Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1999 Simple and not simple

"Borrowing Arrows on a Straw Boat" is a fictional story in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, not a real historical event.

It is precisely because of its fictional and exaggerated elements that such a story has become a very famous story and has been widely circulated.

The main point is that Zhou Yu wanted to kill Zhuge Liang, but he couldn't find a reason, so he came up with an idea to let Zhuge Liang make 100,000 arrows within ten days.

This is of course impossible.

However, Zhuge Liang said that he only needed three days, and he also issued a military order.

Because Zhuge Liang had already calculated that there would be heavy fog on the third day, and at that time, 100,000 arrows would come spontaneously.

On the third day, there was a heavy fog, and Zhuge Liang borrowed 100,000 arrows from Cao Cao with the help of the twenty large ships he had prepared earlier and Cao Cao's suspicious character.

Zhuge Liang really "made" 100,000 arrows in three days. Zhou Yu was shocked and admired it when he saw it, so he could only sigh and say, "Kongming's magic tricks, I'm not as good!"


One day, the thick fog covered the Yangtze River, and the water was indistinguishable from near and far.

The showers and locusts came to the battleship, and Kong Ming was fending off Zhou Lang today.

Although the story of "Borrowing an Arrow on a Straw Boat" is fictional, it is very likely that there are event prototypes in the real history.

However, the hero who borrowed the arrow was not Zhuge Liang, but Sun Quan.

Moreover, Sun Quan's borrowing of arrows was not deliberate, but an accidental gain.

According to historical records, Sun Quan repeatedly challenged Cao Cao's army during the Battle of Ruxu, but Cao Cao was unable to hold on.

Sun Quan himself took a big boat and entered Cao Cao's army water village from Ruxukou to check the situation.

When Cao Cao saw that Sun Quan was coming in person, he did not dare to neglect and ordered the arrows to be fired.

As a result, all the arrows were shot on Sun Quan's boat, causing the boat to tilt to one side, and its progress became slow.

When Sun Quan saw it, he ordered the ship to be turned around so that the other side of the ship would be attacked by thousands of arrows.

As a result, the other side of the ship was also full of sharp arrows shot by Cao Jun.

In the end, "the arrows are equal to the ship", and the ship's travel has become swift again.

And Sun Quan also went back safely because of this.

This incident is recorded in historical materials, but there is also another view in historical materials, saying that Cao Cao did not order the arrows at that time, but ordered strict guards, and arrows and crossbows should not be reckless.

Which one is more likely is debatable.

When Luo Guanzhong created "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he moved flowers and trees, and after artistic processing, it became the famous story of "borrowing arrows from straw boats", which was widely circulated.

"Empty City" is also a fictional story.

It is said that Zhuge Liang misused Ma Su, which led to the loss of the strategically important Jieting. Wei general Sima Yi took advantage of the situation and led an army of 150,000 to flock to the Xicheng where Zhuge Liang was located.

At that time, Zhuge Liang had no generals beside him, only a group of civilians, and half of the 5,000 troops he led went to transport food and grass, leaving only 25oo soldiers in the city.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the news that Sima Yi had brought troops here. After Zhuge Liang climbed the tower to watch, he said to the crowd: "If the Wei army arrives, don't move without authorization. I have my own plans."

I saw that Zhuge Liang was about to open the city gate, and then put on a crane cloak, a lun scarf, a feather fan in his hand, and led two little boys to carry a violin.

When Sima Yi's army approached the city, Sima Yi saw that the city gate was wide open, and Zhuge Liang and two children were playing the piano leisurely on the city wall. Inside and outside the city gate, more than 20 people who looked like commoners were bowing their heads and sweeping, as if there was no one else around.

Sima Yi said in his heart that Zhuge Liang was cautious all his life and never took risks. Now that the city gate is wide open, there must be an ambush inside.

So he led the army to retreat.

Looking at the whole story, if you think about it carefully, Sima Yi doesn't have to lead the army to leave. He has many ways to try to break the city, but this does not affect the story of "empty city strategy" becoming a classic.

This story, like many other stories in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, is widely circulated.

The absolute protagonist of these two stories is Zhuge Liang,

Zhuge Liang's composure, calmness and wisdom are vividly reflected in these two stories.

Li Fan believes that these two stories can definitely rekindle Tang Guoqiang's enthusiasm for filming.

Sometimes, seemingly complex things are often very simple to solve.

Of course, this just looks very simple. If you think about it, you will see that this is not easy at all.

Because, stories like "The Straw Boat Borrowing Arrows" and "The Empty City Plan" are by no means something ordinary people can create.

Shi Xiaofeng has been observing the expression on Tang Guoqiang's face. He saw the expression on Tang Guoqiang's face. From the initial doubt and confusion, he gradually became surprised and excited, and finally became more and more excited.

Shi Xiaofeng suddenly felt in his heart and thought, is it really resolved like this?

It looks like it can't be wrong, I really didn't expect it to be so simple?

"No, no, it's not easy." Soon, Shi Xiaofeng was startled again. He suddenly thought that this matter seemed very simple on the surface, but Li Fan showed Tang Guoqiang two scripts.

However, it is definitely not easy to write such two paragraphs that are enough to rekindle Tang Guoqiang's enthusiasm for filming.

This seemingly simple matter may only be solved by Li Fan alone.

So, is this thing still simple?

The answer is of course no.

Shi Xiaofeng was filled with emotion.

Tang Guoqiang read the two scripts, her hands were shaking slightly, it was because of excitement.

After a while, Tang Guoqiang suddenly burst into laughter, and then said to Li Fan excitedly, "Mr. Li Fan, thank you! Thank you!"

Tang Guoqiang didn't say more, but the answer was already very clear.

Li Fan smiled slightly, everything was as he thought.


The cast of Zhuge Liang was finally confirmed, and the crew spent a few days to confirm the cast of all the characters.

During the time when the actors were auditioning, Li Fan also took the time to customize the costumes of the actors.

It can be said that all the preparatory work of the crew has been completed at this time, and the filming can officially start at any time.

In the past period of time, Li Fan and CCTV have cooperated again, and will be shooting a TV series called "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" about the history of the Three Kingdoms. The news has been well known. People from all walks of life and many media have been in Debate about this.

This is shocking news, or in other words, there is no news about Li Fan that is not shocking to the outside world.

However, the shock this time was a little different.

The difference lies in an accident. The new drama Li Fan cooperated with CCTV this time turned out to be about history.

You know, the market for historical dramas is very sluggish, and most people don't like to watch historical dramas.

It can be said that Li Fan's choice of historical drama this time surprised everyone.


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