Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1192 Which master is it?

Remember in one second【】

Wang Miaoyu looked at the poem called "Drinking the First Sunny and Later Rain on the Lake" on the manuscript. His pupils were dilated, his face was full of disbelief, and he temporarily lost his reaction. . :.

Wei Tao and Liu Guoming felt very strange when they saw Wang being so distant. Wei Tao said in confusion: "Old Wang, what are you doing? You seem to be fascinated by it."

After another moment, I heard Wang Miao murmur: "Old Wei, Old Liu, the couplet just now is not the biggest surprise today."

"Isn't it the biggest surprise?" Wei Tao and Liu Guoming were even more confused. Liu Guoming said, "Old Wang, what do you mean? Is the manuscript in your hand better?"

Wang Mishi handed the manuscript in his hand to the two of them and said, "You will know it as soon as you take a look."

Wei Tao and Liu Guoming looked at the manuscript in confusion. After seeing it clearly, their pupils suddenly dilated, and the expressions on their faces were no different from Wang Alien's expression before.

Wang Limo saw the expressions of the two people and felt a little proud in his heart. He discovered this poem first. Then he smiled and said: "How about Lao Wei and Lao Liu? Isn't it even more of a surprise?"

After a while, I heard Wei Tao and Liu Guoming say at the same time: "It is indeed an even bigger surprise!"

Then, Wei Tao let out another sigh and said, "This poem has the same handwriting as the first couplet just now. Are they written by the same person?"

Wang Miao nodded and said: "It can't be wrong, master. It is definitely the handiwork of a master."

Liu Guoming said with emotion: "It's better when the water is clear and clear, and the color of the mountains is also strange when it's raining in the sky. If you want to compare the West Lake to the West, it's always better to put on light makeup and heavy makeup." Only those who can write such a poem can only I'm afraid he's not an ordinary master. Throughout the ages, there have been many poems praising the West Lake, but as soon as this poem came out, from now on, I'm afraid it will be the most popular. He is the first person in history to compare the West Lake to the West."

Wei Tao said: "Yes, from now on, among all the poems praising the West Lake, this one will be the most popular. Which master will it be written by?"

Wang Shu said: "I thought of a master, but this is impossible."

Wei Tao said: "You mean Mr. Li Fan? To be honest, my first reaction was also from Mr. Li Fan. But it really shouldn't be possible. Mr. Li Fan was in Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area the day before yesterday, and it makes no sense to arrive at West Lake today. "

Liu Guoming groaned and said: "Old Wang, I saw these manuscripts, they should be given to you by Xiao Lin. Call Xiao Lin over and ask."

Wang Qiao's eyes lit up.

Said: "Yes, ask Xiao Lin."

It would be fine if there was only the first line of the couplet just now, but now such a poem is added. If they don't know which master it is from, the three of them are really itching.

However, when a staff member named Xiao Lin came over, she said that when she received the manuscript, she did not read the content on it, and she did not know who gave her this poem and couplet?

Besides, there were too many people being ‘friended’, and she didn’t pay attention to their appearance.

As a result, it is temporarily impossible to figure out who wrote this poem.

Wang Shuali sighed softly and said: "That's all, it doesn't matter who wrote it now, you will know it sooner or later. Now, let's show this poem to everyone first."

Wei Tao said: "Okay, let's show it first. Since the master is unwilling to 'reveal' his identity, he should be no longer at the scene now."

At this time, there were still a lot of people surrounding the scene. In the display column, six poems and two couplets were displayed. The person in charge of the scene selected them from thousands of manuscripts, and they were considered the best. .

Of course, the current display is only a temporary display. After today's event is over, the scenic spot will make further arrangements and plans for these selected poems and couplets.

Among the six poems, "Winter on Su Causeway" is still of the highest quality.

Many tourists gathered around the display column and talked about it.

"There are still only six poems and two couplets. It has been more than half an hour since the last poem was selected. Everyone, please do your best to match the poems!"

"Alas! None of us are professional poets after all. It's not so easy to come up with good poems and couplets. Just wait a minute. I feel like the next poem is not far away from being selected."


While everyone was discussing, they suddenly saw Wang Miaoliu, one of the three people in charge at the scene, coming to the display column in person with two manuscripts in his hand.

"Huh? Why did Mr. Wang come here in person? Even if there are new manuscripts to show, there is no need for him to come in person."

"There should be no new manuscripts on display. No one went to collect the 5,000 yuan bonus just now, so there should be no new manuscripts selected."


Everyone was talking in low voices, wondering what the purpose of Wang Alishi coming to the display column in person was? And he still looked like he was happy about something.

Just as he was puzzled, he heard Wang Shushuo say with a smile: "Dear friends, let me tell you some excellent news. We have just received an excellent poem and couplet, and now we will show it to you, so that everyone can share it together. appreciate."

"An excellent poem and couplet?" When everyone at the scene heard what Wang said, they were all happy, and they all said, "Is it true? Mr. Wang, let us see it quickly."

Wang Miao smiled and pasted the poems and couplets in his hand on the display board, and the poems and couplets were immediately displayed in front of everyone.

Everyone is gathered here, and although most of them are just watching the excitement, they can still tell the quality of the poems and couplets.

As soon as this poem came out, bursts of exclamations and disbelief came from the scene.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"'Desire' compares the West Lake to the West. This poem... this poem... my God! Such a poem can actually appear!"

"I am not a professional researcher of poetry, but this poem will make people marvel at it as soon as I read it. This West Lake is extremely beautiful whether it is sunny or raining. It is just like the most famous beauty in history, Xi Shi, no matter it is She looks so beautiful even if she wears a little makeup or a lot of makeup. "

"West Lake and Xi Shi both have the same word "西", and they are both extremely beautiful. Only now did I suddenly realize that they are so similar."

"It's not just the poem. If you look at the couplet, it's also very wonderful."

"West Lake, Tin Pot, and Xihu are really wonderful. No wonder there is only the first couplet. With such a first couplet, it is probably difficult to match the second couplet."


The poems and couplets quickly captured everyone present.

Soon, everyone discovered that the handwriting of this poem's couplet was exactly the same. It was obviously written by the same person, but there was no signature.

"Why is there no signature? Mr. Wang, who authored this poem and couplet? Why is there no signature on it?"

"Yes, Mr. Wang, why is there no signature? Please tell us who it is? Is he at the scene now? This is a master-level figure!"

"I'll go! Is there a master-level figure here?"


Everyone at the scene asked questions one after another, but Wang Miaoyi could only smile bitterly and said: "Dear friends, like everyone, I really want to know who is the author of this poem? But in fact, in the manuscript we received, it was originally There is no signature and we don’t know who it is.”

Hearing what Wang Alishi said, everyone at the scene thought carefully and nodded slowly. It seemed that the man didn't want others to know his identity for the time being.

This also just shows that the other party is really a master.

But, who could it be?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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