Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1183 This is the poem of an immortal

Remember in one second【】

The scene was very quiet. Everyone was looking at the projection screen intently. Li Fan continued to write. This was obviously a very long poem. . .

“How can the green mud be twisted and twisted, and how many twists and turns in a hundred steps can reach the rocky mountains?

Mon went to the Lijing Well and raised his head and breathed, and he sat with his hands on his back and sighed.

I asked you when will you return from your journey to the west? Afraid of the unreachable rocks.

But I saw mourning birds calling old trees, and male and female flying around the forest.

I also heard Zigui crying about the moon at night and worrying about the empty mountains.

The road to Shu is as difficult as the blue sky, which makes people wither their beauty!

Even if the peaks are gone, the sky is not full, and withered pines hang upside down against the cliffs.

The turbulent waterfalls are noisy, and the cliffs turn to rocks and thousands of valleys are thundered.

The danger is also like this. People who have traveled far away have come here for nothing!


Each word appears in Li Fan's writing, and when connected together, it becomes a magnificent picture, a piece of beautiful and sublime music.

Witnessing the birth of these images and movements with your own eyes is an extremely beautiful enjoyment for everyone present.

They forgot about their heartbeats and breathing, and were only immersed in the extremely romantic and exaggerated pictures composed of lines of poetry.

"The sword pavilion is majestic and Cui Wei. One man can guard the gate, but ten thousand men cannot open it.

Those who were guarding or robbing relatives turned into wolves and jackals.

Avoiding tigers in the morning and snakes at night, grinding teeth and sucking blood, killing people like numbness.

Although Jincheng is happy, it is better to return home early.

The road to Shu is as difficult as the blue sky. I look to the west and sigh! "

At this point, a shocking "The Road to Shu" appeared in this world.

When Li Fan finished writing the last word and punctuation mark and put down the pen, the scene was still quiet.

In everyone's consciousness, they have felt Li Fan stop writing and know that Li Fan has finished writing this poem.

But they still don't want to,

They didn't dare to make any sound, because they were afraid that if they made any sound, the words would be frightened away.

These words were definitely not written by mortals, but by immortals from heaven. When they were spoken, they were frightened away.

Li Fan put down his pen and looked around. Seeing that everyone was still completely immersed in the poem, he smiled lightly. This was really normal.

This article "The Road to Shu is Difficult" is one of the representatives of the poet Taibai in the previous life. It uses a romantic approach to develop extremely rich imagination and artistically reproduces the beauty, thrills, and invincibility of the steep, abrupt, powerful, and rugged road to Shu. Yue's majestic momentum is a treasure in the entire history of poetry.

No matter how high the praise is, it is absolutely normal for everyone at the scene to be immersed in it.

At this time, countless poetry lovers on the Internet are still eagerly waiting for the poetry lovers on the scene to share Li Fan's taste with them.

It's been so long, why is there still no movement?

"What's going on? A poem should have been finished a long time ago. Friends at the scene will not forget to share it with us, right? However, it shouldn't be. I even mentioned the title of the poem before, but now there is no movement."

"It stands to reason that they should be eager to share it. This situation is indeed abnormal."

"There is a saying that when things go wrong, there must be monsters. Well, if there are weird things, there must be weird things."

"But, how can it be weird? Could it be that Mr. Li Fan's poems are not good? It's impossible that Yan Mu's "Entering Shu" won the first prize!"

"I also think that's absolutely impossible. It's just something special? It's really puzzling."

"It's weird, weird, oh! I really want to fly to the scene immediately to see what happened?"


Something did happen at the scene, and everyone was still immersed in the magnificence of "The Road to Shu".

After a long time, everyone gradually came out of their immersion.

Han Zhong let out a long sigh, "After seeing this poem, I have no regrets in this life."

Bai Yi said with emotion: "Brother Li Fan's talent has been demonstrated vividly once again. "The Road to Shu is Difficult" will be passed down forever."

Liu Yuan also lamented, "This is the poem of an immortal!"

Yan Mu looked at this article "The Road to Shu is Difficult" with a bitter smile on his face. He had previously thought that his "Enter Shu" might win the first prize.

Now it is discovered that "Entering Shu" is far from qualified to challenge even the slightest challenge in the face of "The Difficult Road to Shu".

Not to mention "Entering Shu", even all the poems about Jianmen and the Road to Shu in the past and present will pale in comparison to this "The Road to Shu is Difficult".

Not only that, in the future, there will be no better poems about Jianmen and the Road to Shu than "The Road to Shu is Difficult".

Because "The Road to Shu is Difficult" has written about Jianmen and the Road to Shu to the extreme. I'm afraid no one can surpass it.

Yan Mu sighed deeply. Li Fan's poetic talent was indeed far better than his. Even though he hadn't written poems for a long time, as soon as he started poetry, he was so brilliant.

Lin Yunfeng smiled bitterly and shook his head. They were both the overall champions of the Autumn Poetry Society, but the gap was so huge.

Be it him or Yan Mu, they are all too far apart from Li Fanxiang.

They already knew this before, but now they are even more certain.

Mo Bai, Du Feng, Wang Ling, and Lu Ran also slowly woke up from their dizziness.

They were excited and also had a wry smile. They had previously thought that "Entering Shu" had a slight chance of winning the first prize, but now they realized that it was really impossible to beat Li Fan to win the first prize.

And after a trace of a wry smile, only

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Excited and excited.

The poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult" is destined to be brilliant, and they witnessed the birth of such a poem with their own eyes.

This is definitely a blessing in life!

Of course, the luck of witnessing the birth of such a poem belongs to everyone present.

Poets, poetry lovers, and ordinary tourists who had little interest in poetry before have now personally experienced the great charm of poetry.

It is still unclear whether they will become poetry lovers in the future.

Today, they are all lucky. They have witnessed with their own eyes the birth of such a brilliant poem.

Even those who don't know much about poetry are already intoxicated, let alone those poetry lovers and poets.

They absolutely believe that this article "The Road to Shu is Difficult" will be passed down to future generations forever.

Of course, the reason why they were intoxicated was also related to the fact that they watched Li Fan write this poem word by word with their own eyes.

If they simply read this poem, they might not have such a strong feeling.

But now, they have strong feelings, and they all can't wait to figure out some parts of the poem that they don't quite understand.

"President Han, there are some parts of Mr. Li Fan's poem that we don't quite understand. Can you explain it to us?" someone said loudly.

Han Zhong smiled and said: "Of course, even if this friend doesn't tell me, I will interpret it. It is really unbearable to not interpret such a good poem. Of course, I am just one of them now, You may not understand it very well, so let’s give it a rough explanation.”


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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