but in fact are not extinct. Do you want to disclose it to the outside world now?

The reason why he wants to disclose is not to increase his influence. He no longer needs to increase his influence in any way. He just wants to satisfy the wishes of netizens from all over the world and domestic netizens in advance.

Of course, if he reveals it now, it will definitely attract the attention of the biological community in various countries. The influence of this incident will indeed become more invisible.

It's a good thing after all.

Li Fan went out this time, in addition to looking for those animals that were thought to be extinct, but not yet extinct, he also had a bigger purpose, that is to see if he could find some kind of animals that have not been recognized by the world. animal?

The world is so big, and there should be tens of millions of animal species. It is absolutely impossible for all species discovered and known by human beings to be all animals.

Li Fan absolutely believes that there are many animals in the world that humans have never discovered before.

Those animals that have not been discovered by humans may have become extinct, or they may still exist in a certain corner of the world.

In fact, the world's biological community now announces that all kinds of animals that have become extinct or are on the verge of extinction are all animals that humans have discovered and are familiar with.

In addition, there are definitely many animals unknown to human beings that have become extinct or are on the verge of extinction.

Of course, it is also possible that there is no risk of extinction.

If you count other species, there are even more that are unknown to human beings, that are already extinct or are on the verge of extinction.

The world is still mysterious to humans.

Li Fan went out this time, the biggest purpose was to see if he could find some kind of animal that was unknown to human beings?

However, Li Fan did not intend to announce this purpose to the outside world, and planned to give the outside world a huge surprise when he really discovered it.

After pondering for a while in his heart, Li Fan decided to reveal to the outside world this time of exploration.

Before that, he had to tell his father, mother, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, the four old men and others about this.

Dad and Mom had some murmurs after hearing this. However, they will not object to what Li Fan has decided.

It's just that they can't help but have some worries in their hearts. Although they also know Li Fan's ability and know that Li Fan will never have an accident, worry is always inevitable.

Su Qing and Qin Yulin originally wanted to go with them, but they knew that if they went by themselves, they would definitely add a lot of unnecessary trouble to Li Fan, so they resisted the urge to go.

The four old men are looking forward to it very much. They also want to know, are there any animals in this world that are thought to be extinct but are not yet extinct?

Now that Li Fan wants to investigate in person, it is naturally the best.

Of course, Su Qing, Qin Yulin, the four old men, like their father and mother, knew Li Fan's abilities, but they still had some concerns about Li Fan's safety.

They know that this time Li Fan will definitely go to those places where no human has set foot in, and all kinds of dangers are unpredictable.

Li Fan smiled, so that everyone did not have to worry, he had absolute certainty to ensure safety.

After talking to his family, Li Fan logged into Weibo and updated a message.

The general idea is that he still remembers what he said before, and he is willing to find more animals that are thought to be extinct, but are not yet extinct. He is also very curious about this world,

Do such animals even exist? He is about to embark on such a journey of discovery. This time, he will go to places where no human has ever set foot. The first stop will be the primitive jungles of the African continent.

As soon as Weibo was updated, it spread all over the domestic network in the first time.

Then, it didn't take too long to spread to every corner of the world.

Netizens from various countries met, and they all became excited and excited for the first time.

"God! This is really exciting and exciting news. Mr. Li Fan has heard our hearts. The process and results of Mr. Li Fan's exploration trip are really exciting!"

"I really didn't expect our wish to come true so quickly. I really don't know how to express my excitement now?"

"This time, Mr. Li Fan will go to places that have never been touched by human beings. This is really great! Only Mr. Li Fan dares to go to those places in the world, and only Mr. Li Fan can go to those places."

"Mr. Li Fan's exploration trip will be a great trip, and it will have a very special historical significance!"

"Is the first stop the virgin jungle of the African continent? It's a very mysterious place, it's really exciting!"


The first stop is the African continent. The most exciting is naturally, the netizens from various countries on the African continent.

Li Fan chose the African continent for the first stop, which made them feel very proud and proud.

In their opinion, Li Fan chose the African continent as the first stop, it must be because Li Fan believes that their African continent is the most likely continent where such animals exist.

This is certainly something to be proud of and proud of.

This view of netizens on the African continent is really not wrong. Netizens from other continents have to admit this while envious.

Why did Li Fan choose the African continent instead of other continents?

To correct the reason, the most appropriate explanation is that Li Fan believes that the African continent is the continent most likely to have such animals.

Netizens on the African continent are triumphant, while netizens on other continents are envious.

Not to mention ordinary netizens, even the biological experts in the biological circles of various countries on the African continent, as well as the media in various countries, are quite proud.

in biology.

Biologists from various countries in the world are undoubtedly more concerned about Li Fan's exploration trip than those of ordinary netizens.

They are the ones who pay the most attention.

No matter what the outcome of Li Fan's exploratory journey, it is very important to the entire biological community.

Biologists from various countries have expressed their views on Li Fan's exploration trip.

"I'm really not sure now, is there such an animal? Li Fan may really gain something this time. It will be an exciting thing."

"Regardless of whether Li Fan will discover anything this time, his journey of exploration this time will shock the whole world."

"If he does find out, then we're busy again. But it's exciting to be busy."

"The primitive jungles of the African continent are mysterious and dangerous places, especially those places where no human has ever set foot. Let's wish Li Fan good luck!"

"It will be an exhilarating trip! Li Fan is the bravest man in the world!"

"I really hope he can bring us one surprise after another!"


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