Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1211 Cross-dressing

Remember in one second【】

1. The role that Xia Xiaoyue was going to audition for was still Xiao Qing. She adjusted her mood and started her performance.

An hour later, she finished all the performances, and then waited for the results with some anxiety.

To be honest, she didn't think her chances of being selected were great because she felt a little awkward and not very natural during the performance.

Sure enough, when she saw Gu Yuan shaking his head slightly, her heart suddenly sank.

However, she saw Li Fan next to him, still looking thoughtful, and she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Li Fan was indeed thoughtful now. After a while, he said, "What do you think, Director Gu?"

Gu Yuandao: "There is nothing wrong with my acting skills, but my integration with the character is still a bit poor. However, I can put it on the candidate list."

Li Fan nodded and said, "I think so too, but Gu Daojue doesn't think her performance is quite compatible with Xu Xian's?"

"Xu Xian?" Not only Gu Yuan was stunned, but Tang Ying next to her also looked confused, her big eyes looking around Li Fan's face.

"Xu Xian?" Gu Wei said to himself, and then carefully recalled in his mind the scene of Xia Xiaoyue's performance just now.

Don't tell me, it seems to be quite interesting.

Then he said: "Mr. Li Fan means to let Xia Xiaoyue cheat on Xu Xian?"

Li Fan said: "Maybe we can give it a try. Of course, the premise is that she is willing. Let me ask her."

Then, Li Fan said to Xia Xiaoyue: "Xia Xiaoyue, you have no problem with your acting skills. Of course, there is still room for improvement. It's just that your integration with the role of Xiaoqing is slightly worse. However, Director Gu and I just discussed it, and we think you might be able to try changing Xu Xian's role, which might have unexpected results. Think about it yourself, and let us know the results after you think about it. "

"Back to Xu Xian?" Xia Xiaoyue was stunned. Her first reaction was to refuse.

Although her appearance is not very good, it is definitely not bad. How can she pretend to be a male character?

You know, this is fundamentally different from the common practice of "women dressing up as men" in costume TV dramas, and it's not just a matter of time.

She was about to refuse instinctively, but when the words came to her lips, she held back and thought more.

When she was putting on makeup just now, she vaguely heard the news that if the song MV was successful, she would be directly given the opportunity to star in the corresponding role in the TV series "The Legend of White Snake".

This is why she is even more eager to pass the audition. She absolutely believes that the influence of the TV series "The Legend of White Snake" will never be small.

In the opposite role of Xu Xian, a woman plays the role of a man and is also the protagonist. Looking at all types of TV series across the country, this is definitely the first time.

If the cross-dressing is successful, it may be a unique existence in this world, and its significance is probably not low.

Moreover, reprising the role of Xu Xian may be very interesting, and it will also be a very special and unforgettable experience.

This kind of experience may only happen once in a lifetime.

Thinking of this, Xia Xiaoyue suddenly felt very excited. Just when she was about to agree, she suddenly thought of a question.

Will readers who like "The Legend of White Snake" accept it? Will her fans accept it?

Xia Xiaoyue couldn't help but hesitate again. She raised her eyes and glanced at Li Fan secretly.

Suddenly, she patted her head lightly. What was she thinking about so much? Since Mr. Li Fan asked him to backtrack, he must have his reasons. All he had to do was trust Mr. Li Fan.

Afterwards, Xia Xiayue said without any hesitation: "Mr. Li Fan, Director Gu, thank you. I am willing to try, and I will definitely work hard."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Well, go to the dressing room and ask the makeup artist to change you into Xu Xian's appearance, and then audition again."

Xia Xiaoyue said quickly: "Okay, thank you Mr. Li Fan."

After saying that, he bowed and walked out quickly.

After Xia Xiaoyue went out, Tang Ying looked at Li Fan suspiciously and said, "What the hell are you doing? What will happen to a delicate little lady who cheats on a young man?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "You will know after she auditions again. You may have unexpected gains."

Gu Yuan also smiled and said: "It is indeed worth looking forward to, and it is also very interesting."

Tang Ying curled her lips and said, "Okay, then I want to see what kind of surprises there can be?"

At this time, the girl from before came closer again, walked to Li Fan and said, "Mr. Li Fan, Teacher Deng Jing is here."

"Oh, is Teacher Deng here?" Li Fan said, "Okay, I understand, I'll be out right away."

Then he said to Gu Yuan: "Director Gu, Teacher Deng is here, I will make arrangements."

Gu Yuan nodded and said, "Thank you Mr. Li Fan."

Li Fan smiled and said to Tang Ying: "Yingying, come with me."

Tang Ying said "Oh", got up and followed Li Fan out of the audition studio.

Outside the audition studio.

Li Fan shook hands with Deng Jing.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Teacher Deng, welcome! Welcome!"

Deng Jing also smiled heartily and said: "Mr. Li Fan calls me such a name, which makes me quite ashamed."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

ah! "

After the two of them exchanged some polite words, Tang Ying also said: "Hello, Teacher Deng. I would like to ask Teacher for more advice this time."

Deng Jing said quickly: "I don't dare to take it. I don't take it. I haven't sang for many years. I just hope that I won't disappoint Mr. Li Fan. Alas! As I get older, there are some things that I still can't let go of, which makes you two laugh. "

Li Fandao: "Teacher Deng is so humble. You are an artist of the older generation. We still have a lot to learn from you."

Several people came to the recording studio while talking, and Li Fan gave Deng Jing the lyrics, music score, and accompaniment of "Du Qing".

Then he and Tang Ying exited the recording studio, leaving Deng Jing alone to practice singing.

Deng Jing has not sang for a long time, so he naturally needs to practice to find his state and feeling.

Li Fan and Tang Ying returned to the audition studio. After two more actors auditioned, Xia Xiaoyue walked out again.

Only this time, Xia Xiaoyue no longer appears as a young and beautiful woman, but as a slightly frail, yet quite handsome and handsome young man.

Li Fan and Gu Yuan's eyes lit up at the same time, and they said in unison: "Not bad."

Tang Ying was quite surprised and said: "With this look, he really looks like a handsome young man. Moreover, the man's handsomeness also contains a bit of feminine beauty, which is very similar to that of Xu Xian." The image is indeed very consistent."

Li Fan said proudly: "That's natural. When will I make a mistake? Now it's like watching an audition."

Tang Ying rolled her eyes at him and muttered: "Dese!"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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