In the study.

Li Fan coded for a little more than an hour, more than 20,000 words, nearly one-third of the length, and then stopped.

Well, that's almost it. I'll pick up the code next time.

Afterwards, Li Fan began to sort out all the manuscripts. This was a habit of his and he would sort them out every once in a while.

The works that have been completed, the works that are being serialized, and the works that are planned to be released are many in number and of many types. If they are not sorted out, it will become more and more chaotic in the future.

It has been more than a year since I came to this world, and there are already quite a few completed works, and there are still three works currently being serialized.

Clever Ikkyu, Pipiru and Lu Xixi series of stories, and Slam Dunk.

In addition, there are also Harry Potter series stories that are directly published and sold in the form of physical books.

Following the release of the second Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on July 1, the third Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was released on August 6.

Now, many countries around the world have witnessed the Harry Potter whirlwind.

The sales of the three works that have been released have reached new highs in various countries.

During this period, publishing houses from new countries have been coming to the village to find Li Fan to buy the distribution rights of the Harry Potter series in their countries.

So far, 45 countries around the world have introduced the Harry Potter series.

Because Li Fan sells copyrights to publishing houses in various countries, he gets a 12-point sales share.

Therefore, the better the books sell, the more money Li Fan can get.

Now, all three works are selling well in more than 40 countries, and the share Li Fan has received is already an astronomical figure.

Moreover, this number is still changing.

There are still four works in the Harry Potter series that have not yet been released, and publishers from new countries will continue to come to purchase the publishing rights.

How much profit will this series of works bring to Li Fan in the end? Li Fan really doesn't know now.

I just know there will be many, many...

In contrast, Li Fan already has a high reputation internationally with his Harry Potter series.

You know, a work that can sell well in dozens of countries will definitely attract worldwide attention.

Of course, since the Harry Potter series is only a work of children's literature.

Therefore, although Li Fan is well-known internationally, it is nothing more than that.

For the remaining four Harry Potter series, Li Fan decided to wait for a slightly longer time interval before continuing to release them.

Three films have been released in a row, so we should take a break and let the market digest the first three works.

After thinking about it, Li Fan's eyes returned to the three works being serialized.

Both the series of stories of Smart Ikkyu and Pipilu and Lu Xixi are very long and can continue to be serialized for a long time.

The Slam Dunk Master gradually entered the final stage.

This final stage is also the climax of the entire work, the national competition stage.

In his previous life, the animated version of Slam Dunk only had the front part and no national competition part at the back, which always made Li Fan very regretful.

Now in this world, he obviously wants to make up for this regret.

Of course, this is a story later, and there is no animated version of Slam Dunk released so soon.

Now that the comic version of Slam Dunk has been serialized, two teams, Shohoku High School and Hainan University Affiliated High School, have qualified to represent Kanagawa Prefecture in the national competition and are about to open a new chapter in the national competition.

Since its serialization, more and more readers have fallen into the trap of Slam Dunk, including many who have never read comics before.

They either fell into the trap unintentionally, or they couldn't stand the constant recommendations from friends around them. They had the mentality of giving it a try, but they quickly fell into the trap and could never get out again.

During this period, Slam Dunk has always been one of the hottest topics on the Internet.

Readers excitedly discussed the plot and characters. Popular characters keep appearing one after another.

In addition to the protagonist Sakuragi Hanamichi, and at the beginning, Rukawa Kaede, Akagi Takenori, Akagi Haruko, Mito Yohei, Sendō Akira, and Uozumi Jun.

They appeared one after another, including Ryota Miyagi, Hisashi Mitsui, Kenji Fujima, Toru Hanagata, Shinichi Mu, Ichiro Kamizou, Nobunaga Kiyota, etc.

Among them, Sakuragi Hanamichi, Rukawa Kaede, Mitsui Hisashi, Sendō Akira, Fujima Kenji, Akagi Takenori, and Maki Shenichi are the most popular.

There are so many popular characters appearing in one comic work at the same time, which can make many people stunned. They don't want to believe it, but they have to believe it.

Why are there so many popular characters?

Naturally, it is because of the group of high school students who play basketball, their love for basketball and their persistence in their dreams. Each of them has a dream for basketball. In the process of pursuing their dreams, they never give up...

In the knockout round, Shohoku High School met the strong team Shoyang High School. Probably because of underestimating the opponent, Shoyang High School's ace player Fujima Kenji did not appear at the beginning.

So in the end, when Shoyo High School lost the game and was eliminated, Kenji Fujima shed tears and said to his opponents: "Thank you, thank you!"

Kenji Fujima’s tears were sad, and he paid the price for underestimating his enemy. As Mu Shenyi from Hainan High School said: "If Fujima had played from the beginning, the result might have been different."

But there was no if, Kenji Fujima ended the last league campaign of his high school career with his tears.

Four high schools, Shohoku, Hainan, Lingnan, and Buri, have reached the joint finals, and the top two in the joint finals will be qualified to represent Kanagawa Prefecture in the national competition.

In the end, Hainan High School defeated Xiangbei High School and Lingnan High School with difficulty, while it was easier to defeat Buri High School.

As a result, Hainan High School won all three matches and qualified as first place to represent Kanagawa Prefecture in the national competition.

Buri High School lost all three games and was eliminated.

In the last game, Xiangbei High School plays against Lingnan High School. Whoever wins will go to the national competition stage.

This was a close contest. At the last moment of the game, even Immortal Dao, who had always been calm and calm, became very dignified.

Unfortunately, Lingnan High School lost in the end, and the dreams of Sendō, Uozumi, Afu and others in the national competition came to an end.

Countless readers feel sorry for Sendo, Fujima, Uozumi and others.

They lost, but it can be said that they did not lose because they never gave up until the last moment of the game.

The vigorous competition ahead is over, and a new chapter in the national competition is about to begin.

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