Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1205 Providing the best resources for free

Remember in one second【】

Not long after, Gu Yuan arrived at the hotel where Li Fan was staying. Gu Yuan met Li Fan in the private room prepared by Li Fan in advance.

"Mr. Li Fan, it's a great honor to meet you!" Gu Yuan said excitedly.

Li Fan laughed and said, "Director Gu is so polite. I am very honored to meet you."

After a few polite words between the two parties, Li Fan handed Gu Yuan a copy and said, "Director Gu, this is the script for our filming this time. Please take a look at it first."

Gu Yuan's heart skipped a beat and he secretly said, "Here he comes." Then he took the document handed over by Li Fan with both hands and said, "Okay, Mr. Li Fan, let me take a look first."

He was a little nervous. Li Fan asked him to read the script. Naturally, he wouldn't just let him read it. After reading it, he would definitely have to say some of his own thoughts and shooting-related matters.

To a certain extent, this is equivalent to an assessment.

Although he was very confident, this opportunity was too important to him, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

You know, there are many directors eyeing this opportunity, including big directors with greater reputations.

As long as Li Fan releases the news that he needs to find a director to work with, there will definitely be many directors who will come as soon as possible, including well-known directors.

Because he had a good relationship with Hu Fei, he was lucky enough to get the upper hand. He had to seize this opportunity.

When Li Fan showed the script to Gu Yuan, he did have a sophisticated meaning, but more importantly, he had a good impression of Gu Yuan and had already planned to cooperate with him. Otherwise, he would not have shown him the script, right? .

The script was just written by Li Fan before. It was just a few plots of a TV series and it didn't take much time.

Gu Yuan has read the first five chapters of "The Legend of the White Snake" many times and is familiar with the West Lake Scenic Area. On the way here, he has been imagining the plot scenes in his mind.

But now, there are several plots in Li Fan's script that are not in the first five chapters. So, they should be plots that will appear later.

Gu Yuan thought about it for a moment and understood Li Fan's intention, and he was filled with admiration.

In this way, the following plot is spoiled a little bit, and it is transparent but not clear. It will definitely make readers feel itchy and always maintain an absolute desire for the follow-up story.

It didn't take long,

Gu Yuan had already read the entire script, then thought for a moment, and told Li Fan some of his thoughts and shooting viewpoints in detail.

Li Fan listened quietly. After listening, he stretched out his right hand and said with a smile: "Director Gu, I hope we can have a happy time together."

Gu Yuan was overjoyed and quickly extended his right hand, shook hands with Li Fan and said, "Have a nice meeting, Mr. Li Fan, I am very honored."

Later, Li Fan asked again: "Does Director Gu have a crew here?"

Gu Yuanxin was overjoyed and said: "There is a film and television company called Jiaheng Film and Television here in Tangzhou. It is quite large and is considered a second-tier film and television company. It has invited me to film two TV series and the relationship is pretty good. I am coming to Tangzhou this time. , I want to discuss some cooperative matters with Jiaheng Film and Television again.

After Jiaheng Film and Television knew that I was coming to visit Mr. Li Fan, they asked me to bring a message to Mr. Li Fan, saying that if Mr. Li Fan needs a film and television company to cooperate, their Jiaheng Film and Television has absolute sincerity and is willing to provide a crew for Mr. Li Fan for free. team. "

Li Fan nodded. He wanted to shoot in West Lake, so the best choice was to cooperate with a local film and television company in Tangzhou.

What film and television companies are there in Tangzhou? Li Fan had already found out clearly before that Jiaheng Film and Television was the leader.

As for Jiaheng Film and Television, it is willing to provide the crew for free, and its purpose is naturally to sell Li Fan a good deal.

It's just two song MVs. It doesn't take much resources to make Li Fan fall in love. It's definitely an investment that may have a big return.

Li Fan nodded and said, "Jiaheng Film and Television? Let's go to Jiaheng Film and Television now."

Li Fan naturally understands Jiaheng Film and Television's idea, but the other party's willingness to provide the crew for free is indeed a sentiment and is indeed very sincere.

Li Fan will not be pretentious. He originally needed to cooperate with a film and television company. Now that Jia Film and Television is interested, Li Fan does not need to find other film and television companies.

Gu Yuan was very happy when he heard what Li Fan said. He had a good relationship with Jiaheng Film and Television, so he was naturally willing to have Li Fan's love with Jiaheng Film and Television.

Afterwards, the two left the hotel together and headed to Jiaheng Film and Television.

Since he has promised readers that he will release the song as soon as possible, Li Fan naturally needs to hurry up.

Gu Yuan obviously understood this, and was also thinking about how to shorten the shooting cycle as much as possible while ensuring quality.

On the way, Gu Yuan had already contacted Jiaheng Film and Television in advance, so when the two walked into Jiaheng Film and Television, Yuan Yizhi, the general manager of Jiaheng Film and Television, went to the gate to greet them personally.

"Mr. Li Fan, Director Gu, welcome you two, welcome!" Yuan Yizhi laughed.

Li Fan said hurriedly: "Mr. Yuan is too polite, I really don't dare to accept it."

After shaking hands, the two parties exchanged a few more polite words, and then walked inside the company together.

Yuan Yizhi said with a smile: "Mr. Li Fan chose Qiantang County and West Lake as the background of "The Legend of the White Snake". It is really an honor for me in Tangzhou. To be honest, Mr. Li Fan said that in less than one day, Tangzhou, Qiantang The three terms "Xianxian" and "Xihu" have become hot search terms on the Internet. The influence of Mr. Li Fan's style is absolutely amazing. "

Yuan Yizhi's words are not an exaggeration. The three terms Tangzhou, Qiantang County and West Lake are

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It has indeed become a hot search term on the Internet.

Especially after Li Fan's Weibo, the popularity increased even more.

There are many people who don't like reading novels, but almost no one doesn't like Li Fan's music.

Li Fan is going to release new music? The song is called "Love"? The lyrics have already appeared in Li Fanxin's "The Legend of White Snake"? And a mysterious theme song?

Now, people who don't like to read novels have opened the novel "The Legend of the White Snake" because of Li Fan's new song.

The popularity of terms such as Tangzhou, Qiantang County, West Lake, and Broken Bridge has skyrocketed.

Li Fan felt a little embarrassed when he saw Yuan Yizhi's praise. It was not that he chose Qiantang County and West Lake as the background of the story, but that the background of the legend of "White Snake" was here.

Otherwise, why would he choose the background here? It would be a good idea to choose Sansheng Village.

Li Fan laughed and said: "Mr. Yuan is so complimentary. I chose the background of the story here. It is actually a win-win situation."

Yuan Yizhi said again: "Mr. Li Fan is too humble, too humble."

After the two parties talked for a while, when it came down to business, Yuan Yizhi said that Jiaheng Film and Television was willing to provide Li Fan with the best resources for free, including the crew team, dressing room, actor audition studio, etc.

Li Fan did not refuse and accepted this sentiment in his heart.

Yuan Yizhi was overjoyed when he saw that Li Fan did not refuse. He believed that this was definitely an investment that would bring huge returns.

After negotiating with Jiaheng Film and Television, the next step is the audition and selection of actors, which is the most time-consuming.

The location of the audition was naturally at Jiaheng Film and Television.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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