Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 972 New carp weight record

After lunch, it was a break.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the engineering team continued to work. After completing the preparation work today, the construction will almost be officially started tomorrow.

The main project of the second phase is to build another Xianyuan Building, located opposite the entrance of the village, far opposite the current Xianyuan Building.

In addition, 20 more Xianyuan small houses will be built, mainly distributed in the three villages of Xingfu Village, Zilong Village and Liangshui Village.

There are also some projects including road construction, service kiosks, public toilets, etc.

The entire engineering team was busy. Although the weather was hot and the work was hard, everyone was in a good mood and worked very energetically.

By the time it gets dark and the engineering team gets off work, the preparations for the entire project have been almost completed, and the efficiency is quite high.

The engineers have their own newly built temporary houses, while the workers all go home to live.

Those who were close to each other naturally walked home, while those who were slightly further away were all riding motorcycles.

Hundreds of motorcycles set off from the village entrance together, which looked quite spectacular.

Whether they are workers walking home or riding motorcycles, everyone is joking with each other while walking, and their hearty laughter can be heard from time to time.

Fortunately, after a hard day, everyone was actually very tired, but in a very good mood. When you are in a good mood, you naturally don’t feel physically tired anymore.

Working here can be said to be the place where they feel most comfortable in their working lives.

I just hope that the construction period here can be longer.

The engineering team took a break after get off work, and Li Fan naturally returned home.

After dinner, I browsed the news on the Internet for a while. The Kyoto Theater's play Dou E's Injustice is still one of the hottest news.

In addition, the previous drama Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are still talked about by everyone.

The entire drama market seems to have been brought to life by these two works.

People have to lament that as long as it is a classic work, even if it is just a play, it still has some extraordinary charm that makes people flock to it.

What makes Li Fan a little bit strange is that now that the Oriental Theater and the Kyoto Theater are in the limelight, why is the Southern Theater, one of the three major theaters, so quiet?

Could it be that they watched the two old rivals steal the show but remained indifferent themselves?

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

Or maybe they have actually prepared a classic work, but it hasn’t been staged yet?

Well, that's possible.

However, no matter what the situation is, it has nothing to do with Li Fan. He was simply curious as to why the Southern Theater was so quiet.

After watching the news for a while, Li Fan turned off the computer. After another delay, he fell asleep.

There was no talk all night, and at eight o'clock the next morning, the engineering team continued work.

Li Fan wandered around the construction site for a while, chatted casually with Wang Qian and the workers, and then left the construction site.

He was going to hang out at Zheng Jie's place. Halfway there, the phone rang. It was his assistant Rao Qianqian calling.

"Qianqian." Li Fan said after answering the phone.

"Boss, it's like this. Director of the Artistic Creation Department of Southern Theater, Director Tang Qiuyun Tang..."

After hearing what Rao Qianqian said, Li Fan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

I was still wondering last night why there was no response from the Southern Theater? Today, they have already come to the door.

From this point of view, the Southern Theater should not have prepared any works, and it is not indifferent to watching the Oriental Theater and the Kyoto Theater steal the show.

"But why did you come to me at this time?" Li Fan thought about it in his heart and quickly guessed a rough idea.

I think it’s because the Southern Theater didn’t intend to come to me before.

As for the reason, it should be that they want to find a way to come up with a good enough work on their own.

Or maybe there are other special reasons involved.

Of course this is no problem,

Li Fan believes that as long as the three major theaters are determined, they will be able to produce excellent enough works.

It just may take some time.

And this is precisely the reason why Southern Theater came to see it at this time.

In the past, only the Oriental Theater was in the limelight. The Southern Theater was not too anxious and could slowly prepare excellent works.

But after the Kyoto Theater released The Injustice of Dou E the day before yesterday, the Southern Theater could no longer sit still and decided to launch a new play in a short period of time that could compete with Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai and The Injustice of Dou E.

In a short period of time, it would be difficult for the Southern Theater to come up with new plays that could compete with those two works, so they hurriedly came to ask for help.

After thinking about it, Li Fan nodded. The situation should be similar to what he thought.

The other party came to him only when he had no choice but to do so. Li Fan didn't think there was anything wrong with it, nor did he feel uncomfortable because of it. This was a normal situation.

Now that Southern Theater has found him and is sincere enough, Li Fan has no intention of refusing.

In fact, this is also an opportunity for Li Fan to take the opportunity to bring classic works from his previous life to this world. There is even less reason to refuse.

Besides, this can be sold for a royalties fee.

Just, which production should be given to Southern Theater? You have to choose carefully.

After hanging up the phone, Li Fan continued to go to Zheng Jie's fate.

As for the works promised to the Southern Theater, it wouldn't be too late to go back and work on them later, and it wouldn't take much time anyway.

Zheng Jie called before and said that he had caught a ten-pound carp in the weir pond. His tone was quite proud.

In order to "coordinate" Zheng Jie's pride, Li Fan decided to go to Yuanlaiju to find out.

Before arriving at Yuanlaiju, Li Fan saw Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Zhang Xia, and Wu Binrong from a distance, surrounding the small vegetable garden, staring at a large plastic basin on the ground.

Come to think of it, the big carp weighing ten kilograms must be in the basin.

Zheng Jie turned around and saw Li Fan coming, and said loudly from a distance: "You guys are here, hurry up, come and see my fish, see how big it is!"

Li Fan approached and curled his lips and said, "Isn't it just a dozen pounds?"

Having said that, Li Fan's eyes lit up. This guy was really big, and his tail and back were both red, making him look very beautiful.

Zheng Jie laughed and said: "You kid is obviously envious in your heart, but you don't admit it. Let me tell you, when this fish was caught, the whole place was shocked. Everyone praised this fish for being big and beautiful. Someone was willing to offer 10,000 yuan to buy the fish. Seeing that I was unwilling to sell it, they increased the offer to 20,000 yuan. But I still refused to sell it.”

Liang Sheng also smiled and said: "This fish weighs ten kilograms and six taels, breaking the previous record of nine kilograms and four taels for carp. And it is far more beautiful than that fish. Many people took photos at that time."

Li Fan nodded, he naturally knew about "recording".

Nowadays, all kinds of fish caught in the weir pond will have a record of the heaviest weight.

Every time a record is broken, the crowd cheers.

Breaking records has become the goal pursued by every angler.

The previous record for carp was nine pounds and four taels, which was caught by a tourist named Lin Haitao.

However, the current record is changed to Zheng Jie’s fish weighing ten kilograms and six taels.

No wonder Zheng Jie is so proud, it turns out that she has broken the record.

Li Fan chuckled and said, "So, Mr. Zheng, how are you going to eat this fish? It seems good to use such a big carp to make sweet and sour carp."

Zheng Jie glared and said, "Who said you want to use it to eat? I have to raise this fish properly."

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