Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1206 Open recruitment of actors

Remember in one second【】

After negotiating with Jiaheng Film and Television, Li Fan returned to the hotel alone.

At this time, Jiaheng Film and Television announced a news to the outside world through official channels.

The general idea is that Jiaheng Film and Television has reached a cooperation agreement with Mr. Li Fan and will sponsor Li Fan to shoot the film and television MV for the episode "The Legend of White Snake" and the mysterious theme song.

The director has been confirmed to be the famous emotional TV series director, Gu Yuan.

We are currently recruiting actors from the outside world. The main roles are Bai Suzhen, Xu Xian, Xiao Qing and Lao Chuanfu.

Actor audition time: Immediately.

Audition location: Jiahe Film and Television Audition Studio.

Shooting location: West Lake, Tangzhou.

By then, Mr. Li Fan will personally oversee the entire process including casting, costume styling, and filming.

All actors are welcome to audition. Once an actor is confirmed, the official will announce it as soon as possible.

After the news about Jiaheng Film and Television was announced, Li Fan and Gu Yuan also reposted the news through their Weibo.

Today, people from all walks of life are paying great attention to Li Fan's Weibo updates.

As soon as Li Fan reprinted it, countless people had already seen it, including ordinary readers, celebrities, directors, actors, media reporters, etc.

Coupled with the influence of Jiaheng Film and Television and Gu Yuan, the news announced by Jiaheng Film and Television spread throughout the outside world in a very short period of time.

Different people naturally have different moods after seeing the news.

All the excited directors sighed. They did not expect that someone would get there first so quickly.

Then I thought that Gu Yuan and Hu Fei seemed to have a very good relationship. It must be Gu Yuan who Hu Fei recommended to Li Fan.

For a moment there was only sighing and envy.

The actors who were about to move were very happy. They were originally very worried whether Li Fan would directly select a few actors?

In that case, they would have no chance.

it's good now,

It was learned that Li Fan did not directly select the actors, but publicly auditioned the actors. In this way, they at least had a chance to audition.

Of course, you have to be fast enough, otherwise, by the time you arrive at the audition, other actors have already been chosen.

Tangzhou is a good place.

A group of actors who were ready to take action and had suitable schedules chose to book the fastest flight to Tangzhou as soon as possible.

Of course, the actors who were originally in Tangzhou naturally had to get closer to the stage first.

There is no solution, luck is sometimes a part of strength.

Not only professional actors, but also some students from film and television schools are also ready to make a move.

They know that Li Fan does not choose actors based on reputation, nor does he have those confusing rules. He only looks at acting skills and how well he fits the role.

They may not have a chance.

The singers were a little depressed. Li Fan did not publicly recruit singers, saying that he already had a suitable candidate for the singer this time.

Depressed, quite depressed.

In the end, for ordinary readers, there is only enough excitement and excitement.

"Love" and the mysterious theme song are indeed going to be released in the form of a film and television MV. This is an absolutely pure single release, which makes people look forward to it even more.

Moreover, Li Fan said that he would launch it as soon as possible, and the current action is indeed not slow.

In less than a day, the director and film company have been confirmed, and the announcement of casting actors has been sent out.

The actor audition will definitely be held tomorrow. If the audition goes well, filming can officially start in two days.

After the filming is completed, will it be far away from the broadcast?

"Wow haha! Li Fan moved very fast this time! Looking forward to it! Looking forward to it! I'm so looking forward to it!"

"Hey! How great is the influence of Li Fan and his work? Film and television companies, directors, actors, etc. are all eager to cooperate with Li Fan. Naturally, Li Fan's progress will not be slow. Now look Did the audition go well?"

"Auditions are uncertain! Until a suitable actor is found, Li Fan has no choice. I can only hope that the auditions will go smoothly."

"Who is the most suitable person to play Bai Suzhen? First of all, Bai Suzhen must be very beautiful, but not just beautiful. Bai Suzhen is a demon, but also a kind and good demon. The requirements for actors are very high!"

"I feel that it's hard to find an actor for White Snake. It's a pity that goddess Tang Ying doesn't act. Otherwise, goddess Tang Ying is definitely the most suitable."

"Speaking of goddess Tang Ying, I think of the movie "First Intimate Contact" where Qin Yulin plays the role of dancing lightly. She is also an absolute goddess-level figure, and she may not be inferior to goddess Tang Ying. I think she is also very suitable."

"Qin Yulin? She is indeed an absolute goddess. It's just that she is a little too low-key, even mysterious. Except for the role of Qingwu Feiyang, she has never played any other roles. There is not even any news. She disappeared directly in In the public eye, it can be said that it appears suddenly and disappears even more suddenly, which is really strange. "

"Qin Yulin is indeed strange. It's a pity that a goddess who can shoulder the role of goddess Tang Ying finally appeared, and then suddenly disappeared, as if she had never appeared before."

"Qin Yulin, don't think about it. Who else is there? Lin Rui, who plays Xi Shi in "Yue Nv Sword"? Li Ying, who plays Ah Qing?"

"Hey! I think everyone should not worry about the actors. Mr. Li Fan will definitely find a suitable actor."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"That's right. Let's discuss the next plot. We can see the update tomorrow. I'm really excited."


Li Fan's new serialization has aroused the attention of countless readers once it was serialized. It will be commented by celebrities and film and television clips will be filmed, making the entertainment industry agitated.

So many things happened in just one day, how could the media miss such big news.

All of a sudden, various news reports appeared frequently.

"Mr. Li Fan's first full-length mythical work is here. Once serialized, "The Legend of the White Snake" has aroused the pursuit of countless readers and is stirring up excitement!"

""The Legend of the White Snake" has been serialized for five chapters so far. The general idea is that Bai Suzhen, a white snake demon who practiced Taoism in Qingcheng Mountain, went to Tangzhou West Lake to repay his kindness and looked for his savior. After finding his benefactor Xu Xian, the two Mutual affection.”

"Mr. Li Fan's new "The Legend of White Snake" is set in Qiantang County and West Lake. Nouns such as Tangzhou, Qiantang County, and West Lake have become hot search terms on the Internet."

"The Legend of White Snake is interspersed with a large number of lyrics and songs, which has aroused readers' enthusiasm. Mr. Li Fan will shoot the episode "Love" and the film and television MV of the mysterious theme song."

"Mr. Li Fan has reached an agreement with Tangzhou Jiahe Film and Television and director Gu Yuan. The filming project has started and the actors are now being openly recruited."

"According to analysis, there are many actors interested in this audition, and they are all on their way to Tangzhou Jiaheng Film and Television."


Various reports from large and small media rushed to the scene.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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