Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1200 Meeting on Broken Bridge

Remember in one second【】

There were too many readers urging the update on the Internet, and Li Fan did not show any pretense. He updated four chapters in a row, updating all five chapters planned for today.

Readers cheered when they saw Li Fan updating four chapters of "Sex" at once, and then eagerly clicked on the second chapter "The Stolen Banknote".

At the beginning of the second chapter, the writing changed. It mentioned that the treasury silver in Qiantang County, Tangzhou was stolen one after another. The treasury door was not opened and the treasury lock was not unlocked, but the treasury silver inside was mysteriously stolen. It was very strange.

Seeing the words "Tangzhou Qiantang County", all the readers showed expressions that it was indeed the case. The West Lake mentioned by Guanyin Master in the first chapter was indeed Tangzhou West Lake.

Qiantang County is the name of an ancient county in Tangzhou. Although it is no longer used, many people know that Qiantang County has always been the first county of Tangzhou in history, and its geographical location is located in a certain area of ​​​​Tangzhou City. , close to the West Lake.

The treasury silver was mysteriously stolen. The magistrate of Qiantang County ordered the county government to arrest Li Gongfu, and fully investigate the case of the treasury silver being stolen. It is necessary to catch the thief and recover the treasury silver.

Li Gongfu's wife Xu Jiaorong had a younger brother living with them. His younger brother's surname was Xu Xian with Chinese characters.

Xu Xian read poetry and books, and determined to be a doctor who could help the world and save people, so he became an apprentice under Wang Yuanwai, a doctor in Qiantang County.

"Xu Xian!" The readers' minds suddenly moved, thinking that this Xu Xian and Xu Hanwen must be the male protagonist. Is he the one who fell in love with Bai Suzhen?

After reading the second chapter, the readers continued to read the third chapter "Becoming Sisters".

In order to investigate the theft of treasury silver, Li Gongfu led his government servants to stay outside the warehouse all night.

Finally, the thief was discovered at night. After a fight, the thief escaped. Li Gongfu led the government officials to pursue him.

After chasing him to an abandoned manor in Qingbo Gate, the thief disappeared, and then a big green python sprang out, frightening Li Gongfu and others so much that the pursuit was in vain. .

It turns out that the thief is a green demon and her five ghosts.

Again, Bai Suzhen was enlightened by Master Guanyin and came to Qiantang County, preparing to go to the West Lake to find her savior on Qingming Day, March 3rd.

She needed to find a place to live in Qiantang County, so she chose an abandoned manor in Qingbo Gate, and this abandoned manor was where the Green Snake Demon lived.

Bai Suzhen meets the green snake demon,

When the two monsters fight, Bai Suzhen's Taoism is higher than that of the green snake monster, and the green snake monster is no match.

Bai Suzhen originally wanted to kill the green snake demon to prevent the green snake demon from causing further harm, but seeing that the green snake demon was sincerely repentant, she spared his life.

The green snake demon was grateful for his kindness and was willing to serve as his servant. The two of them called themselves sisters and returned to the abandoned manor of Qingbo Gate.

Bai Suzhen used magic power to transform the abandoned manor into a luxurious manor.

After reading the third chapter, readers become more and more excited, and the story becomes more and more exciting and interesting.

The Qingbo Gate mentioned in the story is one of the ten ancient city gates in Tangzhou. However, the Qingbo Gate has been demolished long ago and has completely disappeared into the dust of history.

This makes many readers feel a little bit regretful.

After reading Chapter 3, readers are looking forward to Chapter 4 even more, because the Qingming Festival on March 3rd is approaching.

Chapter 4, "Meeting across a broken bridge".

As readers had expected, the Qingming Festival came on March 3rd. Xu Xian, her sister and brother-in-law went out to visit the tombs in the city. On the way back, they passed by the West Lake. Xu Xian wanted to visit the West Lake, so he asked his sister and brother-in-law to go back first, and he was alone. A man carries an umbrella while swimming in the West Lake.

It is March, the most beautiful season in West Lake, with flowers in full bloom and willow branches weeping.

Bai Suzhen, accompanied by Xiaoqing, also came to West Lake to find her savior.

Guanyin Master said that we need to search high up in the West Lake. Where is this "high place"? But it was never stated clearly.

Bai Suzhen didn't understand its meaning, so she had to look around in the West Lake.

They found many "experts" in the West Lake, including those who worked on the trees, those who sold cakes, and those with the surname Gao. Unfortunately, after searching with magic power, they found that none of those people were her saviors.

Until they came to the broken bridge of the West Lake and saw a young man on the broken bridge, carrying an umbrella and admiring the beautiful scenery of the West Lake.

This young master is naturally Xu Xian.

When Bai Suzhen met Xu Xian for the first time, she already had a faint feeling of admiration for him.

Xiaoqing felt her sister's admiration, so she used magic power to deliberately drop a golden hairpin from Bai Suzhen's head next to Xu Xian to test his character.

Xu Xian picked up the gold hairpin and asked the people around him about the owner. Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing deliberately pretended to be looking for something and walked to Xu Xian.

Xu Xian saw the two of them and asked them if they were looking for a gold hairpin?

Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian met at Broken Bridge, and both of them fell in love with each other.

Afterwards, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing separated from Xu Xian. Xiao Qing conducted many tests on Xu Xian and found that Xu Xian was indeed a person of upright character.

At this time, Bai Suzhen found out through a magic test that Xu Xian had been reincarnated for more than ten times. The kind-hearted little shepherd boy who saved her life had a deeper love in her heart.

At this time, I also understood that the "high place" mentioned by Guanyin Master refers to the broken bridge.

After reading Chapter 4, all the readers were very excited. Bai Suzhen found her savior.

Moreover, the two of them love each other, a love between a human and a demon.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The love legend is probably about to begin from now on.

"When Bai Suzhen saw Xu Xian on the broken bridge for the first time, she didn't even know that Xu Xian was her savior, but she already had a faint feeling of admiration. This is the so-called marriage that is destined by God."

"I estimate that before Bai Suzhen met Xu Xian, she just wanted to find her savior, repay her kindness, then leave, and then continue to practice and ask Master Guanyin to help her out of the mortal world. But now, I'm afraid Bai Suzhen will not leave."

"I will definitely not leave. I will naturally fall in love with Xu Xian. However, the human-monster will always have a different path. Their previous love may have been extremely difficult."

"It is precisely because of the difficulty that it is called a love legend."

"Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian met on the Broken Bridge in West Lake. Is there a Broken Bridge in West Lake?"

"Yes, yes, indeed there is. I just checked it out and it's at the east end of Baidi. One end is connected to Baidi and the other end is connected to Beishan Road."

"I am from Tangzhou and I am very familiar with West Lake. There is indeed a broken bridge in West Lake, as my friend above said. However, the broken bridge is not famous among the many scenic spots in West Lake. It is just an ordinary bridge. However, that It was before, but it’s probably hard to say in the future.”

"Broken Bridge, now that Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian met at Broken Bridge, Broken Bridge will probably become more and more famous in the future."

"Speaking of Broken Bridge, there is actually a scenic spot on Broken Bridge, but most people don't know it. It's called 'Broken Bridge with Remaining Snow'. I also accidentally learned about it once."

"Broken Bridge Can Snow? This name sounds very good and beautiful! How could it not be famous? Does anyone know about it? Tell us."

"The broken bridge is not famous, and the broken bridge and the remaining snow are hard to be famous. Moreover, the scene of the broken bridge and the remaining snow is difficult to see. After all, there are not many opportunities for snow in Tangzhou, and even less opportunities for heavy snow. It is rare to see it all year round. It’s strange that a one-time attraction can become famous. Of course, if the Broken Bridge becomes famous, the situation will be completely different.”

"Speaking of Broken Bridge and Remaining Snow, I know a little bit about it. Come on, let me tell you about it..."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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