Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2000 Not easy!

Li Fan cooperated with CCTV to shoot a historical TV series, which surprised almost everyone in the outside world.

For most people, though, it's just a surprise.

After the accident, they thought again, the historical drama created by Li Fan must be no trivial matter, and it must not be comparable to the previous historical dramas.

Many people who were not interested in the roots of historical dramas and never watched historical dramas now plan to watch Li Fan's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

At least, they'll watch the first few episodes at the beginning.

Not because they suddenly became interested in historical dramas, but because this time it was Li Fan's work.

This is Li Fan's influence. Even if Li Fan's works are not the type they are interested in, they will still watch them.

Of course, if they are really not interested, they won't keep chasing and watching it, and watching the first few episodes at most is enough.

If they choose to keep chasing it, it can only show that they are very interested in this drama, not because it is Li Fan's work.

In addition, there are also a small number of people who are schadenfreude after the accident. They think that Li Fan's choice of historical works this time is an extremely unwise decision.

No matter how excellent a historical drama is, it is still a historical drama. People who don't like it can't keep watching it because it's Li Fan's work.

At most, they only watch the first few episodes, and they will definitely not continue to watch it later.

In this way, the ratings of the first few episodes may be unexpectedly high, but after a few episodes, it will drop off a cliff. In the end, the average ratings of the entire show must not be high.

Then, the high ratings of the previous episodes are actually useless at all, and at most they just raised the average ratings a little bit.

In that case, it would be better not to have the high ratings of the previous episodes.

Because, if the ratings of the first few episodes are very high, but suddenly fall off a cliff after a few episodes, it can reflect a problem very intuitively.

That is, most of the audience watched the TV series for Li Fan's fame. After watching a few episodes, they didn't watch it again.

In other words, Li Fan's drama did not succeed in the first few episodes to retain the audience.

Then, it is undoubtedly a failed work.

A key point here is, can Li Fan's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" pass the previous episodes and successfully retain the audience?

There is no need to leave much, as long as half of the audience can be successfully left, it will be regarded as a very successful work.

Can Li Fan's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" do it?

In the eyes of the few people who are schadenfreude, that is absolutely impossible. No matter how messed up historical dramas are, they will only be historical dramas in the end.

Impossible to change into those other very popular dramas.

Therefore, the mood of the few people at this time was very happy and looking forward to it. The moment they were looking forward to when Li Fan capsized in the gutter finally seemed to come again.

They finally saw the dawn again, and it was not easy!

Such a small number of people also have an organization called "Fan's Tomb", and there is a former name called "Lafan Dismounting".

Why is it changed to "Fan's Tomb" now, that is to oppose Li Fan's fan organization "Fan Lou".

Fan's tomb, Li Fan's tomb, has a very obvious meaning.

For the organizer, even if such an organization is useless, the name "Fan Tomb" can disgust and abuse the members of Fanlou, which is also very good.

Therefore, they are very satisfied with the name now, which is much better than the previous "Ravan dismounted".

Such people have always existed, never disappeared, and will never disappear, just like those loyal black fans of Gu Yong, who will never disappear.

This is a no-brainer and a normal thing.

The more famous a person is, the more fans he must have, but correspondingly,

He will also have more black fans.

The members of "Tomb of Everywhere" finally saw the dawn again, and they were excited and looking forward to it.

They also post some schadenfreude remarks online, but unfortunately their remarks have not been able to form, even if it is the slightest influence.

With Li Fan's current status and influence, no matter how much they dance, it is impossible for them to affect Li Fan in the slightest.

But they still enjoy each other, which makes people feel helpless.


On the Internet, countless people who are not interested in historical dramas are discussing Li Fan and his new work "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" cooperating with CCTV.

Apart from the accident, their biggest feeling is regret. They really disagreed that they were looking forward to Li Fan's new work, but it was a historical TV series, which was really painful.

This is somewhat similar to the mood of book fans after Gu Yong announced that the second type of online novel to be launched is "history" after "Zhu Xian".

"Alas! It's a pity, I've finally been looking forward to Mr. Li Fan's new work, but it's a historical TV series, which is really sad."

"Who said it wasn't? Should I watch it or not? Well, I still have to watch it. Anyway, it's Mr. Li Fan's work, so you must watch it."

"Well, I'll watch it too, but I'm sure I can't finish it. I hope I can watch two more episodes."

"The "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" crew is auditioning for actors these days, and I don't know if there will be first-tier and second-tier superstar actors joining?"

"There should be. There are two golden signs of 'CCTV shooting' and 'Li Fan's creation'. Even if the ratings of historical TV dramas are low, they are quite attractive, right?"

"This is not necessarily the case. For first-tier and second-tier superstar actors, it may not be very attractive. After all, the ratings of historical TV dramas are too poor. A few days ago, second-tier superstar actors Lu Li and Yuan Changfeng did not break the news themselves. Did you decline the invitation of the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" crew? This should be true, they dare not use CCTV and Mr. Li Fan to create something out of nothing."

"Isn't it reported that the big reason why they declined is that the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" crew just invited them to audition instead of directly inviting them to play a role?"

"Even so, it can also prove that the two golden signs of 'CCTV shooting' and 'Li Fan's creation' are not attractive enough for first- and second-tier superstar actors. If it is big, even if it is just an audition, they There will definitely be a scramble to go. Of course, it's just historical TV series. If it's a good TV series in other markets, the appeal is simply too great."

"That's true. Wait for the crew to announce the cast. It should be almost certain."

"Well, just wait and see."



Two thousand chapters, it's not easy! Can I ask for a ticket? Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, and recent tickets are too bleak.


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