Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1198 Bai Suzhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain

Remember in one second【】

\u003eLi Fan’s third Weibo post was indeed a preview of a new book, which sparked heated discussions on the Internet. .: .

Many celebrities also paid attention immediately.

Cen Geng immediately talked to Shen Cong on the phone.

Cen Geng said: "Old Shen, what do you think?"

Shen Congchen chanted: "Regarding the love legend between snake demons and mortals, it can be seen that this work focuses on the word 'love', and also how this love between humans and demons breaks the saying that 'humans and demons have different paths'. So. , there shouldn’t be too many descriptions of mythological elements in this work.”

Cen Geng said: "Well, I think so too. But it doesn't matter. I am just innocent now and am very interested in this work."

On the phone, Shen Cong laughed and said, "Me too, that's all. I'm just a pure reader this time. Moreover, his work will also be serialized on Weibo, which is interesting."

Cen Geng said: "This serialization method is indeed interesting, especially for today's young people. Many people are probably familiar with it and are becoming more and more accustomed to this serialization method."

Shen Congdao: "But this serialization method has no benefits for readers. Only Li Fan and Na Guyong dare to play like this."

Cen Geng said: "That's true. Hey, Lao Shen, why did we talk about the serialization method?"


Sansheng Village.

Zheng Jie said with a smile: "The legend of love between a snake demon and a mortal, has that guy finally completed the concept of this work? It sounds very interesting."

Liang Sheng said: "The idea is probably finished. Let's wait until the day after tomorrow to see what kind of work it will be. From the beginning, we should be able to see some clues."

Romance Pavilion Forum.

Most of the Romance Pavilion forums are girls, and there are also a large number of fans of pure love novels. After Gu Yong said last time that he would not continue to create pure love products, the pure love novels in the Romance Pavilion, But I was really depressed for a long time.

"Hey, hey, hey! Li Fan has released a preview of his new book.

Have you seen it? "

"No, his new book is a long-form myth, right? We don't really like reading it, so why are we watching the preview of his new book?"

"It is indeed a mythical item, but I feel it is quite interesting. Moreover, Li Fan also said that it is a mythical love item."

"Mythological love products? Love between mythical characters?"

"Of course not. It's a love legend about a snake demon and a mortal. Hey, go and see it for yourselves. I really think it's quite interesting. Moreover, Li Fan is planning to follow Gu Yong's lead this time and use WeChat Bo will serialize it.”

"Serialized on Weibo? Is this true? Just for this reason, you should read it! I really like reading novels in this way."

"A love legend between a snake demon and a mortal? Hey, it seems really interesting. Let me check out the preview of the new book."


The girls in the Romance Pavilion were not originally very interested in Li Fan's mythical works.

However, when they saw the preview of Li Fan's new book, they became instantly interested.

I was instantly full of expectations for this movie called "The Legend of White Snake".

The next day, November 30th.

Today, Han Zhong, Bai Yi, and Liu Yuan were going to attend a meeting of the Tangzhou Poetry Association, and Li Fan wandered around Tangzhou City alone.

He had already coded a lot of the manuscript for "The Legend of the White Snake" before, and it would be enough to serialize it for more than ten days.

Therefore, he does not need to code. If he does not code, he will naturally appreciate the beautiful Tangzhou City.

He did not go to West Lake today, but he knew that the collection of poems and couplets organized by West Lake is still going on today.

Moreover, the number of people was much larger than yesterday, and there were even many professional poets.

The reason is naturally obvious, because Li Fan left a poem and a couplet there yesterday.

Regarding the poem and couplet, the director of the West Lake Scenic Area Office personally called Li Fan and said that he wanted to use the poem and couplet to promote the West Lake Scenic Area and requested Li Fan's authorization.

Li Fan naturally had no objection. It was also a good thing for the poem and couplet to be used to promote the West Lake Scenic Area.

Today, Li Fan visited some of the most famous places in Tangzhou City and gained a more detailed understanding of the city. It is indeed a very beautiful city.

In the evening, after dinner, Li Fan returned to the hotel room and browsed the Internet briefly.

Countless people are even more excited and looking forward to "The Legend of White Snake" which will be serialized tomorrow.

And the time finally came to the next day, December 1st.

It’s the new beginning of January, and for many people, today is definitely a day of excitement and anticipation.

It’s 9:30 in the morning, and there is still half an hour until the first chapter of “The Legend of White Snake” is updated.

At this time, whether it was Li Fan's Weibo or the Internet, the atmosphere reached a climax.

Countless people excitedly expressed their feelings on the Internet.

"I've finally waited for this moment. The past two days have been really slow."

"White Snake, here I come, hahaha!"

"I wonder how it will start?

^0^ Remember in one second【】

What is the name of the mortal that White Snake falls in love with? Really looking forward to it. "

"It's about to start. I don't know how many words Li Fan will update today? I hope I can update more. On the first day, it won't be a blast."

"It's coming, it's coming, there are still a few minutes left, I'm enjoying this feeling right now."


In the countdown anticipation of countless readers, the time finally reached ten o'clock in the morning. Li Fan updated on Weibo that the first chapter of "The Legend of White Snake" is "Thousand Years of Transformation".

The chapter name of "Thousand Years of Transformation" was naturally chosen by Li Fan himself. If it is serialized on the Internet, then it should be based on the standards of Internet serialization.

“It’s finally here, um, ‘Thousand-Year Transformation’.” Countless readers cheered, and then eagerly clicked on the first chapter.

"Qingcheng Mountain, with its many mountains and lofty mountains, has a quiet artistic conception. A snake catcher is looking for snakes in the jungle and kills them for their bile.

A small white snake had nowhere to escape and was caught by a snake trapper. Just when the snake catcher was about to kill the little white snake for its bile, a little shepherd boy in the distance said, "Please let it go, it's so pitiful." ’


This first chapter mainly talks about a kind-hearted little shepherd boy who rescued a small white snake from a snake catcher.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it is already one thousand seven hundred years later.

That little white snake back then, after practicing hard for more than 1,700 years, finally gained the Tao and transformed into a human body.

After the White Snake cultivated into a human form, Guanyin, the great world saver, appeared in the Golden Summit of Emei. Good men and women went to worship, and Cihang saved the destined people.

White Snake also went to the Golden Summit of Emei to pay homage to Avalokitesvara. Avalokitesvara asked White Snake what she wished for.

Just listen to White Snake singing:

"Bai Suzhen cultivated her body in the cave for thousands of years at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain.

Practicing diligently will lead to enlightenment, and you will be transformed into a human being.

Focus on the Tao without any distracting thoughts, take refuge in the Three Jewels and abandon the world of mortals.

I hope that the Bodhisattva will enlighten me and help me escape from the mortal world.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Cross my Suzhen out of the mortal world.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Cross my Suzhen out of the mortal world.


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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