Will Gu Yong take advantage of this opportunity to go back and write martial arts again?

Not only is it something that a lot of martial arts fans are concerned about, a large number of pure love fans are also very concerned about comparison.

Seeing that Gu Yong is about to release the next Pure Love, but at this time, the "Hope Cup Martial Arts Grand Prix" officially sponsored by the Times Literature Award came.

Fans of Pure Love know Gu Yong's status in the martial arts world, and they also know that this Grand Prix has a very strong temptation for every martial arts author.

So, it should be the same for Guyong.

If Gu Yong chose to go back and write martial arts again, it would be reasonable.

But in that case, they will definitely not be able to see Gu Yongxin's pure love works in a short period of time.

This is definitely a bit regrettable for fans of Pure Love, but fans of Pure Love will fully support Gu Yong's decision.

"Will Mr. Gu Yong go back to write martial arts this time?"

"I don't know. It depends on Guyong's decision. No matter what decision Guyong makes, I will support it."

"That's right. The worst thing is that we won't be able to see it for the time being. It's just a new pure love work."

"Pay attention to Guyong's Weibo updates in the past two days. Also, let's not ask about Guyong's new pure love work."

"It's natural, we all understand."


I have to say that the pure love fans are very sensible and cute.

As for many romance authors, it is obvious that they are not so "cute".

"Now the outside world is wondering whether Guyong will go back to write martial arts? What do you think?"

"It's obvious that he won't go back. If he can shine again when he goes back, that's fine. But if his results are not ideal and he is stepped on by others, how embarrassing would it be?"

"That's right, I won't go back. Instead of going back and taking risks, why not write about pure love in a cool and unrestrained way, and stand from the perspective of a senior and watch those backs fighting for each other, how good?"

"Indeed, anyway, if their martial arts can successfully qualify for the selection this time, Gu Yong's contribution is not small. If he fails to qualify for the selection in the end, Gu Yong can still show off and sigh, alas! You guys! It still doesn’t work. There is still a long way to go in martial arts. Let’s work harder in the future. Look, it’s perfect.”

"Pfft! Everyone, please be serious. I hope Gu Yong goes back. He has been in our romance industry for so long. Enough is enough. It's time to go back."

"Hehe! He has gone back, so can the Weibo serialization be over? He can't possibly use Weibo to serialize martial arts."

"Yes, it seems that it is better for him to go back."


All romance authors hope in their hearts that Gu Yong can return to the martial arts world and stop "disastering" their romance world.

What exactly did Gu Yong plan? The outside world is very concerned about it.

Li Fan naturally understands the thoughts of the outside world. He knows that many people in the outside world are staring at Gu Yong's Weibo.

After thinking about it, Li Fan smiled, logged into Gu Yong's Weibo, and updated a message.

"Dear book lovers, the next work, Romance of the West Chamber, will be serialized on Weibo starting at 10 a.m. on September 9th. Everyone is welcome to read it at that time."

Romance of the West Chamber was already decided by Li Fan a long time ago. It would be the work of the girl we chased together in those years. This was almost decided when he originally chose The Peony Pavilion.

Although he will no longer publish pure love works, the Weibo serialization format will continue.

Because this is related to a big plan later.

The reason why he chose The West Chamber is not only that the work itself is a classic, but also because The West Chamber is similar to The West Chamber. It can also be regarded as a work of pure love, an ancient work of pure love.

Among them, the sentence "May all lovers in the world get married eventually" has influenced young men and women from generation to generation.

The West Chamber also revolves around this beautiful vision,

It composes a soul-stirring love story.

Book fans are tired of the current love affairs, and reading an ancient love story will definitely give them a refreshing feeling.

Of course, the original work of Romance of the West Chamber in his previous life was a drama, and Li Fan needed to change it into a work.

Li Fan is already familiar with this and adapting it is effortless. He has already completed the adaptation and is just waiting for the serialization to begin.

As for this martial arts grand prix, it was outside Li Fan's plan, but it didn't matter. No matter how suddenly the competition came, he was in a state of being prepared for it.

The outside world is paying attention to him this time. Will he go back and rewrite martial arts?

Naturally, he wanted to fight back, but he had no plans to leave the martial arts world again.

Although this martial arts Grand Prix came suddenly, it was an excellent opportunity. That classic martial arts work could finally be officially unveiled.

The quality of this appearance is still a bit high, but only such a high-quality appearance can be consistent with the status of that classic work.

Li Fan is very much looking forward to the debut of that work.

Li Fan was thinking about things in his mind, but the outside world was abuzz because of Gu Yong's Weibo.

Many people from all walks of life are paying attention to Gu Yong's developments.

The sentence "Gu Yong's Weibo has been updated" made countless people feel suffocated.

No matter what different thoughts they had in mind, when they heard that Guyong's Weibo had been updated, their reactions were almost the same.

In the circle of martial arts authors, some sigh, some feel nothing, and some are gloating.

"Alas! Does Gu Yong not plan to come back after all?"

"A new work will be serialized starting on September 9th. It should also be a pure love series. It seems that I really don't plan to come back."

"In other words, is the era of Guyong finally coming to an end? It's still a bit sad."

"It was the right choice for him not to come back. The martial arts world will not forget him."

"If he doesn't come back, he won't come back. What's the regret? Survival of the fittest, his era is about to end. From now on, it's up to us."

"Hmph! He's smart enough to know that it would only be embarrassing to come back. In this way, at least he can save his face."

"Hey! I didn't expect that guy to be what he is today. He was once the number one martial artist in glory. Now, facing such a big temptation, he doesn't even have the courage to come back. Alas! I really don't know if I should say he knows the current affairs. Or do you feel sorry for him?"


Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen had no expression or any mood swings. He just thought: "Aren't you coming back? It's really a pity. I originally wanted to compete with you again, but it seems there is no chance."

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