Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1976 Travel through the novel (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

At the beginning of "Returning to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince", Zheng Shaopeng, a good man of the ninth generation, was reborn into an ancient dynasty by accident and became a poor scholar named Yang Ling.

Although it is not clear yet, which dynasty is Yang Ling in? But fans know from the title that it is the Ming Dynasty.

Just, which period of the Ming Dynasty was it? Who is the emperor? This is not yet known.

At this time, everyone finally fully understood the meaning of the title of the book. It really was a person who arrived in the Ming Dynasty, and a more vivid adjective was needed here, rebirth!

A modern man was reborn to the Ming Dynasty!

Or change an adjective, traverse!

Whether it is rebirth or transmigration, both adjectives seem to be able to describe it, but this is not the point.

The point is, is this still possible?

Could it be that a modern person traveled back to ancient times? \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

For everyone, this is unseen and unheard of, and this brain hole is really too big.

And just when everyone took a deep breath and pondered such a setting in their hearts, Gu Yong's Weibo was updated again.

In the updated Weibo, Gu Yong called the setting of a modern person returning to the ancient times as "travel", and everyone's eyes were bright. Their previous statement was indeed not wrong.

Then, Guyong said, modern people travel to ancient times, this is just a setting of time travel, and it can also be inferred from one another, such as ancient people travel to modern times, or modern people travel to the future and so on.

Different settings will have different cool points.

In this regard, all of them nodded their heads in a hurry, the time-travel can indeed be diverse.

After that, Gu Yong asked and answered himself, taking the setting of modern people traveling back to ancient times as an example, what are the highlights of this setting? \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Everyone was refreshed. They were just pondering this issue. With such an open mind and a very bold setting, there should be a lot of things to watch, but they just pondered it for a while, but they haven't figured out what to see. Click here.

They have just come into contact with such a setting, their thinking is still in a blank state, and it is normal for them not to understand for a while.

But now it's good, Gu Yong has solved their doubts for them in person.

They are in high spirits and full of anticipation!

Gu Yong then really answered the question he just asked himself.

Gu Yong said that a modern person who returns to ancient times will have many unparalleled advantages.

First of all, he is familiar with historical exhibitions, and knows all the historical celebrities of the current dynasty, big figures, little people, loyal generals, traitorous villains, etc., all of them. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Not only does he know, he is also very familiar with the lives of these celebrities.

Among them, there is also the emperor on the dragon ride, who is also familiar with the emperor!

Knowing these, it is enough to produce too many people looking forward to the story.

Take this work as an example. If Yang Ling after Zheng Shaopeng was reborn, he would be in the Zhengde period of the Ming Dynasty.

Then, Yang Ling knew that the emperor at this time was Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao, the tenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Know what major things Ming Wuzong did during his reign? Also know the various evaluations of Ming Wuzong in later generations and so on.

In this way, if Yang Ling wants to become an official in the dynasty, he will be able to do it well at many critical moments, because he knows what will happen next? You can make adequate preparations in advance.

When everyone thinks about it, I wipe! This is really the case, this is simply predicting the future, and thinking about it makes me feel good! \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

And Gu Yong's puzzlement is far from over. Gu Yong also said that he still took the assumption just now as an example.

Most importantly, Yang Ling also knew that when Ming Wuzong died,

Only thirty-one years old.

So, if Yang Ling met Ming Wuzong before, could he take advantage of the opportunity he knew about the future to slightly change the trajectory of history? Let Ming Wuzong not die at such a young age?

After all, some historians have pointed out that Ming Wuzong was approachable, kind-hearted, and a truly talented emperor.

Even if the trajectory of history is not changed, Yang Ling knew in advance that the emperor after Ming Wuzong was Ming Shizong Zhu Houxuan, that is, Emperor Jiajing.

Emperor Jiajing is the son of Xingxian King Zhu Youqi, so if Yang Ling is an official in the court, he can stand in the right position in advance and do it well in advance. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

When everyone thinks about it, this is simply cool! This is simply a top-level benefit for people who have passed through!

In addition, in addition to the emperor, there were many good generals and ministers in the Zhengde and Jiajing years. Yang Ling walked in the world, maybe he would meet a historical celebrity in a while, and then another historical celebrity in a while. Is this feeling good?

Everyone thinks about it, cool! This is such a cool feeling! It is an inexplicable surprise to see those historical celebrities alive in front of them!

More importantly, if you meet a famous historical official, but the famous historical official is still just a nameless person, but the protagonist knows that he will definitely reach it in the future, and he will be famous in history.

Then, the protagonist can make friends in advance and form a good relationship. You can even pretend to be a mysterious "pointer" to the other party. In the future, when the other party reaches it, he will definitely think that the protagonist "points" well and is grateful to the protagonist. \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Does this feel good?

Also, if you meet another famous historical official, that famous official is in his prime now, but the protagonist knows that he will be unlucky soon, and his ending will not be good.

So, can the protagonist think of a way to change the fate of that famous official? Let famous officials not die with hatred.

Does this feel good?

All of the above possibilities and assumptions, when everyone thinks about it, they all feel very cool!

It turned out that such a time-travel setting has so many highlights, and they are all so cool, and everyone is very excited.

And Gu Yong's puzzlement is not over yet.

All of the above are just one of the many benefits for people who have passed through.

What other benefits are there? \u00261t;i\u003e\u00261t;/i\u003e

Everyone looked excited and continued to watch Gu Yong explain their doubts.

Gu Yong said, as a modern person, why do you have to master some modern high-tech knowledge?

So, is it possible to use modern high-tech knowledge to create something in ancient times? Or use modern knowledge to improve ancient and backward productivity and so on.

Then, the ancients were shocked by what the protagonist Ming had! Big thanks to the protagonists for helping them be more productive! They have praised the protagonist as an extraordinary genius, and the protagonist has become famous all over the world because of this, and his name has gone down in history!

Seeing this, everyone was shocked, I rub it! Can this be done?

The perks are so cool! It's even better than the previous benefits!

At this time, everyone realized that they finally had some understanding of the journey from modern humans to ancient times.

This understanding can be summed up in one word, that is: cool!

It's really cool, it's just all kinds of cool, everyone is suddenly full of endless expectations for this kind of thing!

In the end, Gu Yong said that the benefits of these people who have passed through the people he just mentioned are just to attract new ideas.

As a traveler, you can also have various and more benefits.

What more benefits are presented is a lot more, all kinds of cool points.

All kinds of cool points, everyone can see it in the work "Returning to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" in the future.

If you are an online writer, you can also research and dig more benefits and cool points based on what he just said.


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the country here wishes everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, longevity and good health!


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