Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2079 Go to the edge of the desert

After resting in the hotel room for a while, Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin walked out of the hotel, planning to visit the edge of the Tengger Desert outside the city.

After seeing it on the edge of the desert today, you can go deep into the desert tomorrow.

With Li Fan there, let alone the Tengger Desert, it was the most mysterious and terrifying desert in the world. For the three of them, it was no different from their own back garden.

When I came out of the city and looked around, although I couldn't see the edge of the desert, I could already feel an atmosphere of desolation and loneliness.

That is the unique atmosphere of the desert, which makes people hesitate and fear, but there is still some yearning.

Longing for the vastness, barrenness and loneliness of the desert!

The two daughters Su Qing and Qin Yulin looked very excited. For them, this was the first time in their lives.

Li Fan also had some emotions. After coming to this world, it was the first time he came to the desert, and he also had some yearnings.

Outside the city, some local businessmen saw Li Fan and the three, their eyes lit up, they greeted them enthusiastically, and asked if the three were going to the desert? Do you need a guide? Do you need to take a camel ride, etc.?

Walking in the desert, camels are obviously the most perfect means of transportation. Where there is a desert, there are almost always camels.

When he just left the city, Li Fan saw a local businessman from a distance, holding a camel and waiting to receive customers.

If there is enough popularity here, their business will obviously be very good, but now, their business is as barren as this barren land.

There was hardly any business, but they were still there.

Stay there, there is hope.

From here to the edge of the desert, there is still a long way to go. It is obviously a good choice to take a camel, which not only saves the strength of the legs, but also enjoys the scenery of riding on a camel.

Therefore, Li Fan did not refuse the invitation of the camel owner, but chose three camels and prepared three of them to head to the edge of the desert.

The two daughters Su Qing and Qin Yulin were quite excited, looking eager to try.

Li Fan put the two of them on the camel separately, and then he also got on a camel.

The three camels belonged to three owners. One of the camel's owners was a young man, about 25 years old. After discussing a few words with the owners of the other two camels, he also turned on a camel himself.

He is going to accompany the three of Li Fan, one is to lead the way, and the other is to be responsible for the safety of the camels.

Li Fan originally planned not to let the young man follow him. With him, Su Qing and Qin Yulin were absolutely safe, but the young man obviously had to follow him to be at ease, so Li Fan would no longer refuse.

The young man is kind and responsible, and Li Fan is naturally willing to fulfill the goodwill of the young man.

The four of them rode slowly on the road, riding on the back of a camel, which felt much more secure than riding on the back of a horse.

Therefore, even if it was the first time for the two daughters Su Qing and Qin Yulin to ride a camel, they were able to adapt quickly. They were able to do their job well without walking a long distance. They looked around on the camel's back, chatting and laughing, with high interest.

The young man is not very good at chatting and is a little reserved.

So, not much to say, just keep an eye on the situation and movements of the camels that Li Fan and the three are riding.

Li Fan took the initiative to talk to the young man. From the young man's few words, Li Fan learned that the young man's name is Shi Kai. He is 25 years old this year and is a native of the city, but their home is not in Menggen City, but in On the edge of the desert, in a village called "Tonghu".

Although Tonghu Village is in a remote location and has poor conditions, it is a large village with more than 200 households.

Of course, this is mainly due to the concentration of inhabitants on the edge of the desert.

In the Tengger Desert of Nuoda, except for Menggen City, there are only a few villages inhabited by residents.

Therefore, the number of residents in each village is not small.

Shi Kai warmly invited the three of Li Fan to visit their village.

Feel the speciality of their village on the edge of the desert.

Seeing that it was a sincere invitation, Li Fan agreed after hesitating.

Anyway, today I just took a walk around the edge of the desert to take a look, and it seemed not bad to take a walk in Tonghu Village.

Su Qing and Qin Yulin also had some expectations after hearing this.

Seeing that the three guests agreed to go to the village, Shi Kai was no longer as cautious as before. He talked a little more, and took the initiative to introduce some information about the desert to the three of them.

It is said that the desert is very barren and not suitable for the survival of animals and plants. Therefore, the types of animals and plants in the desert are far less rich than other landforms, but the desert is by no means lifeless.

There is life in the sky, surface and ground of the desert.

At this moment, there was a faint sound of "呱~, 呱~, 呱~" from a distance, something like the sound of a crow.

Qin Yulin was a little strange and said, "Are there crows in the desert?"

Shi Kai smiled and said: "It's not a crow, but a large terrestrial bird of prey that can live in a semi-desert area, called a heron eagle. Its call is somewhat similar to that of a crow, but it is far more called than a crow's. Loud and crisp, the crow's cry can't carry so far."

"Heron Eagle? Is this a large bird of prey? Why don't I seem to have heard of it? I should have heard of all large birds of prey." Qin Yulin was still a little puzzled.

Li Fan smiled and said, "There is a more commonly used name for heron eagle, called snake eagle. You should have heard it by now, right?"

Qin Yulin suddenly realized: "It turned out to be a snake vulture, I know it. I'll just say, there's no reason for a large bird of prey. There's something I haven't heard of."

The snake vulture, also known as the heron eagle, is a large terrestrial bird of prey that originally lived only in sub-Saharan Africa, but the world introduced this animal from Africa decades ago.

The young vultures have a low survival rate but grow extremely quickly.

Therefore, now in the Tengger Desert and its surrounding areas, there are many snakes and vultures living, which is one of the symbols of the Tengger Desert.

Of all the desert areas in the country, only the Tengger Desert has snake vultures to survive, because the hundreds of freshwater lakes in the Tengger Desert and the surrounding dense plant jungles provide conditions for the survival of the snake vultures.

The snake vulture is tall, its body length and height can reach more than 1.5 meters, its wingspan can exceed 2 meters, and its long legs are very obvious.

Snake vultures have very good flying skills, but rather than flying, they obviously prefer to walk on the ground with two long legs, including preying.

Snake vultures mainly prey on large insects and small mammals, and are also many venomous predators.

They often walk on the ground with their slender long legs, very elegant, making it difficult to imagine their ferocity when hunting.

Qin Yulin was quite curious and delighted about such a unique bird of prey, and said, "Since we can hear their calls, it means that they are not far away. Can we see them?"

Shi Zhan shook his head and said: "It's very difficult, they run very fast, and when we get close, they have already run a long way. However, if you are lucky, you can see them flying from the sky. Although they are not I like to fly, but sometimes I fly."

Qin Yulin nodded, looking forward to it.


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