Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1998 visit

Tang Guoqiang, a former first-tier superstar actor, is an absolutely capable actor, and is now a third-tier star actor. Not too young, but not too old, but in his fifties.

It stands to reason that this age stage also belongs to the golden age stage, but for some unknown reason, Tang Guoqiang has gradually faded out of the film and television circle in recent years and is not filming a TV series.

It is precisely for this reason that he was reduced from a first-tier superstar actor to a third-tier star actor.

When Li Fan came to this world, Tang Guoqiang had already faded out of the film and television circle, but Li Fan could often see some TV series that Tang Guoqiang had acted in before on TV.

From Li Fan's point of view, if Tang Guoqiang played Zhuge Liang, the fit should be very high, and it would be very similar to the most classic image of Zhuge Liang in memory.

It just depends on whether Tang Guoqiang is willing to make TV series again?

Shi Xiaofeng sent Tang Guoqiang an audition invitation, but he did not hold out much hope. As an insider, he knew a little bit about the reason why Tang Guoqiang faded out of the film and television industry.

It seems that it was because Tang Guoqiang could no longer find the enthusiasm for filming, and there was no enthusiasm for filming. Tang Guoqiang thought that the role he played had no soul and could not satisfy himself, so he simply stopped filming.

As Shi Xiaofeng expected, Tang Guoqiang responded shortly after.

In the reply, Tang Guoqiang first thanked the crew for their trust in him, and then euphemistically said that he would no longer make TV dramas. He expressed very regret and regret for the invitation of the crew.

Shi Xiaofeng sighed lightly and said to Li Fan, "As expected, he still won't shoot TV dramas again."

Li Fan was also a little helpless, but he didn't plan to give up just like that.

Tang Guoqiang's refusal was fundamentally different from Yuan Changfeng's refusal before.

Therefore, Li Fan is willing to make a little more effort.

He said, "Shi Dao, he seems to live in the capital. Do you know his address? Is he in the capital now?"

Shi Xiaofeng said: "I know this, he should be in the capital now."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Then let's visit him at the door. Maybe, he will change his mind, but I'm not sure."

"This..." Shi Xiaofeng was a little surprised, he didn't quite understand why Li Fan was so obsessed with Tang Guoqiang? Now I have to visit in person.

With Li Fan's current status, wouldn't it be a bit too flattering for Tang Guoqiang to visit in person?

However, since Li Fan said so, Shi Xiaofeng would not object. After being surprised, he said, "Okay, Mr. Li Fan. When will we go?"

Li Fan said: "Let's do it now, it's better to hit the time than to choose the time."

Shi Xiaofeng smiled after hearing this, this statement was new, and said, "Okay, let's go now."


In an ordinary community in Beijing.

Tang Guoqiang sighed lightly. He hadn't been filming for several years, and his enthusiasm for filming was completely gone.

He knows that even so, with his excellent acting skills, the performances will also make the director and audience applaud.

But he won't act again, because the filmed scene can't make him applaud himself, it's a scene without soul.

Moreover, when there is no enthusiasm for filming, it will be very painful during the filming process.

Therefore, he declined the invitation of the crew of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

However, what surprised him was that soon after, the chief director, Shi Xiaofeng, would bring a young man to visit in person.

This moved him quite a bit, and even more regretted and apologetic for his refusal.

But he had already made a decision in his heart, if Shi Xiaofeng invited him again, he would still decline again.

The young man following Shi Xiaofeng, Tang Guoqiang originally thought he belonged to Shi Xiaofeng's assistant, but after hearing Shi Xiaofeng introduce the identity of the young man, Tang Guoqiang was completely shocked.

He would never have thought that the young man would be Li Fan, and Li Fan actually came to visit in person.


Tang Guoqiang was really flattered,

What is Li Fan's status? He even came to visit him, a little actor, in person.

He greeted Li Fan nervously and shook hands.

And then you feel like you don't know what to do?

If Li Fan personally invited him, and he refused, it would obviously appear that he was too ignorant of praise.

It's just that he really doesn't want to film anymore, so what should this be?

Li Fan saw Tang Guoqiang's thoughts, he smiled lightly, and said, "Mr. Tang, the reason why you don't want to film anymore is not because you are tired of filming, but because you can't find the enthusiasm for filming anymore. , you can't satisfy yourself with the role you play, right?"

Tang Guoqiang quickly replied: "Mr. Li Fan, that's true, I'm... I'm..."

Li Fan waved his hand, indicating that he understood what Tang Guoqiang meant, and continued: "Actually, sometimes it may be easy to regain enthusiasm for filming."

"Oh?" Tang Guoqiang looked at Li Fan and said, "What does Mr. Li Fan mean?"

Shi Xiaofeng also looked at Li Fan, he was a little puzzled why Li Fan said this? It should be a very difficult thing to restore a person who has lost enthusiasm for filming, right?

Li Fan smiled, handed a text folder in his hand to Tang Guoqiang, and said, "Mr. Tang, here are two scripts from "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Mr. Tang read, after reading, Mr. Tang Maybe it will rekindle the passion for filming.”

Tang Guoqiang was a little puzzled, "Is it that simple?"

However, despite his doubts, he immediately took the script with both hands and said, "Okay, Mr. Li Fan, let me take a look."

After taking over the script, Tang Guoqiang began to read it.

Seeing Tang Guoqiang flipping through the script, Shi Xiaofeng whispered to Li Fan, "Mr. Li Fan, is this possible? Isn't this too simple?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "Some seemingly complicated problems, the solutions are often very simple."

Shi Xiaofeng nodded and said, "That's true, which two scripts did Mr. Li Fan choose?"

Li Fandao: ""The Straw Boat Borrowing Arrows" and "The Empty City Plan"."

Shi Xiaofeng's eyes lit up. Naturally, he had read the scripts of these two stories.

The two stories are not real historical events, but fictionalized by Li Fan through artistic techniques.

And the protagonists of these two stories are Zhuge Liang, who vividly embodies Zhuge Liang's calmness and wisdom.

After reading these two stories, Tang Guoqiang may really be able to rekindle his enthusiasm for filming through the role of Zhuge Liang.

However, Shi Xiaofeng is still not sure, he always feels that it should not be so simple to solve this matter.

He has been paying attention to the changes in the expressions on Tang Guoqiang's face, and wants to see some clues in advance through the changes in the expressions on Tang Guoqiang's face.


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