Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1190 Another unique alliance

Remember in one second【】

Hearing Lu Yangdong's question, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan all smiled and shook their heads and said, "Brother Li is here, it doesn't matter if you don't stay.,:."

Lu Yangdong was quite disappointed after hearing this, but Han Zhong's next words made him quite happy.

Just listen to Han Zhong say: "Brother Li, are you interested in leaving a song?"

Li Fan chuckled and said: "I don't have any good sentences at the moment, let's take a look first."

Han Zhong nodded and said: "Well, let's take a look first. There is a song "Winter on Su Causeway" over there in the display area, which is quite interesting."

Li Fandao: "It does have a certain level. It would be rare if it was written by a poetry lover."

"Oh? To have a certain level? Isn't that rare? This gentleman has very high vision!" A voice came from the side with a hint of ridicule in his tone.

Several people were stunned, and when they turned around, they saw a young man in his 20s looking at them. It was obviously him who said the words just now.

Li Fan glanced at the young man and said calmly: "It's not that I have high standards, it's just an objective evaluation."

The young man is called Lin Yang, and he is the author of "Winter on Su Causeway".

Lin Yang is a "half-poet" and is quite proud of his poetic talent. He suddenly had a sudden inspiration here this morning and wrote his best poem so far, "Winter on Su Causeway".

Not only was it successfully selected by the scenic spot and received a bonus of 5,000 yuan, it also received unanimous praise from everyone present and was called the best poem now.

Lin Yang was very excited. He was also extremely satisfied with "Winter on Su Causeway". If he could write a few more poems of this level, the "half" in his status as a "half-poet" could be removed. Become a true poet.

Lin Yang enjoyed listening to others praise the poem "Winter on the Su Causeway" so much that he never left. Instead, he wandered around the crowd and listened to other people's praises for "Winter on the Su Causeway".

He had just wandered around Li Fan and the others when he happened to hear Li Fan's evaluation of the poem "Winter on Su Causeway", saying that "if it was written by a poetry lover, it would be rare."

I am a half-poet, so that means that if it is written by a half-poet, then it is not very good.

Lin Yang, who had been proud for a long time,

When I suddenly heard such a comment, I naturally felt a little unhappy, so I couldn't help but say what I just said in a slightly mocking tone.

In his opinion, the other person either didn't understand poetry or just commented like that on purpose to show that he has high standards.

However, the next look Li Fan looked at him made his heart suddenly tremble, and the subsequent calm tone made him feel inexplicably confused.

The other party was obviously just an ordinary young man, so why did he feel inexplicably flustered when he raised his eyes?

Lin Yang didn't understand, and he didn't dare to say what he wanted to say anymore. Instead, he left in a hurry and hid in the crowd.

After hiding in the crowd, Lin Yang's panic slowly calmed down, and then he cautiously glanced in the direction of Li Fan.

"Why is this happening?" Lin Yang muttered to himself, unsure of the situation.

Outside the crowd, Lu Yangdong said: "That kid was quite interesting just now, and he left in such a hurry. Well, why is that?"

Li Fan chuckled and said: "If nothing else, that boy should be the author of the poem "Winter on the Su Causeway". He felt that we had underestimated his poem, so he felt a little unhappy. As for why he came in a hurry Go? That’s unknown.”

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan nodded at the same time, agreeing with Li Fan's words.

Lin Yang's appearance hurried away without affecting the few people. After watching the crowd for a while, they prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Li Fan said: "The West Lake is indeed a very beautiful place. I just got a poem and a couplet, so I will leave them here."

Lu Yangdong was overjoyed after hearing this, and his eyes were full of excitement and anticipation. Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan smiled on their faces, and their eyes also showed anticipation.

Lu Yangdong said excitedly: "How will Mr. Li Fan plan to leave poems and couplets?"

He knew that after Li Fan left the poems and couplets, he would naturally not receive the 5,000 yuan bonus. Well, it should be 10,000 yuan.

Li Fan said: "Mr. Lu, does he have paper and pen?"

Lu Yangdong said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, Mr. Li Fan, does he need a brush or a fountain pen?"

As a sketch artist, paper, pens and other tools are naturally indispensable.

Li Fandao: "Let's use the 'Mao' pen. I feel more comfortable writing poems with the 'Mao' pen."

Lu Yangdong nodded, opened his backpack, and was about to take out pen and paper from it. But I heard Li Fan say again: "Mr. Lu, there is no need to give it to me now. Let's go to the front and write it."

Lu Yangdong nodded after hearing this, thinking that Li Fan probably didn't want others to see him writing. If I write it here, someone will definitely see it.

Then he put away his backpack and said rather eagerly: "Then, Mr. Li Fan, let's go now."

Li Fan nodded, and then several people left from the periphery of the crowd.

The arrival of several people did not attract anyone's attention, except Lin Yang.

Walking back a little along the north bank of Yue Lake, we arrived at the entrance to the north end of Su Causeway. There was a pavilion here. Several people walked into the pavilion. On the stone bench, Li Fan wrote a poem and a couplet.

How can Li Fan's poems be simple? Han Zhong and Lu Yangdong had already known this.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


Therefore, a few people's eyes flashed with surprise but they were not surprised. Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were very interested in the first couplet written by Li Fan.

Although they are poets, they are also very accomplished in couplets. They are naturally happy to see good couplets.

However, this couplet didn't seem quite right, and all three of them frowned slightly.

Lu Yangdong looked back and forth over the poems and couplets, feeling very excited and excited.

After a while, Lu Yangdong said: "Mr. Li Fan, please let me hand over this poem and couplet to the scene."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Then I'll trouble Mr. Lu."

Lu Yangdong said hurriedly: "No trouble, no trouble, not trouble at all. Just wait for me. I'll be back soon."

After saying that, he folded the poem and couplet written by Li Fan and walked quickly towards the event site.

Not long after, Lu Yangdong returned, laughing and saying: "Mr. Li Fan, I have 'delivered' the poem and the first couplet to the workers on site. I just don't know if their person in charge has seen it now? If so, , I guess I’m in disbelief.”

Li Fan also smiled and said: "Excuse me, Mr. Lu, let's go to Su Causeway now. I have been admiring it for a long time."

Lu Yangdong and Han Zhong immediately agreed, and then they set foot on Su Di.

However, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were still thinking about the second line.

Han Zhong said: "Brother Li, your first couplet is really amazing. Even if you can match the second couplet, I'm afraid it's still far behind the first couplet in terms of charm."

Li Fan smiled and said: "I agree with Brother Han. In fact, I don't have a good second line myself."

Li Fan's first couplet is: Traveling to the West Lake, carrying a tin pot, the tin pot fell into the West Lake, I cherished the tin pot.

This is a famous couplet in the previous life, which was formed during the Northern Song Dynasty.

There are generally two theories about its origin. One is that the great writer Su Shi was on a boat trip to the West Lake with his literati. One day, a singing girl was carrying a tin pot to pour wine for Su Shi and others. She accidentally dropped the pot. in the lake.

Su Shi's mind moved and he chanted this first couplet.

However, although Su Shi chanted the first couplet, he did not chant the second couplet.

Another theory comes from a scholar who visited the West Lake during the Northern Song Dynasty.

As soon as this couplet came out, even Su Shi, the great writer at the time, could not respond to it.

This couplet became an absolute and has been passed down to this day.

Today, although some people have corrected the second couplet, and they have also corrected many kinds of second couplets, all the second couplets are still far behind the first couplet in terms of charm, and they are not very satisfactory.

Li Fan didn't intend to come up with those second couplets. Rather than come up with those unsatisfactory second couplets, it would be better to leave them to the world and let the couplet lovers decide on their own.

Maybe we can also come up with a better second line than the previous life.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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