Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2054 Once Brilliant Arcade Game Company

Another example is another character, with a very strong physique, exposed abdomen, very obvious fast abdominal muscles, well-developed chest muscles, and thick arms.

In addition to strength or strength, every muscle in the body can make people feel an endless power.

It's just that his hair is a little weird, it's very long and its roots stand up like a broom.

Qin Yulin saw that Li Fan had already painted more than a dozen figures, and each of them had one thing in common, that is, they were very strong, giving people a strong sense of strength.

However, the difference between each character is very obvious, and each character has its own very obvious characteristics, and the recognition degree is very high.

Qin Yulin asked suspiciously, "Brother-in-law, what are you drawing these characters for? Are they the characters in your new comics?"

Li Fan kept his hands and replied: "It is indeed a character in the new comic work. However, as I just said, it is not time to launch this comic work. I draw these characters for other purposes."

"Oh?" Qin Yulin was even more puzzled and said, "What's the use?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Game, I plan to use these characters to launch another game."

"Games?" Qin Yulin understood this time. Li Fan had already launched two games in a row, and it was normal to launch another game now.

However, since there are these strong and peculiar characters in this game, this game will definitely be very different from the previous two games, and it will obviously not be the same category of games.

Qin Yulin asked again: "Brother-in-law, is the game you launched this time completely different from the previous two games?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "It's completely different, nothing is the same. Moreover, this time the target audience will be very limited, and the number of players is far from comparable to the previous two games."

This time Qin Yulin is confused again. Since the number of players will be very limited, why should it be launched?

However, Qin Yulin knew that since Li Fan decided to launch it, there was a reason for him to launch it.

Therefore, Qin Yulin did not ask Li Fan why he still wanted to launch the game even though he knew the number of players would be very limited, but asked, "So brother-in-law, which game company will you cooperate with this time?"

Li Fan said: "I don't know, but maybe I will know soon."

"I don't know?" Qin Yulin rolled his eyes and understood, he smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, I understand, no game company has come to work with you, right? If no game company comes to you, then you are not Ready for nothing?"

Li Fandao: "When did your brother-in-law and I do something I'm not sure about? Look, people from the game company may have arrived."

Qin Yulin stuck out her tongue, she naturally knew that Li Fan would never do anything unsure, maybe someone from the game company has really arrived now.

At this moment, Li Fan's cell phone rang, and it was Li Ru who called.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said to Qin Yulin, "Girl, look, here we come."

Qin Yulin murmured to himself, Li Fan smiled after hearing this, and then answered the phone, and things were as he expected.


The VIP reception room of the farm office building.

The two heads of Lingfeng Game Company are talking in a low voice.

One of them said: "Old Hu, will it be a bit abrupt when we come to visit Mr. Li Fan this time? After all, our game company has not kept up with the development of the times. better."

Another person pondered: "Maybe it is a bit abrupt, but Mr. Li Fan is an exiled immortal in the sky, so he shouldn't blame us for being abrupt. Moreover, Mr. Li Fan didn't already tell us to wait a moment, he came later. ?"

The previous person added: "But Mr. Li Fan doesn't know the situation of our company. If he knows the situation of our company, maybe he won't let us wait for a while."

Another said: "Anyway, we've all come,

Mr. Li Fan also accepted our visit. If you go now, it will be very inappropriate. In that case, just wait for Mr. Li Fan to arrive. I believe that even if Mr. Li Fan knew about our company, he would not blame us. "

The former nodded and said, "You should be right."

The two are the two top leaders of Lingfeng Game Company. They hesitated for a long time when they came to visit Li Fan this time, and they finally gathered up the courage. Now they are obviously a little guilty and uneasy.

Of course, it is normal to feel guilty and anxious. Even Ma Shu from Schindler Enterprises came to visit Li Fan, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, let alone them?

While the two waited with a guilty conscience and anxiety, Li Fan came to the VIP reception room.

The two of them became very nervous in an instant, and it seemed that even speaking was a little awkward.

Li Fan could naturally feel the tension between the two, he smiled slightly and said hello to the two.

But it was this ordinary greeting that made the two gradually no longer nervous. They could not feel any aura of superiority in Li Fan's body, and they only felt easy-going, just like an ordinary person.

Therefore, they gradually became less nervous, and briefly said their intentions in the future.

It turns out that Lingfeng Games has also been brilliant in the past. During the heyday of arcade games, the several arcade games launched by Lingfeng Games were all very popular.

Lingfeng Games itself naturally has a high reputation, and it can even be regarded as the first arcade game company.

But times are always changing, and any brilliance cannot last long. With the rise and development of online games, arcade games have gradually faded out of the stage of history.

Although there are still arcade games active in the video game city on the market, the number of players is not much.

Moreover, most players are still playing with a feeling of reminiscence and nostalgia.

With the decline of arcade games, game companies that make a living from arcade games have naturally closed down one after another.

Lingfeng Games, relying on its former glory, has been struggling to support it until now, and it has already reached the end of the road, and it is almost closed.

It's just that the two leaders are reluctant to admit it.

The two people in charge didn't want Lingfeng Games to close down like this, and they wanted to fight back.

How to resist stubbornly? Continuing to launch new arcade games is definitely not enough, and now it is the world of online games.

Then, if you want to resist, you can only keep up with the times, abandon arcade games, and develop online games instead.

Although, after abandoning arcade games and changing to online games, Lingfeng Games may no longer be Lingfeng games, but it is better than closing down.

Therefore, despite being very reluctant, the two responsible persons had to make such a decision.


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