Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1977 Find the writing direction


Guyong's latest Weibo introduces some of the benefits of the protagonist in the novel, as well as some of the highlights of this type of novel.

And why does Gu Yong update such a Weibo?

Everyone understands that his main purpose is to allow the authors of online novels to master some settings and skills of such novels as soon as possible.

Of course, it is also to allow book fans to understand some of the highlights and cool points of this type of novels, so as to raise the expectations of book fans.

Finally, in order to let the outside world have a basic understanding of this kind of novel.

After everyone from all walks of life learned about this, they were once again full of emotion for Gu Yongzhi!

Gu Yong's brain hole is really too big, he just thinks that ordinary people can't think about it!

There is no doubt that time-travel novels will be another great creation of Gu Yong.

Moreover, such novels will be very popular.


First of all, because of the word "cool"!

Everyone who reads this kind of novel will feel very cool!

Everyone's daily life, work, and study pressure are not small. Reading novels in their spare time is not only for interest, but also for relaxation.

Then, a novel that can make people feel good to read will obviously be a very good choice.

Secondly, this kind of novel can give people a very strong sense of expectation!

For example, readers will be very excited, what inventions will the protagonist make in ancient times? What kind of sensation will these inventions cause? Which historical celebrities will the protagonist meet? After meeting, what kind of intersections and stories will there be with historical celebrities?

Etc., etc!

There will be many places, all of which are very exciting!

In this way, it is difficult for such works not to be welcomed!

Combined with the specific work of "Returning to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince", this sense of expectation is more vivid and specific.

Zheng Shaopeng was reborn to become Yang Ling, and Yang Ling was a poor scholar with four walls, and a beautiful, gentle and virtuous new wife Han Youniang.

Then, the first thing Yang Ling has to do is to make the family better, at least not to worry about food and clothing, nor to let the new wife run around every day for a living.

What should Yang Ling do to make his family better? What modern knowledge would he draw on first?

This is very much looking forward to!

Of course, Yang Ling's current situation is not too bad. He is a scholar. At that time, even if he was only a scholar, he was already famous, and his status was quite noble, and he could enjoy a lot of privileges.

In addition, Yangling still has fields, although not much, but as long as he is diligent and solves basic life problems, there is no problem.

But Yang Ling, as a person of transmigration, obviously cannot stop his pursuit. He will definitely use modern knowledge to change the situation of life bit by bit.

So as I said before, what will he do?

Quite looking forward to it!

Fans of the book were very excited, and there was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"I really didn't expect that the second historical work launched by Guyong would actually create a new type of novel: time travel! A modern person travels to ancient times, and then uses modern knowledge to get along well in ancient times. I think Thinking about it makes people feel excited! Gu Yongda is definitely a great writer, and his creative talent is probably not inferior to Mr. Li Fan. "

"Indeed, in terms of creative talent alone, Gu Yong should definitely not be under Mr. Li Fan."

"Traveling through novels gives people a really strong sense of expectation! When I think that those people in ancient times, especially those famous people, would be shocked by some kind of invention of the protagonist, I feel very cool and look forward to it!"

"What I'm most looking forward to now is, how will Yang Ling get his first pot of gold? What kind of modern knowledge did he get it through? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"It's really very exciting! Look at Gu Yongda's update tomorrow, I don't know about tomorrow's update,

Will Yangling harvest the first pot of gold? "

"I don't know, I'll know after reading it tomorrow. What I want to say now is that if I have a chance to travel back to ancient times, I must wear it to the time of Emperor Huizong and Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty, and try to prevent Marshal Yue Fei Yue from being killed by Qin Hui. That fellow framed."

"That's right, if Marshal Yue didn't die, how could the golden man be so arrogant!"



The book fans are very excited, and the authors of online novels, especially those who can't write fairy tale novels, are even more excited.

The opening chapter of "Returning to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" and Gu Yong's latest Weibo opened up a very broad new world for them. They only felt that their eyes were bright and they had a new understanding of online novels. .

It turns out that online novels not only have the vast and ethereal world of cultivating immortals like Xianxia, ​​but also the historical world where modern people travel back to ancient times.

This kind of traversal history novels, although completely different from fairy tales, can still be very free and unrestrained.

They can't write fairy tale novels, but they seem to be able to write such historical novels.

They were very excited and eager to try, and they couldn't hide their excitement.

"Great! Gu Yongda said that the second historical novel he launched may allow us to find the direction of writing, and now it really is, I have really found the direction of writing. Thank you Gu Yongda! Gu Yongda is our eternal mentor!"

"I have also found the direction of writing. I should be able to write this kind of historical novel. No wonder Gu Yongda wants us to study the history of the Ming Dynasty. Although this kind of novel is not a historical document type novel, it must be written well. , and also need to be very familiar with history. Otherwise, it will be very painful to write, and the quality is terrible."

"Indeed, I thought about it carefully. This kind of novel really needs to be very familiar with the corresponding history, and it will be handy to write. Otherwise, you will die of pain."

"Unfortunately, we are only familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty. Our protagonist can only travel to the Ming Dynasty. There are so many works that have traveled to the Ming Dynasty, and readers are afraid that they will have visual fatigue. Familiarity, it is simply a unique opportunity, writing a book that travels to other dynasties, it must be very easy to stand out."

"Alas! Why wasn't I interested in history before? I'm afraid I'm going to miss this unique opportunity."

"It's a pity to miss this opportunity, but it's not the most troublesome thing. The most troublesome thing is that if we want to understand the history of other dynasties, we can only look at those troublesome historical documents. Do you know if you can keep reading? It would be great if there were works like "Things in the Ming Dynasty" in the historical documents of other dynasties."

"Indeed, in that case, we can also become familiar with the histories of other dynasties very easily. At that time, you will travel to the Ming Dynasty, I will travel to the Song Dynasty, and he will travel to the Tang Dynasty. How good? It's just a hundred flowers blooming, readers. There will be no more visual fatigue.”

"It's a pity that Gu Yongda doesn't seem to be ready to launch it. It's about the works of other dynasties. Alas! Let's go to see those historical documents. Let's see who has more perseverance."

"That's the only way. If you really can't read the history books of those dynasties, then go through the Ming Dynasty honestly."



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