Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1184 The poetry meeting ends

Remember in one second【】

on site.

Han Zhong looked very excited when he was asked to interpret the poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult". As he himself said, it would be really hard not to interpret such a poem personally.

Even just the interpretation was enough to make him happy and excited.

He adjusted his mood and said loudly: "Hello everyone, first of all, what I want to say is that we are all very lucky to be here today, and lucky to witness the birth of such a poem.

As for some parts of the poem, some friends may not understand it very well. I will briefly explain it now.

Let’s look at this sentence first, ‘There are clumps of silkworms and yufu, so how confused was the founding of the country! ’

Cancong and Yufu are the names of the two kings of the ancient Shu Kingdom, who founded the ancient Shu Kingdom.

What this poem is talking about is that it is said that two kings, Cancong and Yufu, established the ancient Shu Kingdom. However, the founding date of the kingdom is so long ago that it is now unclear and impossible to verify.

Look at the sentence "The earth collapses and the mountains destroy the strong men, and then the stone stacks on the ladder to the sky are connected."

The phrase "a strong man dies" refers to the famous story of "Five Dings opened a mountain".

The general idea is that the powerful Qin State at that time wanted to devour the Shu State, but the Shu State was in a dangerous terrain and was surrounded by high mountains, making it impossible to attack.

The King of Qin knew that the King of Shu was lustful, so he came up with an idea and said that he would give the King of Shu five beauties and ask the King of Shu to send someone to pick them up.

The King of Shu then sent five strong men to pick them up. The five strong men dug a road through the mountains, went to Qin to pick up the five beauties, and then returned.

When they returned to Zitong, which is also south of the Jianmen Pass we see now, the five warriors saw a big snake entering its body.

A strong man quickly ran over and grabbed the tail of the big snake, hoping to kill the snake and eliminate harm to the people. The other four strong men also went to help.

However, a landslide followed, and the five strong men and five beauties were crushed to death.

The mountain is also divided into five ridges, and the road to Shu has been opened since then.

Although this is just a story and legend, it reflects the great dangers and difficulties faced by people in ancient times when they dug the Shu Road, and countless working people sacrificed their lives for it.


Mr. Li Fan wrote such a beautiful legend into the poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult" with the sentence "The earth collapsed and the mountains destroyed the strong men, and then the ladders and stone stacks were connected to each other".

Reading it makes people full of emotions.

Next, look at the sentence "There are six dragons returning to the sun, and below there are rushing waves and turning back to Sichuan."

In ancient times, there was a record that said, "The sun rides on a chariot and is driven by six dragons."

Therefore, "Six Dragons Returning to the Sun" means that the Sun God who drives the six-dragon carriage has to go back home when he arrives here.

Because the mountain is too high and blocks the way of the Sun God.


Han Zhong continued to interpret all the parts of the poem that everyone may not understand very well.

After listening to Han Zhong's interpretation, everyone at the scene undoubtedly understood the poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult" more thoroughly.

I was even more amazed by this poem.

The whole poem is extremely exaggerated and imaginative, and has a strong romanticism color.

The opening line of the poem "Hey, thief, how dangerous it is! The road to Shu is as difficult as the sky!" contains extremely strong emotions, which express the astonishment and exclamation of the high and dangerous road to Shu!

Then from the founding of the country in Cancong to the founding of the mountains in Wuding, from the six dragons returning to the sun to the crow of Zigui at night, imagination runs wildly and creates a vast and vast artistic realm.

Relying on his divine imagination, the poet specifically depicts the majestic Cui Wei of Shu Road and vividly renders its gloomy and profound atmosphere, making people feel like they are on the scene, hearing and witnessing it.

Everyone at the scene really didn’t know how to evaluate this poem, other than sighing.

"The Sun God drove his six-dragon chariot here, but he had to go back obediently because he couldn't pass! How high is this mountain? Mr. Li Fan's imagination is really too strong."

"Not just this one? I think there is no place in the whole poem that is not imaginative. For example, a pedestrian on the Shu Road can touch the stars in the sky by raising his hand. This technique is not only imaginative, but also very romantic. It’s so beautiful.”

"I'm really glad to be here today. This kind of opportunity may only come once in my life."


Everyone at the scene was talking a lot and couldn't wait to share their excitement and excitement with the people around them.

At this time, the poetry lovers at the scene finally remembered that there were countless people waiting for them to share Li Fan's poems on the Internet.

The poetry lovers at the scene were quite embarrassed to think that so many people on the Internet had been waiting for so long.

However, we can’t blame them for not being so. We can only blame the poem “The Road to Shu is Difficult” for being too shocking.

"Haha! Friends on the Internet, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

"I'll go! It finally showed up. We've been waiting for it for a long time. By the way, why did it take you so long to show up?"

"Well, it's mainly because this poem is too long. Of course, that's not the point. The point is... The point is... Well, it's hard to say. After reading the poem, you may understand."

Hearing this, countless poetry lovers on the Internet were puzzled, but also very good, and itchy.

They urged the poetry lovers at the scene to stop talking nonsense and quickly share Li Fan's "The Road to Shu is Difficult".

"Okay, okay, let's share this. This poem is really a bit long. Please enjoy it slowly.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Bar. "After a poetry lover at the scene finished speaking, he shared the poem "The Road to Shu is Difficult" on the Internet.

Countless poetry lovers on the Internet finally saw "The Road to Shu is Difficult", which made them puzzled and eager to see through.

Then...then after they saw the first sentence, they quickly became immersed in it.

In fact, they are watching it online now, and they are far less shocked than the people at the scene watching Li Fan write word by word.

But they still fell into it quickly. No poetry lover could resist the temptation of this poem.

on site.

Everyone was still excited and excited, and after Li Fan's "The Road to Shu is Difficult", naturally no poet came out to continue poetry.

Those poets who have not yet written poems did not dare to write poems before, and they dare not write poems now.

However, they had some regrets and annoyance before, but now they feel no regrets or annoyance at all.

Being able to witness the birth of "The Road to Shu is Difficult" on the spot, will there be any regrets or annoyances?

If no one continues to write poems, the poetry meeting will not end here.

It was now noon, and there was no place to eat around, but everyone had been prepared. They took out the water and dry food they had brought with them, and continued to chat about "The Road to Shu is Difficult" while eating, and talked about their excitement at this time.

It was around three o'clock in the afternoon that the poetry meeting officially ended.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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