Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 988 Close Contact with the Bird of Paradise

Lin Luoxue's eyes could not suppress the surprise. Ever since she recognized Li Fan at first sight, she knew that as long as they waved, the beautiful birds in the sky would fly down towards them.

Looking at it now, it is indeed the case.

She didn't know why Li Fan wanted to help them. Maybe it was because he heard her conversation with Xu Minling, a woman with big breasts and no brains.

Thinking of this, Lin Luoxue's face turned red.

Fortunately, everyone's eyes were now focused on the beautiful bird in the sky that was about to land next to Xu Minling, and no one noticed her suddenly blushing face.

Except for Li Fan, of course, Li Fan didn't do it on purpose. Who made his perception too strong? There is no way.

Lin Luoxue saw that no one was paying attention to her, so she glanced at Li Fan secretly, and found that Li Fan probably didn't notice her either, so she let out a long sigh of relief.

Then, she stretched out her right hand with joy and expectation and waved to the birds in the sky.

Sure enough, she saw another bird. After a crisp chirp, it slowly came towards her direction.

This naturally caused everyone at the scene to exclaim again, and this time two of them actually came down.

At this time, Rao Dan and Yu Qin also reacted, shouting "I want it too" and waving their hands vigorously.

In the sky, two more birds actually flew away from the flock and landed downwards.

When everyone at the scene saw this, they were so excited that they couldn't help but think: "Is this the peak time for birds to come down? Then why don't I give it a try?"

As a result, many people in the crowd waved their hands vigorously, hoping that a bird would come for them.

Perhaps the birds in the sky felt the enthusiasm of the people below, and two more birds actually landed. It caused constant exclamations from the crowd.

It's a pity that after those two birds, no other birds flew down.

Including the previous four, there were now six birds landing on the ground.

This was very surprising and satisfying to everyone present.

Although the six birds did not come here for them, they could still watch such beautiful birds up close.

Even when I stood next to the birds and took photos with them, the birds were very cooperative.

Of course, for Lin Luoxue, Xu Minling and the other six people, it was an opportunity to have close contact with the birds.

Lin Luoxue raised her arm and raised her head, hoping that the bird would stand on her arm.

She just hoped that the bird could stand on her arm for a moment so that Xu Minling could take a photo of her.

She didn't think about letting the birds stand for too long, because these birds were nearly 1 meter in length and must not be light, and her thin arms could not bear their weight.

The bird seemed to be able to understand Lin Luoxue's intention. When Lin Luoxue raised his arm, the bird gently landed on Lin Luoxue's arm.

Lin Luoxue originally thought it would be very heavy, but in fact it was not heavy at all. It should not be a problem for her arm strength to bear it for a few minutes.

"How come it only weighs this little?" Lin Luoxue looked at the beautiful bird on her arm in confusion and understood immediately.

It turned out that the bird's wings were not completely closed, but were slightly open and still flapping slightly.

It was obvious that the bird did not really stop on Lin Luoxue's arm, but flapped its wings slightly, as if it was hovering in the air.

"Oh my god, it actually knows that my arm can't bear its weight. It's so smart!" Lin Luoxue exclaimed.

"Hey! Beauty, you just know that these birds are famous for being smart." Someone said immediately next to her.

"Wow, she's so beautiful! I want it so much," someone said with envy.

Don’t blame others for envy. This bird’s super long, gauze-like tail feathers hang directly to the ground. It is indeed very beautiful.

"Minling, hurry up and take a picture for me.

I know, I’ll take pictures for you later. Lin Luoxue shouted loudly to Xu Minling.

In this way, the six birds of paradise landed on the ground, either "standing" on the arms, hovering overhead, or landing directly on the ground.

After spending five minutes intimately with the person who "called" it down, it flew back into the sky and returned to the flock of birds.

After a while, dozens of birds of paradise appeared in the sky, slowly flying towards Baiyun Mountain.

"Alas! They are leaving. I haven't seen enough at all!"

"Yeah, why are you leaving? Why don't you stay a little longer?"

There were sounds of regret in the crowd, and everyone's eyes were looking at the direction in which the bird of paradise was leaving.

It wasn't until the huge flock of birds of paradise completely disappeared from sight that he looked back.

In fact, it has lasted almost half an hour since the bird of paradise first appeared until it left now, which is not a short time.

However, the tourists at the scene still felt that they were not satisfied.

Of course, not all tourists watched for half an hour, some tourists came in a hurry only halfway through.

There were even some tourists who had just arrived and only saw the bird of paradise leaving.

"Alas! Such bad luck. I flew away just as I arrived, and I only saw a little shadow." The tourists who had just arrived sighed.

There were indeed people nearby who thought that their luck was so bad that it would have been better to have come a minute earlier.

But some tourists said with a smile: "Brother, don't be upset, at least you can see a little shadow. Look at the people over there who are still rushing here, but they can't even see the shadow."

"Really? Is there anyone later than us?" The tourists who just arrived took a closer look, hey! Someone actually came just now.

"It's a waste to come here at this time. You can't even see any shadows. We did see some shadows anyway." Thinking of this, the tourists who had just arrived suddenly felt a lot better.

"What are you looking at? What are you looking at? What are you guys looking at here?" the tourists who had just arrived at this time asked one after another.

"Hey! What are you looking at? A huge and very beautiful bird of paradise, there are dozens of them in total. The scene was so beautiful and shocking. Unfortunately, it has flown away now and the shadow can't be seen. You guys? "It's too late," someone said cheerfully, with a sense of superiority and satisfaction that was not concealed.

"Bird of paradise? Really? I have long heard that there are very large and beautiful birds of paradise in the farm, but I have never been able to see them. This time I should have been the closest to those birds of paradise, but I still missed it. Alas!" someone lamented and sighed.

Hearing what others said, the man just now felt a little embarrassed and comforted: "It's okay, I missed it this time, there's still another time. These birds appear often, and you will always see them. Come on, I'll I just took a lot of videos and photos for you to see.”

"Really? That would be great, thank you! Then let me take a look."

"Why are you so polite? It's fate that we meet here."

The tourists at the scene did not leave immediately. Everyone was still discussing excitedly about the scene they had just seen, or looking at each other's photos and videos taken by each other. How lively it was.

It wasn't until a long time passed that the tourists began to disperse in twos and threes.

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