On the second day, everyone was excited. Guyong's second historical work was about to unveil the mystery.

The upload time is still 1o am.

At 9:50 in the morning, countless people all logged into the Qidian Chinese website, discussing and looking forward to it!

"I will be able to see Gu Yongda's new work soon. I am both looking forward to it, excited, and a little nervous."

"Me too, I always feel this way before Gu Yongda's new book is revealed. This feeling is very refreshing, I like this feeling!"

"Every new book of Gu Yongda makes people look forward to it, and every new book run attracts everyone's attention. It is worthy of Gu Yongda!"

"The title of the book is about to be announced. I don't know what the title is this time. The title of the last book, "Things in the Ming Dynasty", directly persuaded many people to leave, but then they all ran back. Now I think about it. I also found it quite interesting." \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

"With the last incident, no matter how the title of the book persuaded him to quit this time, I'm afraid no one will quit again. Of course, this time the title of the book may not necessarily persuade him to quit."

"Anyway, the answer will be revealed soon, let's wait and see!"



Many people were talking about the title of the new book, and when they were talking the most, at 10:00 in the morning, the title of the new book was announced:

"Return to the Ming Dynasty to be a Prince"!

The title of the new book was announced, but everyone's first reaction was to suffocate slightly.

It's not because the title has its own persuasive effect, but everyone feels that they may need to digest the title.

First, "Ming Dynasty", there is nothing wrong with that.


Gu Yong's last work was "Things in the Ming Dynasty", and he suggested that online authors do more research on the history of the Ming Dynasty. His new work will still be based on the Ming Dynasty, which is expected by many people.

Even people who didn't expect it would not be surprised to see the word "Ming Dynasty" now.

The three words "being a prince" are also very easy for everyone to understand.

The key question is the word "return", how should this be understood?

It's not that everyone doesn't understand what the word "return" means, but the word "return" is placed in front of "Ming Dynasty", which makes people wonder how to understand it?

Back to the Ming Dynasty?

What is back to the Ming Dynasty? Is it a subjective feeling when reading a book? Just like when everyone watched "Things in the Ming Dynasty" before, it really felt like returning to the Ming Dynasty. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

It's just that if you connect the three words "becoming a prince" together, it seems that you can't understand it in this way.

Going back to the Ming Dynasty to be a prince is more like saying that a person arrives in the Ming Dynasty and then becomes a prince in the Ming Dynasty.

Literally, it seems like this is how it should be.

Just, what is this like? Incomprehensible.

This is also the reason why almost everyone is suffocated.

It's no wonder the book fans of this world, mainly the works of this world, have not yet appeared in settings such as "travel" and "rebirth".

If they know that there are these settings, they will naturally understand the first time.

Now, they don't know that it can be set like this, and it's normal that they can't understand it for a while.


Although the title of "Returning to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" makes the fans somewhat incomprehensible, they did not entangle too much with the title.

After the last book title incident, as long as it is Gu Yong's work now, even if the title is strange and incomprehensible, book fans will no longer be persuaded to quit.

Then, they all clicked on the first chapter of the text.

From the very beginning,

"The narrow and long Naihe Bridge spans the Wangchuan River, leading to the depths of the ethereal cloud trail. The ghosts who are not touched by the dust whimper and drink a bowl of Mengpo soup, and embark on an unpredictable afterlife... "

Seeing such an opening, fans of the book were suffocated again.

Naihe Bridge? Forget the River? Meng Po soup? Isn't this the underworld underworld?

This is history, not a myth, so why is the underworld underworld at the very beginning? \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Fans do not understand, but, in addition to not understanding, there is some excitement and anticipation!

Even the appearance of the underworld, it shows that this work is by no means ordinary, a historical work that everyone understands, which naturally makes people excited and looking forward to it.

Of course, the premise is that this is the work of Gu Yong.

If it is the work of a certain general author, everyone probably has already scolded it. It is obviously a historical work. You come to the underworld, this is not nonsense and nonsense.

Continue to look below.

This is indeed the underworld, and then there is a very handsome young man named Zheng Shaopeng, shouting "I complain! I must complain!" while walking across the Naihe Bridge.

After seeing this young man, Madam Meng couldn't help sighing and saying, "It's the ninth time, the ninth time, this scourge is back."\u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Seeing this, book fans find it very interesting. Although they don't understand historical works, why does such a scene appear? But they find it very interesting, and they are looking forward more and more to the story behind!

Next, the article explains why Meng Po sighed when she saw Zheng Shaopeng.

It turned out that at the very beginning, Zheng Shaopeng took a cable car and fell off the cable car. Before he fell, he supported a three-year-old girl and accumulated yin virtue, and his yang life increased by three years.

However, because Niu Tau Ma Mian was in a hurry to go back to attend the wedding banquet of Lord Chenghuang's married daughter, Zheng Shaopeng took his soul away before he fell down the mountain stream.

This is troublesome. Zheng Shaopeng still has three years of Yangshou, but Niu Tau Ma Mian hooked his soul back. This is a serious dereliction of duty. If he is known to the King of Hell, he will be severely punished.


In order to evade responsibility, Niu Tau Ma Mian bribed Judge Cui, sent Zheng Shaopeng back to the realm, and asked him to borrow the corpse to return the sun to use up the three years of life.

But who knows, in less than a year, Zheng Shaopeng has died and returned nine times.

Every time Niu Tau Ma Mian chose a host for Zheng Shaopeng and sent Zheng Shaopeng away, Zheng Shaopeng died in a short time, and the ghost came back.

The judge, Niu Tau Ma Mian, and Madam Meng all had headaches. They had arranged nine rebirths for Zheng Shaopeng, and it had only been less than a year.

Under such circumstances, Zheng Shaopeng still has more than two years of Yangshou, doesn't he have to arrange another 20 rounds?

Moreover, this Zheng Shaopeng died nine times, and each time he died for doing good deeds. He was already a good man of the ninth generation. If he did it again, he would be a good man of the tenth generation.

The Buddha stipulated that good people of ten generations can become Buddhas.

In order to prevent Zheng Shaopeng from becoming a Buddha, the judge decided to advise Zheng Shaopeng to be reborn 3oo years ago. At that time, the Buddha had not yet stipulated that good people of the tenth generation could become Buddhas.

Then, even if Zheng Shaopeng died a hundred times, he would not be included in the conditions for becoming a Buddha in the tenth life.

And Zheng Shaopeng is also very satisfied with Judge Cui's suggestion. He has been reborn nine times, all in modern times, and he has not been to ancient times.

However, Zheng Shaopeng has a condition, that is, he wants to be reborn as a prince.

The prince has a high status, a lot of money, and he doesn't have to do anything. He only cares about playing every day. How cool!

The judge naturally agreed, and let Zheng Shaopeng enjoy the prince's happy life, but don't come back dead after two months.

In this way, Zheng Shaopeng was eager to go to the ancient times to be a prince.

However, when Zheng Shaopeng crossed the cycle of reincarnation, a little accident happened. Although he was in ancient times, his identity was not a noble prince, but a poor scholar with a family.

Xiucai's name is Yang Ling.

Since then, Yang Ling has been the name of Zheng Shaopeng in this life.

It's just that the gap between his real identity and his dream identity is too far.


Recommend a book by a beautiful author's friend: "Take the Clinic to Cross"!

If you take a modern clinic and travel back to ancient times, do you choose to have beautiful women and three thousand harems? Or choose the world of Xinglin, and hang the pot to save the world?

This work is very good, and it gives people a strong sense of expectation. I am watching it in the countryside. I also recommend it to everyone. I hope everyone can like it.

Welcome to collect and read!


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