Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1038 Will Gu Yong come back this time?

Not only is the martial arts world turbulent, but other literary fields are also incredible. The martial arts, which has always been considered inferior by the outside world, actually has the opportunity to be qualified for the Times Literature Award. This is simply the rhythm of a turnaround.

No, it should be said that it has turned over.

Although there is still only a chance to qualify for the selection, this "opportunity" is enough to show that martial arts has really turned around.

Once you are truly qualified for selection, it will be a complete turnaround.

Writers in other fields are also talking about it.

"It's really unexpected that Wu Xia turned around so quickly."

"Yes, the status of martial arts authors will also rise in the future. This may not be good news."

"There is no way. Since Gu Yong's debut, the martial arts world has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes. Compared with the previous martial arts works, the current martial arts works are simply worlds apart. Moreover, they are still in a positive and vigorous development. In this state, it is not too surprising to be noticed by the Times Literature Award.”

"I think not only martial arts, but also martial arts TV series, martial arts movies, etc., have also undergone great changes. This should also be an important reason."

"Yes, these are the so-called martial arts culture."

"It seems that those martial arts authors should really thank Gu Yong. Otherwise, how could they have turned around so quickly?"

"Gu Yong has retired from the martial arts world now. I guess few people will sincerely thank Gu Yong. It's good to take pleasure in the misfortune. Alas! I really feel sorry for Gu Yong."

"Yes, I think they all want to replace him now. Gu Yong's status in the martial arts world is the real one. How many people will sincerely thank Gu Yong in their hearts?"

"Do you think they will successfully qualify for selection this time?"

"Hey! I'm disgusted. The reason why they didn't directly announce that they were qualified for selection must be that there are objections in the jury. Isn't it very big to get the approval of those judges who hold objections within two months? .”

"I also think that it is almost impossible to make a qualitative leap in martial arts in just two months. So, don't worry, everyone, their martial arts may successfully qualify for selection in the future, but it is definitely not possible. It will be this time.”

"As long as it's not this time. To be honest, seeing them turn over so quickly makes me feel a little unbalanced."


Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

Apart from the martial arts author, who is the most excited about this incident? Naturally, it is the majority of martial arts fans.

They like martial arts and naturally want the status of martial arts to be as high as possible.

The older martial arts fans clenched their fists excitedly, knowing that martial arts had finally waited for this day.

The younger martial arts fans cheered excitedly.

They used to read martial arts and enjoyed it very much, but they were always thought by the elders around them that they were reading inappropriate books.

This made them very depressed, but they couldn't refute it. Who said that the status of martial arts was really inferior.

But now, if Wuxia can obtain the qualification for the Times Literature Award, they can confidently retort: ​​"This is a work recognized by the Times Literature Award. How can it be considered an improper book?"

At this time, the atmosphere in the Xia Fan Tribe Forum was quite heated.

"Wow haha! This is really great news. Can I think that in the future, martial arts will be able to win the Times Literature Award?"

"Calm down, calm down, there is no final result yet. Everything depends on whether the works of this grand prix competition are strong or not."

"I think there should be no problem. There are so many good-looking martial arts nowadays. It's impossible not to fit in all of them. How discerning are the judges?"

"You're really right, none of them really catch their eyes. Otherwise, instead of holding this Grand Prix, they would directly announce that they have been qualified for the selection.

Therefore, if you want to successfully qualify for selection, it all depends on the new books that will appear in the next two months. "

"Oh no! Why do I suddenly feel that I am not optimistic?"

"It was originally not optimistic because everyone was too excited. Of course, even if it doesn't succeed this time, the status of martial arts will be greatly improved, that's for sure."

"Oh no! Who should we place our hopes on this time? Jian Yishen?"

"Jian Yishen is naturally one of the hopes. In addition, it depends on whether Luo Ye Wusheng and others from the previous four martial arts masters will come out this time. Of course, there may be other people who stand out."

"Let's take a look at the registration status of martial arts writers in the past few days. After reading the registrations, we may have a rough judgment."

"Haha! Don't worry, everyone, our Sword One God is great. This time he will definitely be a martial arts hero. Seize this opportunity. Just look forward to our Sword One God's greatness."

Needless to say, these people are undoubtedly the "Jian Family Army". It can be said that they are the most excited people in the entire Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

Because, their sword god finally had the opportunity to become the number one martial artist.

They believe that Jian Yishen will be able to successfully seize the title of the first person in Gu Yong's martial arts in this opportunity.

"Wow haha! The chance for our Jian Yishen to become a god has come. Two months later, there will be no Gu Yong in the martial arts world, only Jian Yishen."

"That's right, the title of the first Gu Yong martial arts master will finally be given to our Jian Yishen Da Da."

"Everyone, please stay tuned, hahaha!"

The "Jian Family Army" are still the most active figures in the Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

As soon as they mentioned Gu Yong, everyone quickly focused the topic on Gu Yong.

"Everyone said that this time, is it possible for Guyong to come back and continue writing martial arts?"

"It seems possible. It just so happens that the girl we chased together during those years ended a week ago. He doesn't have any works being serialized now."

"Do you still remember that Gu Yong said in his last interview that he would continue to write martial arts?"

"I remember, but that's probably just a way of saying it. There's no way he can admit directly that he won't write about martial arts in the future, right?"

"Yes, but I think if Gu Yong really wants to come back, we can still look forward to it."

"Look at Guyong's activities these days. If he hasn't released a trailer for his next work, then there is a possibility of his coming back. If he releases a trailer for his next work, then he definitely won't. came back."

"Don't you need to register first for this competition? Let's see if Gu Yong will register. There are five days to register."


Martial arts fans are still looking forward to Gu Yong's return. After all, it was Gu Yong who brought about the current great era of martial arts. Everyone will never forget Gu Yong.

However, martial arts fans don't have high hopes. They also understand that if Gu Yong comes back and his results are not satisfactory, it will definitely be very embarrassing.

Not coming back may be the wisest decision.

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