Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1063 The pattern is getting bigger and bigger

The eighteen-year agreement between Qiu Chuji and the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan has made many martial arts fans on the verge of burning up.

With infinite expectations in their hearts, the martial arts fans continued to read on.

Duan Tiande knew that someone was hunting him and did not dare to stay in the south anymore, so he took Li Ping all the way north.

The Seven Jiangnan Monsters also followed them all the way north, but it was difficult to find two people in the vast land. The Seven Jiangnan Monsters never found the two of them. They just found the route of the two people and followed them all the way.

Next, everything was written about the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, which gradually made many martial arts fans understand one thing, that is, the protagonist of this book should be Guo Jing.

Duan Tiande took Li Ping all the way to Daxing Prefecture, the capital of the Jin Kingdom. Later, he was captured by the Jin soldiers and used as a strong porter to carry luggage and food for him.

For the next few dozen days, we walked in the bitter cold of the vast desert.

This confirms the previous guesses of martial arts fans. There is really a person who came from the south of the Yangtze River to the desert land in the north. This person is Li Ping.

Of course, the Seven Jiangnan Monsters also tracked her all the way to the desert, but they still couldn't find Li Ping.

Next, the group of Jin soldiers that Duan Tiande and Li Ping served were defeated by the enemy and fled in all directions. Duan Tiande was nowhere to be found. After Li Ping escaped alone, she gave birth to her unborn baby.

Guo Jing was born in this bitter cold place.

Afterwards, Li Ping took the newborn Guo Jing to survive in this bitter cold place.

Fortunately, she met a hospitable Mongolian herdsman who offered her a helping hand. Li Ping built a thatched house in the desert and settled down.

A few years passed by and Guo Jing was already six years old. This child learned to speak very slowly and was a bit dull.

At this time, the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan still had not found Li Ping and Guo Jing.

All the martial arts fans were stunned when they saw this. They looked nervously all the way. In the blink of an eye, Guo Jing was already six years old.

"Guo Jing is already six years old. The protagonist of this book is undoubtedly Guo Jing. However, little Guo Jing seems to be a bit dull. As a protagonist, is this really good?"

"It's so fast. Just now I was worried and nervous about Li Ping. In the blink of an eye, Guo Jing is already six years old."

"The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan haven't found Li Ping and Guo Jing yet. It's been six years. Could it be that they have given up long ago and returned to Jiangnan?"

"I don't know. I can understand it if I really return. They are not related to Li Ping, and they have never met each other. It is very rare to be able to search for so long. Besides, the conditions in the desert land in the north are far more difficult than in other places." It’s only natural for them to go back to the Jiangnan water town.”

"Also, what is the situation with Qiu Chuji now? There is no introduction yet. Since Guo Jing is already six years old, Yang Kang should also be six years old."

"Indeed, let's see how the story develops next. The title of the book is The Legend of the Condor Heroes, and now the protagonist Guo Jing is indeed able to shoot vultures in this desert. Could it be that the background of the subsequent stories will all be in the desert?"

"It's hard to say. When Guo Jing grows up, he may return to the Central Plains. In short, let's look back first."

Martial arts fans continued to read on the official communication platform while discussing.

One day, Guo Jing rode a little white horse to herd sheep. When he went a little far, he witnessed a war between two Mongolian tribes.

The leader of one of the tribes was named Temujin.

Temujin? Genghis Khan?

When the martial arts fans saw the words "Temujin", they were stunned for a moment, and then they said, "Woah! Genghis Khan has come out."

Of course, Temujin is still just the leader of a Mongolian tribe and has not yet been named Genghis Khan. The Jin Kingdom is still more powerful.

But this damn thing is indeed the future Genghis Khan!

Even Genghis Khan has appeared. How big is the layout of Guyong's Legend of the Condor Heroes?

All the martial arts fans felt that they no longer knew what to say except shouting "666".

Next, the sound of killing amidst the light of swords and spears shook the sky. Guo Jing was excited and frightened at the same time.

Under such a scene, the young Guo Jing was actually scared and excited. This made many martial arts fans say that although Guo Jing is young, he already has the air of a general.

Later, Temujin's tribe won, and a general named Jebe from the other tribe escaped. Temujin sent people to pursue him.

Zhebie is not his real name, but describes his archery as a god.

Three days later, Guo Jing was playing at home when he suddenly saw a man riding outside his house. It was Zhebie, the general who had escaped three days ago.

It turned out that Temujin's men had been chasing this man for three days.

Guo Jing brought some water and food to Zhebie. At this time, the pursuers arrived again. Seeing this, Zhebie hid in a haystack and told Guo Jing not to tell anyone.

The leader of the pursuing troops was Temujin's eldest son Shuchi. When he saw Guo Jing, he asked Guo Jing if he had seen a man riding a black horse?

Guo Jing doesn't know how to lie. He only says "I won't tell" instead of "I don't know".

Jochi became angry and beat Guo Jing with a whip until his face was covered with whip marks, but Guo Jing still only said "I won't tell."

This made many martial arts fans sigh. Although Guo Jing is a bit dull, he is very brave, strong and chivalrous, which is very rare.

Finally, Temujin also came, and after a fight, Zhebie took refuge with Temujin.

When Temujin saw how brave and unyielding the young Guo Jing was, he liked him very much, so he let Guo Jing, mother and son move to live in his army.

In this way, Li Ping took Guo Jing to live in Temujin's army.

Zhebie was grateful for Guo Jing's kindness and decided to teach him his archery and martial arts skills.

All the martial arts fans were excited to watch it, and they were still like this even after finishing this chapter.

There has already been heated discussion on the official communication platform.

"I'll go! Guo Jing is going to grow up in Temujin's army! Could it be that he will follow Temujin in the future?"

"It's a given that he grew up in Temujin's army. However, I think Guo Jing will still return to the Central Plains in the future."

"I think it's better not to follow Temujin. Because the Mongolian army will attack the Song Dynasty in the future, and my personal feelings are a bit complicated."

"That's right, it's better to go back to the Central Plains. I wonder if the Jiangnan Seven Monsters have returned to Jiangnan? They still have an eighteen-year agreement with Qiu Chuji. If they go back, wouldn't that eighteen-year agreement be gone?"

"Let's wait until the next issue to see the development of the plot. Now the situation is getting bigger and bigger, and the Song Dynasty, Jin Kingdom, and Mongolia are not lacking. I am really looking forward to the development of the plot in the future."

"Now that Mongolia and Temujin have appeared, I guess more people are now saying that this work will collapse in the later stages."

"Let them decide, I think that in such a big situation, even if this work crashes, it will be very exciting. I was a little worried about it crashing before, but now I'm not worried."

"That's right, no matter what, I will support this work. In other words, I like little Guo Jing more and more."

"Hehe! I like that silly boy too."


A lot of martial arts fans were talking about it, but the people who were reading at this time were far more than just martial arts fans.

Times Literary Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming also lamented that even Genghis Khan Temujin appeared, Gu Yong really dared to write!

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