Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 971 The construction of the second phase of the farm project begins

Magic City, the Great Martial Arts Magazine, Jian Yishen’s dedicated studio.

After Jian Yishen hung up the phone, he hammered the table with great reluctance. After all, he still couldn't beat Gu Yong this time.

In order to defeat Gu Yong's two drama works, he worked hard to create three works, but all of them were rejected by his father.

Fortunately, Gu Yong didn't know, and the outside world didn't know that he was creating a drama and wanted to defeat Gu Yong's drama.

Even if he didn't win against Gu Yong this time, it wouldn't be a shame.

He knew that his father was right. He had indeed underestimated dramas before, thinking that with his familiarity with dialogue dramas since childhood, it would not be difficult to create a work better than Gu Yong's two dramas.

Although his father finally decided to ask Gu Yong for help this time, which made him unwilling and a little unhappy, he could understand his father.

He can only blame himself for not creating good enough works.

However, although he did not win against Guyong this time, he believed that he could definitely create a better work than Guyong's drama.

Since he can defeat Gu Yong in the field of martial arts, there is no reason why he cannot win in the field of drama.

The Injustice of Dou E was performed in the performance hall of the Kyoto Theater for four performances before finally completing the entire performance today.

Four performances were held, and the audience was full. This day is definitely a day worth remembering for the Kyoto Theater.

The top management of the theater also highly praised and affirmed today's performance. This month's bonus is probably indispensable.

After all, both spiritual and material rewards must be rewarded at the same time. For many employees, this is the real reward.

August 10th.

Kyoto Theater's "The Injustice of Dou E" will continue to be performed today, and for Li Fan, today is also a very important day.

The second phase of construction of the farm will begin today.

At 10 a.m., Wang Qian and his engineering team appeared at the entrance of the village.

Large trucks carrying various construction equipment lined up in a long queue, which was very spectacular.

Wang Qian and the engineers of the engineering team stood at the entrance of the village, looking at everything around them, with a lot of emotions in their hearts.

In just over a year, the entire village has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

They still remember that when the first phase of the project started last year, apart from the picturesque scenery, there was nothing special compared with other rural areas.

The section of road from Longshan Township to the entrance of the village was just reinforced, widened and renovated before the start of the project.

A year later, I returned here. It has become a tourist attraction. Xianyuan Farm is famous all over the country and has even begun to spread to the world.

This may be evident from the presence of quite a few foreign tourists.

Moreover, the construction of the second phase of the project will also begin.

Li Fan walked towards Wang Qian and the engineers, laughed and said: "Brother Wang, and all the masters, welcome, welcome!"

Wang Qian also laughed and said: "Brother Li, the development speed of your farm is really faster than people think. There are so many tourists coming on such a hot day."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "It's because of the hot weather that everyone comes here. Who makes our village cool?"

Wang Qian said: "You have to do it, but it seems to be cooler here than other places."

Li Fan said hehey: "It's natural. This is still the entrance to the village. It feels more obvious when you go inside the village. As long as you are not exposed to the direct sun, you will feel cool in your heart and feel comfortable all over."

"Well, I believe that." Wang Qian chuckled, but he did not doubt Li Fan's words.

At this time, the other engineers also greeted Li Fan with smiles. Most of them participated in the first phase of the project construction last year and were already very familiar with Li Fan.

A boss like Li Fan is the most generous and the least pretentious boss they have ever seen.

When they left last year,

I just look forward to being able to come back and work here when the second phase of the project is underway.

Today, they finally came back.

After saying hello to Li Fan and chatting for a while, the engineers started to work. They first had to unload the relevant construction equipment from the truck, then find a place to install it, and they also had to build temporary houses, etc., which in themselves were No small project.

This time, Li Fan recruited more than 300 workers, and they all arrived early this morning.

Some of the more than 300 workers are villagers from nearby villages, others are from distant villages, and a few are even from the neighboring county.

As soon as they heard that Sansheng Village was recruiting a group of workers, they rushed to Sansheng Village to sign up.

They are also working part-time, and they are obviously more willing to work in Sansheng Village. Firstly, the salary is good, and secondly, they are close to home.

The workers of the engineering team plus the small workers, hundreds of people were busy at the same time, coupled with the operation of cranes and other engineering vehicles, the scene looked quite spectacular.

When tourists who arrive one after another see this scene, they will basically stop and watch for a while, and whisper to each other.

Naturally, they could see that new construction projects were about to begin on the farm.

Tourists are also looking forward to this.

Li Fan and Wang Qian stood at the entrance of the village, chatting while watching the engineering team busy.

When familiar tourists pass by and see Li Fan, they will always say with a smile: "Master Li, congratulations, the farm is getting bigger and bigger."

Li Fan always responded with a smile: "Thank you, thank you! Have a good time today."

Wang Qian looked at Li Fan with envy and said, "Brother Li, this life is really enviable. Being the owner of a village in such a beautiful place is so cool and unrestrained."

Li Fan said: "If Brother Wang is envious, you can come here and live such a life. Anyway, you are not short of money anymore and don't need to make money anymore."

"Go! What do you mean I don't have to make money? I'm not a rich boss like you." Wang Qian waved his hand.

While the two were chatting and laughing, the time slowly reached noon, and the engineering team also finished its morning work.

At this time, the chef team of more than a dozen people invited by Li Fan had also prepared lunch for the engineering team.

Preparing meals for more than 400 people is also a big project, and the chef team has been busy all morning.

The dishes are rich and the taste is very good. There are meat and vegetables and soup, but there is no wine.

The workers of the engineering team miss Li Fan's food very much. Although it is also a big pot dish, it tastes very good.

Li Fan did not go home for lunch at noon, but ate with everyone in the engineering team.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very good. Li Fan liked this atmosphere.

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