Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 970 Another fight in the drama field

Southern Theatre, Office of the Director of Creative Arts.

"Is it really the only way to go to Gu Yong for help?" Tang Qiuyun said in his heart.

Originally, he was sure to produce a work that was not as good as those two plays, but now that the time limit was set within a week, it became difficult to do so.

He is not willing to ask Gu Yong for help, but in this situation, if he does not ask Gu Yong for help, he will not be able to produce a work that satisfies the superiors within a week. The superiors will blame him. His position as director is probably They will all be in danger.

Tang Qiuyun was very conflicted.

At this time, the phone rang. I took it and saw that it was my son calling.

After the call was connected, my son's voice immediately came over the phone: "Dad, how do you like the two new works I sent you?"

Tang Qiuyun showed a bitter smile and said: "Xiao Pan, your two works are very good, but if they are adapted into dramas, there is still a big gap compared with those two dramas. Of course, this does not mean that How different are your two works from the original works of those two dramas? But the original works of those two dramas are very suitable for adaptation into dramas, and they seem to be tailor-made for dramas. "

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, and then he said: "Dad, I understand. If I study more, I will definitely create a drama that is better than his."

Tang Qiuyun hesitated for a moment, then said: "Xiao Pan, actually we don't have to beat him in the drama. After all, this is not your area of ​​expertise. Didn't you already beat him in martial arts, which you are best at? You even defeated him in the drama. He has broken out of the martial arts field. This is already very impressive. You know, he was the first martial artist."

The person on the other end of the phone was not silent this time, but immediately said: "No, Dad. If it were in any other field, I wouldn't care if he messed with it. But now the field of drama is very special. You are the Southern Theater Arts Director of the Creative Department, and he has created works for both the Oriental Theater and the Kyoto Theater, forming a competitive relationship with you. I must create a work that is better than those two plays, so that your Southern Theater can win. Those two theaters. Dad, you have to believe me, I can beat him in martial arts, let alone talking drama, which is much easier to create than martial arts. "

After hearing this, Tang Qiuyun frowned and said: "Xiao Pan, I need to correct you. You must not underestimate drama creation. It is true that according to general opinions, dramas are indeed easier to create than martial arts works. Authors in almost all fields Anyone can create, and the threshold is very low. But precisely because of the low threshold, it is more difficult to create excellent drama works than to create other excellent works.

It is even more difficult to create classic dramas like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and Dou E's Injustice. This is also the reason why there have been few excellent dramas in recent years. Xiaopan, you must realize this. If you don't realize this, you will never be able to create a better drama than him. "

This time, after another moment of silence on the other end of the phone, he said, "Yes, Dad, I know. I must create a better drama than him."

Tang Qiuyun sighed in his heart and said: "Xiao Pan, dad understands your mood and believes in your ability. Just to create a classic drama requires inspiration and enlightenment, which cannot be rushed. Therefore, You don’t have to force yourself to create something in a short period of time.”

The other end of the phone said again: "But Dad, aren't you very anxious? Besides, I also want to win against him as soon as possible."

Tang Qiuyun said: "Xiao Pan, dad has his own considerations. There is an old saying that goes like this, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in a hundred battles. Dad believes in your strength and you will create better dramas than him. "

This time, there was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, and Tang Qiuyun did not speak. He believed that his son could understand what he just meant.

"Know yourself and your enemy,

"Only one can fight a hundred battles without danger." Everyone can understand what it means. Tang Qiuyun used this sentence to hint to his son that he was going to find Gu Yong to introduce a drama work to better understand the opponent's strength and achieve Know yourself and your enemy.

In other words, he was going to ask Guyong for help.

The reason why he refused to go to Gu Yong for help before was precisely because of his son.

His son's name is Tang Yipan, and he has a pen name called Jian Yishen.

Since Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai at the Oriental Theater became popular, Tang Yipan made the decision to create a better drama than Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

Originally, Tang Yipan thought that there would never be any intersection between him and Gu Yong except in the field of martial arts.

No matter how much Gu Yong messes around in other fields, Tang Yipan won't pay attention to it. For example, Gu Yong is now very popular in the romance industry with his two pure love movies, and Tang Yipan doesn't care at all.

But who would have thought that Gu Yong would go to the field of drama and mess around again.

Because of his father's relationship, Tang Yipan naturally focused on Gu Yong again.

He knew that the top management of Southern Theater had assigned the artistic creation department to produce a work that was not inferior to Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, so he wanted to take this opportunity to create a work that was better than Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. Taiwan's better drama works.

On the one hand, I can help my father, and on the other hand, I can defeat Gu Yong again. What a wonderful thing.

Having been familiar with dialogue dramas since he was a child, he does not think it is very difficult to create a drama that is better than Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

It's just that things are often not as simple as imagined.

It is indeed very easy for Tang Yipan to create a drama. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is easy to do.

However, creating a classic drama seems to be much more difficult than imagined.

Tang Yipan wanted to win over Gu Yong again with his drama works. Tang Qiuyun naturally understood his son's thoughts and naturally wanted to give his son such an opportunity.

Therefore, he had no intention of asking Gu Yong for help before.

Even if the time limit was suddenly limited to one week today, he was very hesitant to ask Guyong for help.

However, during the phone call with Tang Yipan, he suddenly decided to ask Gu Yong for help.

Because he found that Tang Yipan had something wrong with his mentality. He was too impatient and wanted to win over Gu Yong with his drama works.

With such a mentality, how could it be possible to create better works than those two plays?

Therefore, he decided to go to Gu Yong for help. Firstly, it could solve the current predicament, and secondly, it would allow Tang Yipan to calm down and truly realize the difficulty of creating an excellent drama.

Only in this way can he possibly win over Gu Yong in the field of drama.

On the other end of the phone, after Tang Yipan was silent for a long time, he finally said: "Dad, I understand what you mean. I will definitely win against him in the future."

Tang Qiuyun said: "As long as you can get your mentality right, everything is possible."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Qiuyun called his assistant Yuan Hong into the office and said, "Xiao Yuan, book the two fastest tickets to Funan Province immediately."

Yuan Hong was stunned for a moment, then he felt a burst of surprise, and said quickly: "Okay, director, I'll do it right away."

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