Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1191 Want to compare the West Lake to the West

Remember in one second【】

On the West Lake Sudi. .

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan couldn't help but feel helpless when they heard Li Fan's first line and he didn't have a good second line.

It should be possible to match the second couplet, but it would be extremely difficult if the charm of the second couplet is not inferior to that of the first couplet, and it may even be impossible to match the second couplet like that.

At least a few people haven't thought of a good second line yet.

Bai Yi shook his head and chuckled, and said, "Brother Li, this is another perfect line!"

Li Fan laughed and said: "There is no way. We are not very talented and have little knowledge. If we cannot write a complete couplet, we can only write the first couplet."

"You just have to be cool, kid." Bai Yi scolded with a smile.

At this time, I heard Liu Yuan sigh with emotion: "'Desire' compares the West Lake to the West. Light makeup and heavy makeup are always suitable. Comparing the West Lake to the West, it is really unparalleled. In these thousands of years, Brother Li is the first person. From then on , this West Lake will be connected with Xizi.”

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Lu Yangdong also expressed emotion. Li Fan's poems are always amazing. This poem is said to be the best in the world, and it is absolutely deserved.

The event scene at the West Lake Scenic Area.

A worker took the folded paper from Lu Yangdong's hand, opened it without looking at it, put it together with the other manuscripts she had just received, and then handed it over to the person in charge of the site.

Wang Jiali is one of the people in charge of the scene. He has read thousands of poems and couplets today, but he has not seen a few that are slightly better. good.

Although he had been mentally prepared for this, he was inevitably a little disappointed. He sighed softly and said to the other two people in charge: "Before, I was still wondering whether I would miraculously receive a good poem or a good couplet. Now it seems that I am just overthinking it.”

"Actually, there is no need to be disappointed. We did not hold this event with the intention of receiving good poems and good letters. There are so many people at the scene who are interested in our event, which is already a success. In addition, "Winter on Su Causeway" and other poems are actually quite good and have promotional value. After all, they are all written by non-professional poets," another person in charge said.

Wang Miao nodded and said: "That's true. Our event was very successful and the goal has been achieved. Now many people on the Internet are talking about our event this time."

After saying that,

Wang Miaoshu picked up the manuscripts just handed over by the staff and started to read them.

I read several copies in a row, all of which were poems. Although the quality was not very good, Wang Li was not disappointed, or in other words, he was used to it.

Picking up another copy, I glanced at it and said, "Well, here comes another couplet."

The proportion of couplets is much smaller than that of poems. Wang's eyes lit up when he saw a couplet, even before he could see the specific content.

Then take a closer look, "When you swim in the West Lake, you carry a tin pot. The tin pot falls into the West Lake. I regret the tin pot."

"Huh?" Wang Ali was stunned and didn't respond.

I don't know if it's because I've read too many bad poems and couplets today, but when I suddenly saw such a line in the first couplet, Wang Miao was a little uncomfortable.

After a while, Wang Ali was agitated before he reacted. Then he suddenly became excited and agitated, and quickly said to the other two people in charge: "Old Wei, Old Liu, come on, come and see Look at this couplet, um, no, it’s the first couplet, only the first couplet.”

The other two persons in charge were named Wei Tao and Liu Guoming. When they suddenly heard Wang Lisheng's excited tone, they were stunned at first and also had no way of reacting.

After a while, he thought: "Lao Wang suddenly became so excited. Did he see a good couplet?"

Then he said eagerly at the same time: "What is the first couplet? Lao Wang, hurry up, show us."

Wang Mingshi handed the paper in his hand to the two of them, and Wei Tao and Liu Guoming looked at the paper at the same time.

Soon, he became equally excited and excited.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!" After Wei Tao said the word "second" several times in a row, he added: "The West Lake and the tin pot are really wonderful. The last two words 'xihu' actually have the same pronunciation. It’s really wonderful.”

Liu Guoming also said happily: "It is definitely the biggest surprise today to receive such a couplet!"

Although the three of them cannot be said to be masters of couplets, they are also very knowledgeable in couplets, and of course, the same is true in poetry.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be the person in charge today.

And even ordinary people can feel its wonderfulness when they see this first couplet, let alone them.

Wang Liduo said excitedly: "Yes, it's an absolute surprise! We were just saying that there was no surprise, but it came right away. It's a pity that there is only the first couplet and no second couplet."

Wei Tao said: "This first couplet is too wonderful. I'm afraid it will be difficult to match the second couplet. Maybe the contributor himself didn't have a second couplet, so he only submitted the first couplet."

Liu Guoming smiled and said: "The harder it is to match the second couplet, the better. A wonderful first couplet that is difficult to match the second couplet is sometimes better than a complete couplet, especially for our scenic spot."

Hearing what Liu Guoming said, Wang Mingshi and Wei Tao thought about it for a while, and instantly understood, and then they felt happy.

That's right, for the West Lake Scenic Area, a pair of wonderful first couplets that are difficult to match the second couplet is far better than a complete pair of couplets.

It has greater promotional value and appeal.

"Huh?" At this time, Liu Guoming said with some confusion, "There is no signature.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

And this word..."

"No signature? Words?" Wang Miaoyi and Wei Tao were stunned. They were too excited just now, but they didn't pay attention to these two problems. Now that they saw it, there was really no signature, and the writing was vigorous and powerful, and it was definitely written by everyone.

Could it be that this couplet was written by someone? Is that everyone at the scene?

Thinking about it again, how could we come up with such a wonderful first couplet if not everyone?

But, who could it be?

"This..." The three of them looked at each other, their excitement slowly calmed down and were replaced by various questions.

After a while, Wang Alishi said: "Since whoever made the move, it is obviously not for the 5,000 yuan bonus, and we can't get it. If he doesn't sign now, it means that he may not want people to know his identity now. , let’s show this first couplet first, and after we get down, we’ll find a way to find out which one of you made the move?”

After hearing this, Wei Tao and Liu Guoming nodded at the same time and said, "That's it."

Wang Shusheng said: "Okay, I also have a manuscript that was just sent here. After I read it, I asked Xiao Lin and the others to display the first couplet. "

Wei Tao and Liu Guoming nodded again.

Wang Miaoshuo looked at the remaining manuscript. With the wonderful first couplet just now, he actually had no interest in the other manuscripts for a while.

But now that this manuscript was sent together, it’s better to scan it. After scanning it, he quickly asked Xiao Lin to display the first couplet.

Wang Miaoming thought this in his heart, but soon, his pupils suddenly dilated, and his face was filled with an expression of disbelief.

The last manuscript was a poem called "Drinking on the Lake at First Sunny and Later Rain."

The content of the poem is:

It is good when the water is shining and the sky is clear, but the color of the mountains is also strange when the sky is covered with rain.

"Desire" compares the West Lake to the West, and it is always suitable to wear light makeup and heavy makeup.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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