Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 989 The girls are very shy

The crowd near the stream ditch began to slowly disperse, but the four girls, including Lin Luoxue and Xu Minling, were still excited.

Looking at the photos and videos on their mobile phones, they recalled the scene of their close contact with the birds. This was really a big surprise for them.

But Lin Luoxue knew that Li Fan's help just now should be the biggest surprise.

Otherwise, the probability of those beautiful birds of paradise falling for them is very small.

Lin Luoxue thought that Li Fan heard the conversation between her, Xu Minling and Rao Dan, and then came to help them.

This is actually not wrong. Li Fan did notice them because he heard the conversation between the three of them.

However, what really made Li Fan decide to help them was his chance encounter with Lin Luoxue on Yulin Road in the capital.

Of course, Lin Luoxue still doesn't know that this is the real reason why Li Fan helped them.

When she finds out later, she will be even more excited than she is now.

Now, besides being excited, Lin Luoxue was also a little shy.

It wasn't because Li Fan was shy about helping them, but because Li Fan was shy after hearing the conversation between her, Xu Minling and Rao Dan.

So much so that she didn't dare to look in the direction of Li Fan for a while. After the bird of paradise flew away, when she looked in the direction of Li Fan again, she found that Li Fan was no longer there.

This made her feel a sense of disappointment, but she thought that it was a great blessing to get Li Fan's help, and it was enough.

The feeling of disappointment in my heart gradually disappeared, and I regained my previous excitement.

When the crowd had almost dispersed, Lin Luoxue, Xu Minling and the other four women also slowly left in one direction.

On the way, Xu Minling suddenly remembered something and asked in confusion: "Luoxue, who was that man just now? Why did he say that if I waved, the birds in the sky would come down? After I waved, Did the birds really come down?"

Rao Dan also said: "Yes, this is too much of a coincidence."

But Yu Qin let out a light sigh and said: "Luoxue, you seem to be blushing? You blush when talking about that man, could it be... wow! Luoxue, you can't be..."

Lin Luo Well, I’m not as coquettish as these two women, I don’t take it seriously at all, and others will be embarrassed, okay?”

"It seems to make sense." Yu Qin said while looking at Xu Minling and Rao Dan.

Xu Minling looked at Lin Luoxue suspiciously and said, "Is this really the case? Isn't it? How can there be such a coincidence? As soon as he said it, the birds really came down, as if the birds were very listening. It sounds like what he said. And in this village, there is only one person of the right age who can make those birds so obedient. Considering your blush just now, it seems that the man just now must be Li. Fan. Wow! Luoxue, you didn't tell us. Tell me quickly, is he really Li Fan?"

"Li Fan?" When Rao Dan and Yu Qin heard this, they immediately became even more excited. Rao Dan looked at Xu Minling in disbelief and said, "Oh! I really can't tell. You, a woman with big breasts and no brains, still have this..." My ability is so analytical that it makes sense."

Xu Minling snorted proudly and said, "Do you really think I have big breasts and no brains? I just don't usually want to show off my talents."

Afterwards, the three girls looked at Lin Luoxue with a smile and said, "Luoxue, hurry up and say it. If you confess, you will be lenient. If you resist, you will be stern."

Lin Luoxue was also very surprised. Xu Minling, who was usually carefree, turned out to be very analytical this time. Faced with the "forced confession" of the three people, Lin Luoxue could only say: "Probably, maybe, maybe."

"Wow! It's actually Li Fan who is helping us personally. We are so lucky!" The three girls cheered excitedly.

Although Lin Luoxue used several uncertain modal particles in succession, they were ignored by the three women.

After getting excited, Yu Qin suddenly said: "But why does Li Fan want to help us? Is it because we are beautiful? Well, this should be impossible."

"Yes, why do you want to help us?" Xu Minling and Rao Dan also asked.

Then, the three women looked at Lin Luoxue again. Lin Luoxue glared at Xu Minling and Rao Dan angrily and said, "I think she heard the conversation between us."

"Is it like this? What did we say?" Xu Minling and Rao Dan recalled in doubt, as if they had said something like, "Big breasts have no brains, big breasts have brains, etc." and "Birds in the sky You’re not a man, you can’t seduce with beauty.”, and something like “Maybe you can seduce a male bird down”.

Thinking back to this, Xu Minling and Rao Dan couldn't help but blush suddenly.

It's not a big deal if no one else hears these words, but when Li Fan hears them...

"Ahem!" Xu Minling coughed lightly and said, "Let's go, let's go, let's go quickly!"

Lin Luoxue said rather amusingly: "Now you know I'm sorry? He's not here, why are you panicking?"

"Tch! Why am I panicking? I just feel a little hungry. It will be noon soon. We should go find a place to eat." Xu Minling said.

When it comes to eating, the eyes of Lin Luoxue, Rao Dan and Yu Qin are also bright when they think of the delicious food here.

Lin Luoxue said: "Okay, we really should go to eat, so let's go quickly."

Lin Luoxue and the girls went to find a place to eat, and Li Fan had also returned home.

Li Fan was still a little amused when he thought of the Lin Luoxue girls he met in Xishuigou. They were really cute girls. They are all pretty, especially the woman named Luo Xue, whose figure and appearance can be called an absolute beauty.

"Baby, it's time to eat." Mom's voice came from downstairs.

"Hey, here we come!" Li Fan agreed and went downstairs.

After eating, Li Fan wandered around again and returned to the study.

He needs to work. The days of living with the flight attendant ended the day before yesterday. The last pure love movie he planned is going to be serialized in a week.

Before that, he had to code them out. This work is considered a medium-length work, with nearly 100,000 words.

It wouldn't take too long for Li Fan to finish the coding at once, but Li Fan didn't intend to do this.

It would be great to finish coding in two or three times, why should it be such a "lucky" thing to finish coding in one go?

This guy is really getting "lazy".

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