Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1019: Hiding in the city

Sansheng Village, Yuanlai is at the forefront.

Zheng Jie smiled helplessly and said: "How is it? Lao Liang, I think that boy will not be at peace. It's only the second day and he has made such a big noise again."

Liang Sheng also smiled and said: "He is really a restless boy. However, this couplet showdown is really exciting. Not to mention the two first couplets he left, just those by the man named Lin Xudong. The first couplet is pretty good, too. Lin Xudong’s accomplishments in couplets are not bad either.”

Zheng Jie nodded and said: "Indeed, if it weren't for this, I guess that guy wouldn't be interested in taking action. Let's talk about his two first couplets, chickens and dogs crossing the frost bridge, plum blossoms and bamboo leaves all the way. This couplet is certainly very wonderful, but the second couplet is also It’s not too difficult to correct. However, the sea water is falling. This couplet is interesting. To some extent, Shan Cong’s couplet is even better than Yansuo Pond Liu.”

Liang Sheng said: "Indeed, it's a blessing that that boy could come up with such a couplet. There are at least five or six ways to read this couplet, which is interesting and interesting."

Zheng Jie said: "Indeed, there are at least five or six kinds, and maybe even more than ten kinds. It is not that difficult to match the second couplet with such a first couplet."

Liang Sheng said: "Will it be the Juelian?"

Zheng Jie pondered: "It's hard to say now, but I feel like it won't be a perfect relationship."

Liang Sheng smiled and said: "Then, I'm curious, who can match this couplet?"

Zheng Jie also smiled and said: "I am also very curious. I am afraid that many people are itchy now. However, I hope that person is me."

Liang Sheng said again: "Old Zheng, I am optimistic about you."

Zheng Jie shook her head and said, "It's difficult, it's difficult!"

On the eastern outskirts of the magical city, on the bend of the moon, lies the Qin family's villa.

Lin Liangquan laughed and said: "Brother Qin, your grandson-in-law is really interesting. He didn't come out with the couplet to encourage students to learn, but he made a complete couplet first and came out. The sea water fell. Such a couplet is really unseen and unheard of. , wonderful, wonderful!”

Qin Lie said with a smile: "That boy just loves to show off, but this couplet is indeed wonderful and can be regarded as an eye-opener. Very good, very good. After the smoke locked in the pond, Liu finally appeared again. High first line.”

Lin Liangquan said: "Brother Qin, maybe he can come up with the second line?"

Qin Lie shook his head and said: "It's hard to say now. On the surface, this combination is more difficult than Yansuo Pond Willow. However, Yansuo Pond Willow is truly absolute. This combination is not necessarily the case, but it is extremely difficult. ah!"

Lin Liangquan smiled and said: "This is interesting, isn't it?"

Qin Lie laughed and said: "Yes, I haven't encountered such a challenging couplet for a long time. That boy is pretty good."

Not only Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Lin Liangquan, but almost all the master-level figures in the couplet world were ecstatic because of the couplet "The sea water is falling."

They have a special liking for couplets. In addition to being inspired and occasionally getting a good couplet, their biggest interest is to encounter a difficult first couplet and then try their best to match the second couplet.

The more difficult the first couplet, the more interested and excited they are, and the greater the joy and sense of accomplishment when they complete the second couplet.

Now, as soon as "The sea water falls in the direction of the sea" comes out, just its sentence fragmentation and pronunciation have already made them excited, and it is an unprecedented challenge for them to write the second couplet.

This kind of challenge made them full of motivation and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the research of Shanglian.

They know that many people are studying the first couplet at this time, and everyone wants to be the first to answer the second couplet.

So, everyone can only wait and see who will be the first to play the second line.

At the foot of Mount Tai.

The first game this morning has ended.

The title of this first game is to match the second couplet of "Chickens and dogs crossing the frost bridge, plum blossoms and bamboo leaves all the way." Whoever has the best second couplet will be the champion.

There were a large number of participants, not just couplet lovers, but also tourists who usually have no interest in couplets.

They are all eager to give it a try. There is no shame in getting it right anyway, so why not give it a try?

In the end, among hundreds of lines in the second line, "The orioles wear the embroidered curtain, and the half-window jade cuts the golden shuttle." successfully stood out and was recognized as the best second line.

The person who made this second line is called Cui Ming. He is none other than the person who asked Li Fan to take a photo of him.

Cui Ming is a senior couplet enthusiast with a high level of proficiency in couplets. He came to Taishan this time just to find inspiration for the couplets to encourage learning.

When he found out that the person who took pictures of him, the person he kept calling "buddy", was Li Fan, he was as confused as Lin Xudong.

He actually called the legendary Li Fan his buddy. Who would believe it?

And Li Fan was just like the legend, without any pretense, just like an ordinary person.

"Perhaps this is the highest level of hiding in the city." Cui Ming murmured.

He didn't believe that a very dazzling person could truly hide in the city, but now, he believed it.

I don't know if it was because he called Li Fan "buddy". In the first game, he performed beyond his level and actually made such a performance as "The swallow pierces the embroidered curtain, and the half window jade scissors golden shuttle." The second line won the first prize in one fell swoop.

Amid everyone's extremely envious eyes and congratulations, Cui Ming chose the second line written by Li Fan, "A beautiful woman faces the moon, and there are two beautiful women in the world and in the sky."

Seeing that the second line of the second line was chosen, countless people sighed. This was their favorite line.

This is not to say that this second line is the best, but because everyone likes the meaning expressed by this line.

Cui Ming happily placed the lower couplet carefully, then left the scene and headed towards the mountain.

He actually wanted to stay and continue watching the fun, but thinking that Li Fan had already gone up the mountain and that they might meet again on the mountain, he couldn't stay still for a moment and hurried up the mountain.

Cui Ming left, but most of the couplet fans at the scene did not leave. They were still preparing to continue participating in the afternoon game.

First, because the championship prize is too tempting, and secondly, it is very lively here, and the competitions held are also related to couplets. It is a great opportunity to find inspiration. In this case, why do they go up the mountain?

However, they know that it will be increasingly difficult to win the championship in the next competition.

Because more and more couplet lovers are coming to Mount Tai. It is foreseeable that in the next competition, more and more people will participate, but there will still be only one champion. It’s hard to win the first prize!

However, they will not give up just because of this.

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