Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1051 Score of each work

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan is also looking through several Grand Prix special edition martial arts magazines released today.

There are a total of 8 magazines, and more than 300 works are serialized. The number of serialized words in each work ranges from more than 10,000 words to as many as 20,000 to 30,000 words. Naturally, it is impossible for Li Fan to read them all.

In each magazine, he randomly selected a few works to read, and then focused on the works of a few people such as Jian Yishen, Luoye Silent, and Gu Yong.

After reading it, Li Fan couldn't help but nodded secretly.

First of all, the quality of the works he just watched are basically pretty good, and any martial arts fan should be able to watch them.

The overall level of martial arts has risen by more than one level. This is an indisputable fact.

Secondly, Guyong's Reckless Heroes made Li Fan's eyes brighten. This book is much higher than the average level. Judging from its writing style and structure ability, it must be an old author.

"Who could it be? Why would you choose such a pen name again?" Li Fan couldn't help but feel a little interested.

Finally, there are the works of Jian Yi Shen and Luo Ye Silent. The level of these two works is much higher than that of Grassless Heroes.

Jian Yishen has always stood out since his debut. Each of his works is better than the last, and the progress is quite obvious.

Judging from the chapter serialized today, The Prodigal Son's Sword Cleansing Record is indeed expected to be the best of all his works.

He has always been in a state of upward growth. Although the degree of growth has slowed down a bit, it is still scary enough. He is indeed a very talented author.

As one of the four veteran martial arts masters, Luo Ye Wu Sheng has been preparing a work for a long time. When it debuts this time, it is indeed extraordinary. It is even better than the Prodigal Son of the Sword God.

Of course, we can’t say that The Legend of Smoke and Rain is better than The Prodigal Son, but we still have to look at what happens later.

In the same way, it cannot be said now that the three works of The Prodigal Son, The Legend of the Misty Heroes, and The Heroes of Grass are necessarily better than other works.

There are quite a few books that are amazing at the beginning but lackluster at the end. There are also quite a lot of books that start out as average but pick up later.

After understanding the situation, Li Fan went out and walked in the direction of Yuanlaiju.

On Li Fan's way to Yuanlaiju, netizens also finished reading some of his works, and then they couldn't wait to communicate on the communication platform, and the atmosphere became more and more lively.

"How many have you watched? I watched more than 10 works in one go. It was really enjoyable."

"I have read more than 10 works, and I feel that the quality is pretty good. I am so happy to see so many good books at once."

"I read Ancient Yong's The Reckless Heroes. It was very well written. I doubt it is the work of an old author."

"What surprised me the most was Luo Ye Silent's The Legend of Mist and Rain. Before Gu Yong's debut, I was a fan of Luo Ye Silent's The Legend of Mist and Rain. Now when I read this novel, I seem to have returned to that time. When I read his works, That kind of feeling. Of course, it’s just a feeling. Looking at his works at that time, I can only laugh.”

"Indeed, The Silent Falling Leaves is definitely The Return of the King. I think Legend of Misty and Rain is better than The Prodigal Son of the Sword God."

"I think Jian Yishen's The Prodigal Son's Sword Cleansing Record is better. Of course, it's only a little better than The Legend of Smoke and Rain."

"Actually, which work is better? We can't be sure at all now. Only in the middle and late stages can we be basically sure."

"That's true. However, what we are comparing now is only the beginning. I think The Legend of Misty and Rain is better than The Prodigal Son."


Which work is better? Everyone has their own opinion, and everyone understands this, so everyone does not argue with red faces, whose work is better?

However, everyone still hopes to have an intuitive comparison of results, so that everyone can know that in the eyes of most people,

Which work is better?

Moreover, such an intuitive comparison of results can also give everyone a general understanding of the quality of works that have not been seen yet.

In addition, people from all walks of life can also understand the quality of each entry through intuitive comparison of results, which will obviously be more accurate than the previous expectation ranking.

Of course, the premise is that this intuitive comparison of results must be fair and just.

Perhaps knowing that martial arts fans have such an urgent wish, the official page of the Times Literature Award for the Martial Arts Grand Prix has launched a new function, the scoreboard function.

That is to rate each work in real time. The Times Literature Award Jury will divide the work and rate each entry from an absolutely fair and impartial perspective.

Although the result may not be recognized by everyone, it will definitely be recognized by most people.

The latest rating results will be updated within 24 hours after the latest chapter of each work is released.

As soon as the announcement came out, many martial arts fans cheered. This newly launched rating list function allows them to intuitively see the results of each work.

Among the participating martial arts authors, some were happy and some were worried.

What is gratifying are those authors who believe that their works will definitely rank high on the rating list. This is a manifestation of honor.

Those who are sad are those authors who are self-aware and know that their works will probably only be ranked at the bottom of the rating list.

If the position is too far back, or even among the last few, it will be somewhat embarrassing.

However, at this point, it is impossible for them to let the Times Literature Award official cancel the score list. I can only try my best to write better works so that my works will not be ranked so low.

As for those martial arts writers who did not sign up for the competition, some were secretly grateful, "Fortunately, I did not impulsively sign up at that time. Otherwise, how embarrassing would it be to be ranked at the bottom of the scoreboard?"

As soon as the score list came out, a group of martial arts fans began to discuss with interest, which work should get how many points?

"If the full score is 10 points, The Silent Falling Leaves must have scored over 95 points."

"About that. Jian Yishen's The Prodigal Son's Sword Cleansing Record should also be around 95 points. In addition, Guyong's Heroes of the Grass should also be around 90 points."

"As for the rest of the works, as far as I have seen, the worst ones should have a score of 70 or above. I think they are all pretty good."


Netizens are talking a lot. Although everyone has different opinions, everyone's opinions are quite consistent in terms of overall scores.

For example, between the two works "The Legend of Smoke and Rain" and "Voice of the Prodigal Son", which one has a higher score and which one has a lower score? Everyone has arguments.

But generally speaking, everyone thinks that their scores should be around 95 points.

However, when the official scores came out, everyone was collectively dumbfounded.

The Legend of Misty and Rain: 67 points.

The Prodigal Son Washes the Sword Record: 65 points.

Reckless Hero: 60 points.

The scores of all other works are all below 60, with the lowest being only 38 points.

If 60 points is considered a passing score, then only three of his works have passed, and they are all just above the passing mark.

"I'll go! The official requirements of the Times Literature Award are too high." This is what everyone thought in their hearts.

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