Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1049: Created a sinkhole for yourself

This media is a comprehensive entertainment media with a high reputation in China called Star Entertainment.

The analysis just now can be considered relatively objective, and it is not deliberately looking at the works of Gu Yong.

Therefore, it has been recognized by most people. Some people think it doesn't matter. Some people feel sorry for Gu Yong and think that Gu Yong should not come back at all. Some people are gloating about his misfortune.

"It turns out that the expected value of Legend of the Condor Heroes is only between four and a half to five stars. However, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter between four and a half to five stars, or six stars, as long as this Grand Prix can be more lively. Anyway, I just want to watch the fun."

"Look, I said before that Gu Yong shouldn't come back. As the number one martial artist, his entry this time was underestimated. Why bother?"

"Yeah, when I learned that Gu Yong had signed up, my first feeling was, if it's broken, how could I go back to the martial arts world? It's not wise at all. Of course, I also understand Gu Yong's mood of wanting to go back. After all, this time The significance of the event is extraordinary.”

"Alas! Gu Yong is still too young. I hope he will not regret this decision in the future."

"Haha! The expectations for Legend of the Condor Heroes are only between four and a half to five stars, which is great. So what about the number one martial artist? It's outdated. It's no longer his era."

"Yes, the analysis of these authoritative media is reliable. Those martial arts fans in the past actually rated its expectation value as six stars. It is simply a mess."


A group of martial arts fans were quite annoyed when they saw Star Entertainment's analysis and some people saying that they were messing around.

"What are you doing? Those media simply don't understand Gu Yong's position in our hearts. And those who say we are messing up are either those martial arts writers who have a grudge against Gu Yong, or the Jian Family Army. kind of people.”

"Star Entertainment's analysis is okay. It can be considered objective. It does not deliberately look down on Legend of the Condor Heroes. The key is that those gibbering people are annoying."

"Forget it, don't argue with them. What if Gu Yong creates another miracle this time? They can just slap themselves in the face."

"That's right. Gu Yong often creates accidents and surprises. We can look forward to it."


The martial arts fans' guess was not wrong. Among those chattering people, there really was a "Jian Family Army" figure. When they saw what the martial arts fans just said, they couldn't help but sneer in their hearts.

"Tch! Still wanting to create miracles is simply fanciful. If Gu Yong can reach his previous level, that's already very good."

With the heated discussion among the media and people from all walks of life, Gu Yong has become the focus of this martial arts Grand Prix.

Of course, Guyong has already become the focus from the moment he signed up to compete, and now he is just more "hot".

Waves of reporters came to Xiaojianghu Studio, and they naturally wanted to interview Gu Yong, the person involved.

Now, what do people from all walks of life have to say about Guyong himself? That's quite interesting.

In the past, they couldn't find any clues about Gu Yong, but that was all.

Now that I know that Gu Yong has opened a Xiaojianghu studio, I naturally have to work hard.

However, no matter how they made insinuations, Gu Yong's assistant Rao Qianqian refused to allow them to interview Gu Yong, not even online.

Even such a little girl couldn't handle it. The reporters couldn't help but feel very depressed and had to leave in despair.

There are also reporters who are unwilling to give up and simply squat at the entrance of Xiaojianghu Studio. What if they are lucky and encounter Gu Yong?

For people in their profession, having enough patience is a basic skill.

Rao Qianqian was quite helpless about this, but could not drive them away, so she could only let them squat at the door.

Fortunately, they didn't stay there for long, and the reporters left very depressed.

It's not that they were impatient and gave up, but that some media had interviewed Gu Yong and reported it.

That media is the Digest.

They were also the media that conducted an exclusive interview with Guyong last time. They had Guyong’s contact information, so they naturally had the upper hand this time.

When they tentatively expressed their hope for another exclusive interview, Gu Yong did not refuse.

In this way, they once again became the luckiest media.

Naturally, this exclusive interview report attracted widespread attention from people from all walks of life in the first place.

Everyone has long wanted to see what Gu Yong himself would say?

"Mr. Guyong, thank you very much for accepting our exclusive interview again. First of all, I would like to ask, what made you decide to return to martial arts in this martial arts grand prix?"

"This is not a return to martial arts. I said last time that I will continue to write martial arts. This Grand Prix is ​​a very good opportunity, so I will continue writing."

"Indeed, Mr. Guyong did say this last time. So, what kind of story is this new work, The Legend of the Condor Heroes? Is it convenient for Mr. Guyong to reveal it?"

"This is the story of a vulture hero."

"Okay, now the outside world thinks that the expectation value of your Legend of the Condor Heroes should be between four and a half to five stars, which is slightly lower than the expectations of works by Jian Yishen, Luo Ye Silent, Wolong and others. In this regard, you What do you think?"

"I think everyone can set their expectations a little higher. If the highest expectation is five stars, then if we set it around ten stars, it's probably about the same."

"Well, so to speak, Mr. Guyong is quite confident in his new work!"

"It's easy to talk about. I'm actually quite humble now."


This interview was not too long, but the questions asked by the reporter were all the questions that the outside world was most interested in and most wanted to know the answers to.

And Gu Yong's answer once again aroused heated discussion.

"This is the story of a vulture hero." This sentence first caused widespread complaints.

Everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for Gu Yong to give some spoilers, because the title "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" really didn't make sense, and everyone was already very curious.

But who would have expected that such an answer would come. It was nonsense. It was the same as no answer at all.

Complain again.

The answer that surprised everyone the most was that Gu Yong said that everyone should set their expectations for The Legend of the Condor Heroes at about ten stars, and that was a relatively modest statement.

This is a bit silly. Even though you are the number one martial artist, are you a little too arrogant?

The highest expectation is five stars, and if your work is rated ten stars, doesn't this mean that you think your work is much better than the best work everyone imagines?

Is this really good?

Of course, most people think that this should be Gu Yong's way of joking. Aren't you asking me what I think about this? Then let me tell you, you should set your expectations at around ten stars.

But the point is, your joke has opened a sinkhole for yourself!

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