Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1050 The feast of martial arts novels begins

Guyong opened a sinkhole for himself, which made people from all walks of life feel funny and helpless.

As expected, Gu Yong did not play his cards according to common sense, even digging a hole for himself that was far bigger than others.

However, those martial arts authors who had always had a grudge against Gu Yong and martial arts fans such as the "Jian Jiajun" seemed very excited.

Regardless of whether Gu Yong was joking or not, his words had already been released and everyone had seen it.

After the Grand Prix is ​​over, if I find this interview with Gu Yong, it will be absolutely laughable and a loss of face.

They are looking forward to it very much.

People from all walks of life are talking about this martial arts Grand Prix, and major martial arts newspapers and magazines are not idle either.

They are fully inviting participating martial arts writers whose works are expected to be worth three stars or above to serialize this time's entries in their newspapers and magazines.

With such an unprecedented scale and such a special significance, the Martial Arts Grand Prix will have an extremely large number of readers without even thinking about it.

This is the best opportunity for martial arts newspapers and magazines to impact sales.

In order to have the greatest impact on sales, it is necessary to serialize as many entries as possible in their newspapers and magazines with high expectations.

As for the participating authors, they naturally hope that their entries this time can be serialized in martial arts newspapers and magazines with large circulations.

For works with high expectations, newspapers and magazines will come to you, while for works with low expectations, you will have to work hard to promote them yourself.

At present, the top martial arts magazines in terms of circulation in the country are Xiaojianghu, Dawuxia, Wuxiazhi, Hu, and Jujiang.

These five magazines are undoubtedly the most ideal choices for participating authors, but the requirements of these five magazines are also relatively high.

Many authors have to settle for second best.

Magazines are trying their best to invite their favorite authors, and authors are also trying to get into their favorite magazines. Everyone is working hard.

Of course, for Jian Yishen, Luoye Silent, Wolong and others, there is no need to consider these things. Everyone knows which magazine their works will be published in.

Martial arts fans are also paying attention to which martial arts newspapers and magazines their favorite works will be published in.

Major martial arts newspapers and magazines are also constantly announcing to the outside world that whose work has been signed with the magazine and what issue the first special edition of the Grand Prix will be released.

Every magazine has launched a special edition specifically for this Grand Prix. The issuance cycle may not be as regular as usual, and adjustments may be made at any time based on specific circumstances.

The first special edition of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" will be released on September 15th. In addition to Gu Yong's "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", there are more than 20 other works in the series, all of which are expected to be worth three stars or above. .

In one magazine, you can see more than 20 entries in one go. For readers, it is definitely a delicious meal, and it is also very cost-effective.

In addition, there are almost more than 20 works serialized in the four magazines of Dawuxia, Wuxiazhi, Hu, and Master, and almost all of them are works with an expected value of three stars or above.

There are also some magazines that serialize more works, but the quality of what they serialize is not as good as the five major magazines, so we have to win in terms of quantity and strive for good sales.

There are more than 900 works participating in this Grand Prix. These more than 900 works will be serialized in 18 different magazines.

There is a special magazine among them, called Martial Arts Bulletin. The sales volume of this magazine is average during normal times, but the sales volume during the Grand Prix period will definitely not be low.

Because the Martial Arts Bulletin is special because it cooperates with the martial arts community in Hong Kong.

If martial arts writers there want to serialize their martial arts works in the mainland, they usually choose to serialize them in the Martial Arts Bulletin.

This time, the entries from Wolong and Qingyun,

It is also serialized in the Martial Arts Bulletin, so its sales will naturally not be low.

As major magazines have successively announced the release time of the first special edition of the Grand Prix, martial arts fans are becoming more and more restless.

And other people from all walks of life, although not as restless as the martial arts fans, are also paying special attention.

All martial arts authors are also looking forward to it, even more than martial arts fans.

Because this time all the famous artists have come out one after another, and the level of their works must be the current peak level of each famous artist.

This is an excellent opportunity for them to learn. Both the martial arts authors who signed up for the competition and the many more martial arts authors who did not sign up for the competition are all looking forward to it.

They believe that as long as they study the works of famous artists seriously, they will be able to gain a lot.

On September 14th, after several days of preparation, the first batch of Grand Prix special edition magazines will finally be officially released today.

Among the 18 magazines, a total of 8 magazines chose to serialize the first issue today, including Dawuxia, one of the five major magazines.

The main highlights today, and the works that everyone is most looking forward to, are Jian Yishen's The Prodigal Son's Sword Cleansing Record, and Fallen Leaves Silent's Legend of the Mist and Rain.

There is also a piece of Ancient Yong's Reckless Heroes.

The Prodigal Son's Sword Cleansing Record and The Legend of Smoke and Rain are naturally serialized on Dawuxia.

The Reckless Heroes are serialized on Xia Ke.

In fact, Gu Yong's reckless hero, with the pen name Gu Yong, is the target that every magazine wants to win over, but in the end it is the knight who wins, which is somewhat unexpected.

Because, in normal times, the sales volume of knight-errants can only be considered average. In the eyes of outsiders, reckless heroes can choose from the five major magazines or the martial arts bulletin.

Early in the morning, excited martial arts fans went to the newsstand to pick out magazines.

Almost all martial arts fans chose to buy the two magazines Dawuxia and Xiake at the same time, while martial arts fans purchased the other magazines selectively.

There are more than 900 works in total, and it is impossible for martial arts fans to read them all. Except for those works that they are most looking forward to, they will randomly select some to watch.

Of course, people who buy magazines are not just martial arts fans, but also martial arts authors and people from other walks of life.

"The Prodigal Son's Sword Cleansing Record of Jian Yishen is finally available to watch. I couldn't wait for a long time, so I read it first."

"I plan to watch The Silent Heroes of the Rain first. They say this work has been in preparation for a long time, so let me test the waters first."

"I want to see the reckless hero first, but I also want to see what this guy is capable of and dares to take the pen name Gu Yong?"

“I’m a person who always saves the best for later, so I’ll look at other people’s works first.”


The martial arts fans who bought the magazine had a joyful exchange on the communication platform before they opened the magazine and started reading. The order of reading was naturally different.

This martial arts feast has finally truly begun.

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