Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2053 Some strange characters

That night, those players who said they had set an alarm clock and wanted to get up in the early morning to collect and steal food, really all got up one by one.

Two or three o'clock in the morning is the most comfortable time to sleep. It obviously takes a lot of courage to get up at that time.

Receiving vegetables and stealing vegetables obviously gave the players great courage. As soon as the alarm clock rang, they turned over like a conditioned reflex and got up.

The efficiency and speed of its getting up is many times higher than when getting up in the morning.

The other players were very emotional about this, and even the players who got up were full of emotion. The efficiency and speed of their getting up could be so high.

"To be honest, although I said yesterday that I would get up in the early morning to collect food, steal food, and set the alarm clock, I actually have no confidence that I will be able to get up. Because, every morning, I have to ring the alarm clock countless times before crawling. I got up. However, this morning, when the alarm went off, I got up as soon as I rolled over, like a conditioned reflex, I didn’t get out of bed for even a second. I couldn’t even believe it myself.”

"It usually takes me half a day to get up in the morning, but this morning I also turned over and got up. I was thinking, if the crops on my farm are ripe at 7 am every day, I will definitely be able to do it. Get up at 7am every morning."

"You guys, I'm rubbing it, I don't know what to say. I can only say that this game of Mr. Li Fan is too tempting for you. Of course, for those of us who don't get up early in the morning. Said, the temptation is also very great, but after all, it is still not as great as yours."

"You don't know what to say? Well, we don't even know what to say. Alas! We can only say that we are really poisoned by Mr. Li Fan's game, and I don't know if there will be any The antidote?"

"There's no antidote, I just hope you all have some restraint. After all, your body is the most important thing."

"Well, we'll have some moderation."


Xianyuan Farm set off an upsurge of stealing vegetables, and a week later, Xianyuan Farm was officially launched.

Xianyuan Ranch is connected to Xianyuan Farm, and there is an entrance to the pasture at the farm.

The farm is to grow crops, and the pasture is naturally to feed livestock and animals, and all the players once again become excited and excited.

Especially after seeing those animals that can be farmed at a higher level, I am even more elated. It can also breed various national protected animals and rare animals. It is so handsome!

Players are very excited, and their desire to level up is more urgent and stronger.

Just imagine, when others come to your ranch and see that the animals raised in your ranch are full of high-level protected animals and rare animals, but they want to raise them but can't raise them because they are not high enough, then they should treat your ranch properly. What kind of envy?

In this way, can't you pretend to be a big cool guy?

The more players think about it, the more excited and looking forward to it.

"Upgrade! Upgrade!" Everyone was thinking about upgrades. Farm upgrades and ranches also need to be upgraded.

With farms and pastures, players have more things to do, they are more enthusiastic and full of enthusiasm, running back and forth between farms and pastures.

Just harvested the farm crops, and immediately went to harvest the livestock and animals in the pastures.

After I finished stealing the livestock and animals of my friends on the ranch, I went back to the farm without stopping, and continued to steal the vegetables from my friends on the farm. Back and forth, I was very busy, but I enjoyed it, and I couldn’t stop at all.

At this time, they still have a strong expectation in their hearts, looking forward to the opening of the fishing ground.

At the southeast end of the farm, adjoined by a pond, there was water, but nothing but water.

Players are very curious about this pond.

Therefore, all players use the mouse to click on the pond, and then get the system prompt "Xianyuan Fishing Farm is about to go online,

Stay tuned! "

A fish farm, as the name suggests, is for raising fish.

As for what kind of fish can I keep? Players do not know, but very much looking forward to it.

According to the experience of the ranch, in addition to the common and common fish, there must be all kinds of strange or very precious fish.

Then, there will definitely be sharks and whales, and players are looking forward to these two kinds of fish.

It is very exciting to think about raising a few sharks and whales to play with.

The players really can't wait, and they are looking forward to the opening of the fishing grounds.

At that time, I will go back and forth between the farm, the ranch, and the fish farm, go to the farm to the ranch, go to the ranch to the fish farm, and go to the fish farm to go back to the farm. I feel very refreshing when I think about it.

And a week later, Xianyuan Fishing Farm was finally officially launched.

All the players cheered, and all of them couldn't wait to enter the fishing ground at the first time.

"Shark, whale, here I come." This is the voice of almost all players at this time.

After simply getting familiar with the game interface of the fish farm, the players can't wait to click on the shop system.

Then, they got their wish and saw shark and whale fry in the store.

It's just that the level requirements to breed these two kinds of fry are not low, and players don't want to breed them in a short time.

There was a wail in my heart, and the players felt very sorry, but it was more of a warm expectation and the motivation to work hard to improve the level.

In order to be able to raise sharks and whales as soon as possible, players decided to use all their enthusiasm to improve the level.

After the opening of the fishing grounds, players can finally go back and forth in three places: farms, pastures, and fishing grounds. This is even more interesting than before, and players are more and more inseparable from this game.

Sansheng Village.

After the ranch and fish farm were launched one after another, Li Fan did not pay more attention to Xianyuan Farm.

Regarding the release of some new features in the game one after another, Li Fan has already explained it to Schindler, so he doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

Li Fan is now drawing a group of cartoon characters in his study.

He hasn't drawn cartoons for a long time.

Qin Yulin slipped into the study and saw that Li Fan was drawing comics. He couldn't help but let out a "huh" and said, "Brother-in-law, I haven't seen you draw comics for a long time. Are you going to release a new comic?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "That's right, but it's not launching now, it should be launched later."

"Isn't it released now? Then why do you want to draw it now?" Qin Yulin was a little puzzled. Looking at the manuscript that Li Fan had already drawn, he saw that Li Fan's paintings were all characters, some strange characters.

Each character is very strong, and dressed in different styles, very unusual.

Qin Yulin didn't know how to describe it? It can only be described as very unusual.

For example, one of the characters is very cool, with long burgundy hair that covers most of his face, but just one eye is exposed, his eyes are cold and ruthless.

His clothes are even more strange, they are simply strange, Qin Yulin doesn't know how to describe it? I just saw a big moon pattern on its back.

Although the clothes are peculiar, they are very cool and beautiful. Qin Yulin's eyes are bright and she likes it very much.

However, what Qin Yulin didn't understand was why there was a long rope tied between that character's legs?


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