Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1018 The sea water falls

on site.

Everyone agreed to hold a couplet contest to determine the ownership of the eight lines of the second couplet written by Li Fan.

This is an unofficial and informal competition, so there are not so many rules to talk about. Anyone who comes to the scene can participate in the competition.

As for the method of the competition, it is not fixed. We will discuss it collectively when the time comes.

Now, everyone decided to strike while the iron was hot and were ready to start the first game.

However, before that, there is another important thing, which is to study what the first couplet left by Li Fan actually means.

Lin Xudong has already written the first couplet, "The sea water is falling."

There are seven consecutive characters for "Chao" in it, which makes everyone a little confused.

Couplet lovers are confused, and ordinary tourists are naturally even more confused.

After staring at it for a while, I just felt dizzy and had no idea what it meant. I simply stopped thinking about it and chatted while waiting for others to explain it.

After observing for a while, Lin Xudong muttered: "Everyone, I feel that the first couplet left by Mr. Li Fan is not simple. We need to segment it ourselves, and there seem to be many different ways of segmenting it. In addition, other The word "Chao" can be read as zha or ha, and the word "chao" is also pronounced as "chao". This couplet is probably extremely complicated. "

Everyone was shocked after hearing this. According to what Lin Xudong said, after careful observation, they finally saw something.

Someone said: "Brother Lin, can you see a way to read it?"

Lin Xudong nodded and said: "It can be interpreted this way, the tide of the sea rises and falls, and the tide rises and falls."

After Lin Xudong read it like this, the meaning was immediately simple and clear, and everyone could understand it at once.

After that, everyone marveled at the magic and wonderfulness of this couplet.

But Lin Xudong sighed and said: "The beauty and magic of this couplet is not limited to this. Listen to me read it again. The sea tide rises and falls, and the tide rises and falls."

When everyone heard it, they all took a breath. This couplet can indeed be combined and matched to form different readings and meanings based on different pronunciations and sentence fragments.

Lin Xudong's second reading method has an equally simple and clear meaning that can be understood at first glance, but the meaning expressed is different from the first reading method.

This is amazing, right?

"It's not just that," everyone heard Lin Xudong say again: "There are definitely more than two ways of reading this couplet, there may be four, five, or even more. But I can only see these two ways of reading it now. Alas! Mr. Li Fan’s level of couplets is indeed much higher than mine.”

"What? There are four, five, or even more ways to read it? This is too exaggerated. Can this second line be matched?" Everyone was stunned.

Never mind that I had seen such a couplet before, I had never even heard of it.

With so many ways to read it, how do you still read the second line? If you only use one of the readings, it will be difficult to get the second line right.

Now that there are so many ways to read the first couplet, is it still possible to read the second couplet?

"Could it be that this first couplet is the same as Yansuo Pondliu, which is eternal and absolute, and there is no second couplet at all?" someone said.

The rest of the people nodded in agreement, and they thought so too.

Lin Xudong pondered: "Is it absolute for eternity? You may not be sure now, but one thing is certain, that is, this time the couplet world will recreate the grand occasion of the last time when the smoke locked the willows in the pond. All the couplet masters I’m afraid we will be overjoyed by this couplet again.”

Recreate the grand occasion? The excitement and excitement of couplet enthusiasts can no longer be expressed in words.

After a while, Lin Xudong said: "Everyone, this is a wonderful line in the first couplet. Obviously it cannot be understood in a short while. Let's put it aside for now. This morning's game will begin. Bar.

I also have a suggestion for the competition method. I am very ashamed. Mr. Li Fan’s first line of the first line is about chickens and dogs crossing the frost bridge, plum blossoms and bamboo leaves all the way. I have not yet been able to match the second line.

Otherwise, our game will be based on this.

Everyone comes to match the second line. Whoever has the best right line will be the champion and will get the second line written by Mr. Li Fan before. how? "

"Okay, no problem, let's do it like this." A group of couplet lovers agreed one after another, eager to give it a try.

The first game started right away.

The live competition has begun, and at this time, couplet lovers on the Internet are also very excited and excited.

Liu Minghua, the spokesperson at the scene, shared all the situation on the Internet.

"As expected, it is Li Fan. I knew it would not be wrong. There will also be a four-day couplet contest held on site to compete for the eight second couplets left by Mr. Li Fan? It has been decided. I will go to Mount Tai to participate in the competition tomorrow. Even so. Even if you can’t win Mr. Li Fan’s second letter, you must go and experience the atmosphere.”

"Madan, I'm going too. It's such a pity that I'm not here today. I have to go and make up for it tomorrow."

"The sea water is falling, the sea is falling. Is this another unique couplet? In the past few days, the Ministry of Education is collecting couplets to encourage students. Today, Mr. Li Fan will give a wonderful couplet show first, and then leave a unique couplet. , will the couplet become the main theme in these few days?”

"When the Ministry of Education issued the call for collection announcement, the couplets had already become the main theme. Of course, Mr. Li Fan added another fire today, making it even more popular."

"As people who like couplets, we are really excited and happy these days. Especially when we see so many people who usually don't pay attention to the couplets, but they have become particularly concerned about them these days."

"The sea water is falling. Mr. Li Fan's first couplet makes me dizzy. I'd better wait to see the master's interpretation."


The situation at the scene, as well as "The sea water is falling.", "Chickens and dogs are crossing the frost bridge, with plum blossoms and bamboo leaves all the way.", these two lines left by Li Fan, in a very short time , it completely spread throughout the entire circle of couplet lovers.

Countless people were excited and marveled at the two lines of the first couplet.

As for the entire Internet, various incidents involving Li Fan's appearance at the foot of Mount Tai are also spreading rapidly.

"Oh no! Why did Mr. Li Fan go to Mount Tai again?"

"Haha! Mr. Li Fan really makes it very lively wherever he goes!"

"In the past few days, the National Ministry of Education's collection of couplets to encourage students to study has attracted widespread attention. Is Mr. Li Fan's trip to Taishan also for the purpose of collecting couplets to encourage students to study?"

"Although I usually have no interest in couplets, why do I feel that this couplet showdown is so exciting?"

"I also have this feeling. I don't like couplets, so I regret that I missed this showdown."

"The reason is very simple. It involves Li Fan. When has a competition with Li Fan been simple?"

"That person named Lin Xudong is not bad. He is actually qualified to be Mr. Li Fan's opponent."

"That guy Lin Xudong is going to be popular. I don't know how many others will be envied by him."


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