Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1197 Now is the real preview of the new work

Remember in one second【】

The amazing twist in Li Fan's second Weibo post made everyone gasp in admiration at the same time.

He is really quite talented, I wonder how Li Fan came up with it?

This way of reminding fans to put on clothes when the weather is cold is unprecedented.

When many celebrities saw it, in addition to the word "admiration", they were even more envious.

Because of Li Fan’s special article and the following reminder, it became popular all over the Internet in a short period of time.

It attracted countless people to be surprised, surprised, admired, and admired, and then couldn't help laughing.

Cen Geng, Shen Cong and others also laughed dumbly. After laughing and scolding "that brat", they also admired him very much. Perhaps only that boy could imagine this "miraculous" character.

Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were dumbfounded. They all wanted to knock on Li Fan's door and ask him what was going on.

Fortunately, I didn't go, otherwise I would have listened to that kid's serious nonsense again.

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng laughed loudly. They knew that that boy Li Fan was playing tricks again, and it turned out to be like this.

However, this little story is indeed very interesting, and the twist at the end is definitely a stroke of genius.

hotel room.

Looking at the astonishment, admiration, and admiration of countless people on Weibo, Li Fan felt quite proud.

This is a joke on the Internet in a previous life. If it is used in this world, the effect is quite good.

Of course, the reason why Li Fan used this joke tonight was not only to remind everyone to put on extra clothes in the cold weather, but also to liven up the atmosphere.

Next, he is really going to announce the news of a new book.

So, there is a third Weibo post tonight.

"Okay, the first two Weibo posts are not only to remind everyone to put on more clothes when the weather is cold, they are also mainly to liven up the atmosphere.

Now, here comes the real preview of the new book.

Don't be nervous, everyone.

It's not a martial arts novel, but really a mythical novel, or a mythical romance novel called "The Legend of White Snake."

Its main content is probably about the love legend between a snake demon and a mortal.

Finally, there is the serialization method that everyone is very concerned about. I plan to follow Mr. Guyong’s example and serialize this work through Weibo.

At ten o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, that is, at ten o'clock in the morning on December 1, "The Legend of White Snake" will officially begin serialization.

At that time, everyone is welcome to read. "

Li Fan updated his third Weibo post tonight. When they first received the Weibo update reminder, everyone couldn't believe it.

Li Fan actually updated three Weibo posts in a row, which is very strange.

Although he thought this in his mind, his hands moved quickly and he immediately clicked on Li Fan's latest Weibo again.

After watching it, I was really excited now.

"Wuck! I can't believe it, this time it's actually a preview of a new book."

"Wow haha! It's a mythical product. It's finally here. Li Fan is so powerful."

"In terms of lively atmosphere, I only admire Li Fan. It is quite lively."

"The book about the love legend between a snake demon and a mortal is also called "The Legend of White Snake". Then, White Snake should be the snake demon."

"Snake demon? Why snake demon? I am most afraid of snakes. Besides, I feel that snake demons are all kind of sinister and vicious."

"Can this man fall in love with a demon? Isn't there a saying that says that humans and demons have different paths?"

"Tch! It's because of the different paths between monsters and monsters that this man fell in love with a monster. That's why it's called a legend. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"This is not nonsense. This is Mr. Li Fan's mythical product. Can you not look forward to it?"

"It's really great that Li Fan is also serializing on Weibo. So, among all the writers, I like Li Fan and Guyong the most."

"That's great! When Gu Yongda serialized Chun Aipin through Weibo, although I didn't like Chun Aipin too much, I really liked the way of serializing on Weibo. It was so convenient. I didn't expect that Li All new products will be serialized on Weibo, which is really a blessing. ”

"The series will officially start on December 1st. Now that I know the specific time, I can't wait even more."


Li Fan's new book will be serialized on Weibo, surprising many readers.

Since Guyong pioneered Weibo serialization, many readers have fallen in love with this very convenient way of reading.

However, apart from Gu Yong, there is no other person who has used this method to serialize works.

Of course, readers can understand it without serializing it on Weibo.

After all, the absolute majority of people can only earn royalties.

Now, Li Fan is going to serialize it through Weibo, which naturally surprises readers.

Then, readers are very interested in the name and content of Li Fan's new product, and they are discussing it on the Internet.

Among them, many people are quite puzzled as to why Li Fan chose the snake demon.

After all, there are too many people who are afraid of snakes in this world. This snake demon... makes people shudder just thinking about it.

Many people asked Li Fan this question on Weibo.

Why choose snake

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Demon? Naturally, Li Fan will not tell everyone the real reason.

Moreover, Li Fan doesn't need to answer everyone. Someone on the Internet has already answered this question for him.

"Haha! I know why Mr. Li Fan chose the snake demon. Come on, let me tell you why."

"Do you know the reason? Is it true? Are you Mr. Li Fan's assistant? I've never heard of Mr. Li Fan having an assistant. But please tell me."

"Of course I am not Mr. Li Fan's assistant, but I once had the honor to camp with Mr. Li Fan on the top of Baiyun Mountain in Sansheng Village. At that time, we heard Mr. Li Fan say something about the place on the top of Baiyun Mountain. The legend of an unknown tower, that legend goes like this..."

"I see. So, this story originated from a legend about the nameless tower on the top of Baiyun Mountain that was circulated in Sansheng Village, Mr. Li Fan's hometown."

"The origin of the story should indeed be like this, but the content of the story should be completely different. The legendary snake demon is an evil demon that harms the people. The snake demon in Mr. Li Fan's novel will definitely not be like this."

"I see, a snake demon will be a snake demon. As long as she is dedicated to kindness, she won't be careless about others."

"Now that I know the legendary story of Sansheng Village, I am even more looking forward to Mr. Li Fan's work. It will be the day after tomorrow."


Han Zhong, Bai Yi, Liu Yuan, and Lu Yangdong were pleasantly surprised when they returned home. Sure enough, the series started in the past two days.

How can the love story between a snake demon and a mortal be connected with places such as the Broken Bridge on the West Lake and Leifeng Pagoda?

Several people are looking forward to it very much!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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