Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2078 for the desert

They run games, naturally, to make money.

Now, the opportunity to make money is in front of you, just grab it and you can make a lot of money.

Some thoughtful bosses think more, since Lingfeng Games will hold a KOF Championship in a month.

So why can't they follow suit and hold a competition in their own store as well?

You don't need to attract foreign players, you just need to attract as many local players as possible.

Therefore, some game merchants also advertised that a King of Fighters competition will be held in the store, and players are welcome to sign up.

This is naturally also a good thing for players. Before participating in the KOF competition held by Lingfeng Games, it is definitely a very good choice to participate in some small local competitions to practice.

So, after learning the news, many gamers went out of their homes and went to the local game hall or video game city to sign up, and some people signed up directly online.

The "King of Fighters" game has not yet been officially launched, but in every city across the country, the warm-up of the "King of Fighters" game has been in full swing.


three days later.

The "King of Fighters" game will be officially launched nationwide at 9:00 this morning, and all game halls and video game cities have already made preparations.

And many players have also been waiting on the scene, only the game can be officially launched.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the "King of Fighters" game was officially launched.

In game halls and video game towns all over the country, the "King of Fighters" game has become the absolute protagonist. Countless players gather around the "King of Fighters" game consoles, either fighting in person or watching the battle from the sidelines.

And whether they were fighting in person or watching from the sidelines, they all looked excited, and even gnashed their teeth.

The joysticks and buttons of arcade games are made to "pop", and this is obviously the reason why arcade game machines need frequent maintenance.

All over the country, the "King of Fighters" game storm has been set off. An arcade game, in this era when arcade games have been lonely, has become the focus of the entire game industry.

Arcade games have thus gained a new lease of life.

People in the entire game industry are full of emotion. The two mini-games that Li Fan launched before are horrible, and the arcade game that is launched now is equally horrible.

It's so terrifying!


Northwest China, central Ganliang Province, Menggen City.

Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin came here from the magic capital.

The reason why I came here is for the vast desert not far from Menggen City, the Tengger Desert.

The "King of Fighters" game is officially launched, and arcade games are taking on new vitality. For Li Fan, the "King of Fighters" game has come to an end.

As for the follow-up story of the "King of Fighters" animation, Li Fan will continue to launch it, but not now, at least after a while.

After staying in the magic capital for a few days, Qin Yulin was a little bored, and suddenly, on a whim, wanted to go to a desert to see.

She said that she had grown up so much and had been to many places, but she had not been to the desert, so she wanted to take a look.

Qin Yulin wanted to go, but Su Qing didn't have to go back to school for the past few days, so she couldn't help but feel a little moved. Seeing this, Li Fan accompanied the two daughters to the current Menggen City.

Menggen City is the largest city on the edge of the Tengger Desert. It is obviously a very good choice to settle here and then go to the Tengger Desert.

Menggen City is also a big city, with a permanent population of more than two million, but almost no floating population.

This is the edge of the desert. When people are fine, they obviously don't come here. Naturally, there are no floating populations.

The reason why Li Fan chose to come to the Tengger Desert is that compared with other deserts in China, the Tengger Desert is more suitable for sightseeing, play and exploration.

In other words, the risk factor of the Tengger Desert is relatively small.

Because the sand dunes, lake basins, mountains, residual hills and flat land in the Tengger Desert are intertwined,

Among them, sand dunes account for more than 70%.

In addition, there are more than 400 large and small lake basins in the Tengger Desert, most of which are freshwater lakes, which can be drunk by humans and animals.

Unlike other deserts, it is barren and mysterious.

To a certain extent, the Tengger Desert can be used to develop tourism activities such as exploration and sightseeing, while other deserts are not suitable.

This is why Li Fan is now in the Tengger Desert.

Of course, this does not mean that the Tengger Desert is not dangerous. Its safety is only compared to other deserts. It is just as barren and mysterious, and it only allows people to see the hope of life.

To walk in the Tengger Desert, you also need a professional tour guide, or have professional desert survival skills, you can't walk willfully.

There are not many floating population in Menggen City, but there are not many hotels and inns in the city, which makes Li Fan a little surprised.

It stands to reason that the number of hotels and inns in cities with little population mobility should be small, or even very few.

After all, the establishment of hotels and inns requires profits to make money. Without a floating population, it is difficult to guarantee the occupancy rate of hotels and inns, and it will be quite difficult to make profits.

There were doubts in his heart. When Li Fan opened a room in a hotel, he couldn't help asking the little girl at the front desk about his doubts.

The girl at the front desk smiled and said, "That's right, sir, in the past, there were indeed very few hotels and inns in Menggen City, but in the past two years, the government department has the idea of ​​developing the Tengger Desert as a tourist attraction. Therefore, Investors are encouraged to open more hotels and inns in the city, and there are corresponding preferential and supportive policies. In addition to local investors, foreign investors are also welcome. In this way, the number of hotels and inns in the city has gradually increased.”

"So it is." Li Fan nodded. It seemed that the government department also realized that the Tengger Desert could be developed as a tourist attraction.

This is of course no problem. The Tengger Desert can indeed be developed accordingly. Li Fan agrees with this.

As long as it can form enough influence, it will definitely drive the development of the local economy to a certain extent. This is a very correct project development.

However, in order to form enough influence, it is definitely not a simple matter.

If you can't attract people, no matter how successful the development is, it will be in vain.

After all, people like Qin Yulin who wanted to come to the desert on a whim, and who had the ability to come, just chose the Tengger Desert, were too few to be ignored.

Sure enough, the girl at the front desk continued: "Although the government is very confident in this project, the results are quite depressing. The project has been in development for more than two years, and a lot of money has been invested, and there are no fewer advertisements. But the result was very unsatisfactory, almost no people were attracted. By the way..."

Speaking of this, the little girl at the front desk lit up, looked at Li Fan and continued, "Sir, did you come to Menggen City to go to the Tengger Desert? Are you attracted by advertisements?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "We did go to the Tengger Desert, but we were not attracted by advertisements. In fact, we didn't know that the Tengger Desert was being developed before. We just suddenly wanted to go. Let’s take a look at the desert, we just chose the Tengger Desert.”

"That's it." The girl at the front desk was a little disappointed and said, "It seems that the development of the Tengger Desert really has no influence. I don't know when it will form a certain influence and attract people to come here."

Li Fan smiled again and said, "Maybe it won't be long."

He said this just to comfort the little girl at the front desk, and he could only say this.

Because he couldn't answer the question from the girl at the front desk.

And this matter had nothing to do with him. He just brought the two girls, Su Qing and Qin Yulin, to the Tengger Desert to see.

As for the development of the Tengger Desert for more than two years, but almost no influence, that is a headache for government departments, and it has nothing to do with him.


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