Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2055 Design an arcade game

The two leaders of Lingfeng Games made the decision to abandon arcade games and develop online games instead.

However, it is still extremely difficult for Lingfeng Games to make the online games developed by itself have a market.

Because Lingfeng Games does not have enough capital cost to develop large-scale online games, they can only develop a low-cost small game.

It is almost impossible for small games to have any market, unless they are games designed by Li Fan himself.

Therefore, after repeated hesitation, the two leaders finally made the decision to visit Li Fan.

They did not hold out hope, thinking that Li Fan would not receive them.

Because during this period of time, people from game companies kept coming to visit Li Fan, including major game companies, but Li Fan all declined one by one.

Therefore, the two persons in charge did not think that Li Fan would receive their Lingfeng Games.

However, the fact is that Li Fan received them, which made the two responsible persons excited, excited, and nervous, but also had some doubts. Why would Li Fan receive such an outdated game company that was on the verge of bankruptcy?

It's just that they didn't dare to show doubts, let alone ask.

After listening to the two leaders explain their intentions, Li Fan smiled lightly. He also knew the doubts in their hearts, and said, "Do you two have some doubts, why do I welcome you Lingfeng Games?"

The two persons in charge looked at each other, thinking that Li Fan's insight was really terrifying, and one of them said, "Don't hide it from Mr. Li Fan, we do have some doubts."

Li Fan nodded and said, "The reason is very simple, because you used to make arcade games, and you have achieved very brilliant results, and you have deep feelings for arcade games. We will not make a decision to abandon arcade games and develop online games instead."

"These" the two people in charge were shocked. Li Fan had never seen them before, so why did they have such an accurate insight into their hearts?

Could it be that it was an inference made based on their Lingfeng Games, who have been struggling to support the present? Still so sure.

Thinking about it, it should only be like this. Such thinking, insight and judgment are really terrible.

Then, he was even more puzzled, why did Li Fan receive them for this reason?

A person in charge said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Li Fan, we still don't understand."

Li Fan smiled and did not answer the question directly, but said, "Do you want to ask me to design a small online game with low development cost for you Lingfeng Games when you come to me this time?"

The two people in charge suddenly became nervous again, and a little embarrassed, one of them said, "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, we know this is very presumptuous. Let's not hide from Mr. Li Fan, our Lingfeng Games is on the verge of bankruptcy, and we really can't take it out. How much money to develop new games, but we are not reconciled to the collapse of Lingfeng Games. To make small games have a market, only Mr. Li Fan can do it. Therefore, we came to visit Mr. Li Fan with shame. "

Li Fan nodded and said, "If that's the case, why do you have to transform into online games?"

The two people in charge looked at each other again, and didn't quite understand why Li Fan asked this question, but one of them still replied, "Mr. Li Fan, now is the era of online games, if we want to gain a new life at Lingfeng Games, we can only It’s transformed into an online game. In addition, after a while, there will be a game fair in Magic City, and major game companies will bring their own new games to participate, and we, Lingfeng Games, also want to participate.”

Li Fan naturally knows that the game fair will be held in the magic capital in half a month, and at least dozens of game companies will participate with new games.

Li Fan said, "I heard about the trade fair. All the new games participating in the fair this time should be online games, right?"

A person in charge nodded and said, "This should be certain.


Li Fandao, "Since this is the case, then I suggest that your game companies bring an arcade game to the exhibition, which may become the focus of the audience."

"Bring arcade games to the exhibition?" The two responsible persons were stunned. They really had such an idea before, but it was obviously impossible. If they really brought arcade games to the exhibition, it would be impossible to become the focus. The jokes are more or less the same.

So, this kind of thinking is just thinking.

However, the two were very surprised that Li Fan would say the same thing and let them bring arcade games to the exhibition.

The two really couldn't understand, why did Li Fan say this?

wait, is it

The two suddenly thought of a possibility, and this possibility also solved a previous question.

It's just that this shouldn't be possible!

One of them was very uncertain and said tentatively, "Mr. Li Fan, do you mean, are you willing to design an arcade game for us?"

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "Indeed, I suddenly had the idea of ​​designing an arcade game two days ago, which is why I am willing to host the two of you."

"Sure enough." At this time, the two finally understood the reason why Li Fan received them.

Li Fan suddenly had the idea of ​​designing an arcade game, and the two responsible persons did not find it strange.

After all, Li Fan's thinking is unrestrained, and he pays attention to doing things at will. Suddenly, he has the idea of ​​​​designing an arcade game, which is really a very normal thing.

In other words, no matter what Li Fan did, what he wanted to do, or where he appeared, it was very normal to the outside world.

However, now that the era of arcade games has passed, can new arcade games still have a market? Even if it was an arcade game designed by Li Fan, the two couldn't help but have some doubts.

Li Fan saw the doubts of the two, smiled lightly, and said, "The era of arcade games has indeed passed, but the players of arcade games are still there, whether for their feelings or for other things, many people are still very Those who are willing to continue to play arcade games. After all, arcade games and online games are not in conflict. Players can play arcade games and online games together. The reason why there is no market for arcade games now is because arcade games are very important to players. In other words, there are only feelings left. The old players only have feelings left, and they can’t continue to attract new players, so naturally there is no market.”


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