Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1199 Need to search high up in the West Lake

Remember in one second【】

Even though they haven't finished reading the first chapter of "The Legend of White Snake", "Thousand Years of Transformation", many readers are already excited. It is worthy of Li Fan's work, and the extraordinary quality of this work has already been shown from the very beginning. ,: .

Qingcheng is secluded in the world, and Emei is beautiful in the world. Qingcheng and Emei have been very famous since ancient times, and they are both in Funan Province. The two mountains are not far from each other. Bai Suzhen practiced here. Therefore, the background of the story should be in Funan Within the province.

The readers nodded. Li Fan is in Funan Province. It is normal for him to set the background of the story in Funan Province.

Bai Suzhen practiced hard for more than 1,700 years and finally attained human form, which made all readers' eyes brighten. They knew that the story of the White Snake had begun.

And in the Golden Summit of Emei, the lyrics of Bai Suzhen's inscription to Guanyin made all the readers excited.

The reason why they were so excited was not only that the phrase itself was exciting, but also because of the word "sing".

Almost all readers have noticed that what is written in the article is, "Just listen to Bai Suzhen singing." The word "sing" indicates that this passage can be sung.

If someone else had written a libretto in a novel, everyone could just read it and there wouldn’t be any flutter in their hearts.

Everyone knows that they just wrote it casually, and the lyrics can't be sung at all.

However, Li Fan's taste is different. Li Fan is the top music master in the country, and every song of his is an absolute classic.

There are librettos in his music, which can definitely be sung.

This verse alone is enough to make people excited. What would it feel like if it were sung to a melody?

All readers were excited and couldn't wait to hear it immediately.

However, this is impossible, so let’s finish reading today’s update first.

Bai Suzhen made a pledge to Master Guanyin, saying that she was devoted to the Tao and was willing to take refuge in the Three Jewels and abandon the mortal world, and asked Master Guanyin for enlightenment.

However, Master Guanyin said that her earthly fate was not over and her kindness was not repaid, so how could she ascend in the daytime?

The so-called kindness is naturally the life-saving grace given to her by a little shepherd boy more than 1,700 years ago.

Bai Suzhen said that she naturally knows how to repay kindness.

She wanted to repay her kindness, but more than 1,700 years had passed. The little shepherd boy who saved her had probably been reincarnated for more than a dozen reincarnations. Where could she find him in the vast sea of ​​people?

Avalokitesvara Guanyin said: "March 3rd is the Qingming Festival. It rains heavily during the Qingming Festival. If we are destined to meet each other from thousands of miles away, we need to look for it high in the West Lake."

This is the end of the first chapter of "Thousand Years of Transformation". The last words spoken by Master Guanyin left all readers stunned.

We are destined to meet you thousands of miles away, but you need to go to the heights of West Lake to find us? West Lake, West Lake, is it Tangzhou West Lake?

Guanyin Master asked Bai Suzhen to go to the West Lake to find her savior on Qingming Day, March 3rd?

"West Lake, West Lake, is definitely Tangzhou West Lake, because Mr. Li Fan was in West Lake the day before yesterday, and he is probably still in Tangzhou now."

"Wow haha! West Lake, West Lake, it turned out to be West Lake. As a Tangzhou native, I just feel so comfortable and honored. It's such an honor. Thank you Mr. Li Fan."

"Oh, my God! I originally thought that Mr. Li Fan would set the background of the story in Funan, but I didn't expect that it would be in West Lake. We are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away. This sentence is classic, so classic."

"Witch! The West Lake scenic spot has become more developed this time. Mr. Li Fan just left a poem and a couplet the day before yesterday. The background of today's "Legend of the White Snake" seems to be in the West Lake."

"Let me go, what kind of luck is this to the West Lake Scenic Area? It is already very famous, but now I am afraid it will become even more famous."

"Bai Suzhen will go to the West Lake to find her savior on Qingming Day. This plot is so exciting. Looking forward to it! Looking forward to it! Li Fan will update the second chapter soon!"

"That's right, Li Fan is asking for an update. It's so beautiful that it makes me want to stop."


The sentence "You need to look for it high up in the West Lake" makes all readers focus on Tangzhou West Lake.

Although Tangzhou West Lake is not the only lake called "West Lake" across the country, the other "West Lakes" are just ordinary lakes and not famous.

Speaking of West Lake, everyone will think of Tangzhou West Lake, plus Li Fan was at Tangzhou West Lake the day before yesterday.

So, the "West Lake" mentioned by Guanyin Master is almost 100% certain to be Tangzhou West Lake.

Liang Xuesheng, director of the Tangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Office, slammed the table and said excitedly: "West Lake, West Lake, must be our West Lake. This is really great."

Just through the first chapter, Liang Xuesheng can be sure that this novel called "The Legend of White Snake" will definitely be an extraordinary novel.

The background of the story of such an extraordinary novel is the West Lake in Tangzhou, which will not only make the West Lake more famous.

As time goes by, it will undoubtedly add a strong cultural heritage to their West Lake, which is extremely precious.

Liang Xuesheng was extremely sure of this, which was why he was so excited.

He was full of gratitude to Li Fan and wanted to visit him in person, but unfortunately Li Fan did not reveal which hotel he was staying at.

The day before yesterday, he called Li Fan and tactfully expressed his intention to visit him, but Li Fan tactfully declined.

Wang Jiali, Wei Tao, and Liu Guoming were also excited.

Originally, that poem and couplet had already made them extremely excited and satisfied.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

But they never thought that Li Fan would give them an even bigger surprise now.

They all didn't know how to express their feelings at this time.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's really coming." Lu Yangdong said excitedly. Few things could make him so excited.

He never expected that after the lucky encounter with Li Fan and the others just the day before yesterday, he could clearly feel today that West Lake would become even more famous from now on.

This is the influence of Li Fan and his products. Lu Yangdong really doesn't know how to evaluate that seemingly ordinary young man.

In other words, he was a little afraid to evaluate.

Suddenly, he stood up suddenly, walked to his studio, and looked at the "Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow" picture he painted last year.

Thinking about what Li Fan said to him the day before yesterday, "Mr. Lu should keep that painting well, maybe it will be of great use someday."

Lu Yangdong is now convinced that his painting will indeed be of great use.

In the hotel room.

Seeing the messages all over the Internet urging him to update the second chapter, Li Fan was very satisfied and not surprised at all.

This is a classic that has been passed down for thousands of years in previous lives, so it naturally has an irresistible charm.

In the article, Master Guanyin mentioned that March 3rd is the Qingming Festival, and Li Fan felt it was necessary to explain it here.

In previous lives, the statutory Tomb-Sweeping Day was April 5, but in fact Tomb-Sweeping Day is not a fixed day, but falls at the intersection of mid-spring and late spring, which is the 108th day after the winter solstice. Around March in the lunar calendar.

April 5th is Tomb-Sweeping Day, which was designated by the previous life in 1935.

In fact, the Qingming Festival is a very long festival. It lasts for nearly 20 days before and after April 5 in the Gregorian calendar.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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