Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1212 Everyone has doubts

Remember in one second【】

1 Li Fan, Gu Yuan and Tang Ying all praised Xia Xiaoyue's appearance. Xia Xiaoyue herself was also very surprised and satisfied.

When she was in the dressing room, looking at her own appearance in the mirror, Xia Xiaoyue couldn't believe that it was herself. It turned out that she looked so good in ancient male makeup.

More importantly, the feeling after playing Xu Xian now is even better than the feeling before playing Xiao Qing.

"Am I really suitable to play Xu Xian?" Xia Xiaoyue suddenly became very confident and very excited.

She felt that if she took the role of Xu Xian, there would be no problem.

Sure enough, during her second audition, she felt very good and seemed to blend perfectly with the role of Xu Xian.

After the second audition, she was no longer as nervous as the first time, but was confidently waiting for the results.

Gu Yuan laughed and said repeatedly: "Okay! Okay! Very good! The role of Xu Xian seems to be tailor-made for you. Xia Xiaoyue, we will officially inform you now about the role of Xu Xian." It's up to you to play the role."

Although she was very confident, Xia Xiaoyue still couldn't restrain her surprise and excitement when she heard Gu Yuan say this, and said: "Thank you, Director Gu, thank you Mr. Li Fan, I will definitely try my best to play this role well." 'color'."

Gu Yuan nodded and said: "Very good, go ahead and remove your makeup."

After Xia Xiaoyue said a few more words of thanks, she left the audition studio and walked to the dressing room. However, she could not calm down the excitement and excitement in her heart.

After Xia Xiaoyue left, Li Fan looked at Tang Ying and smiled: "How was it? Is this an unexpected surprise?"

This was of course an unexpected surprise. Tang Ying even didn't want to believe it. During Xia Xiaoyue's second audition just now, she felt really good and she could almost perfectly blend with Xu Xian's character.

Li Fan's vision is really extremely sharp.

However, although she thought so in her heart, she would not say it in words. Tang Ying deliberately pretended to be calm and said with a curl of her lips: "It's not bad, it's a surprise."

Li Fan laughed, naturally knowing that Tang Ying's heart would not be as calm as on the surface, but he would not expose it.

The actor who will play the role of Xu Xian has been confirmed, and Li Fan is also quite excited.

The three important characters have finally been identified.

Gu Yuan was naturally equally happy, and laughed and said: "This time it all depends on Mr. Li Fan's keen vision and bold ideas. Otherwise, we are afraid we will have to spend more time. We may not be able to find someone better than Xia Xiaoyue." suitable."

Li Fandao: "Director Gu has won the award. Next, there will be actors for White Snake and Xiao Qing. I hope they can be found soon!"

Gu Yuan nodded and said, "Indeed, I hope I can find it soon. To be honest, I can't wait to start filming."

Next, the auditions of the actors continued, and Jiaheng Film and Television also officially announced to the outside world through official channels the recruitment status of the actors so far.

The actor of Old Boatman has been confirmed and will be played by Liang Xuesheng, director of the West Lake Scenic Area Office.

Xu Xian's actor has also been confirmed, and will be played by film and television actor Xia Xiaoyue.

In addition, the actors for Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing are under intense recruitment.

Li Fan and Gu Yuan also reposted this announcement on Weibo.

As soon as the news came out, it naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone first lamented Li Fan and Gu Yuan. This time the action was really fast. In less than a day, the two actors had been confirmed.

Then they looked at each other, a little confused. Neither of these two actors seemed to be taking the usual path!

First of all, the actor who plays the role of the old boatman is actually the director of the West Lake Scenic Area Office. This is definitely a strange thing.

However, after thinking about it more carefully, the doubts in everyone's minds were slowly revealed.

Because of "The Legend of White Snake", West Lake has become more famous in the past two days than before, especially the West Lake Broken Bridge. This ordinary bridge that was not famous before has now become a vaguely famous bridge in West Lake.

Liang Xuesheng was promoted to the director of the West Lake Scenic Area Office, and he must have been very excited and excited.

Now that Li Fan is filming a song MV in West Lake, it makes sense that Liang Xuesheng wants to personally participate in it and play the role of an old boatman.

Liang Xuesheng played the role of the old boatman, and everyone slowly figured it out. However, when Xia Xiaoyue played the role of Xu Xian, no one could figure it out.

Most people know that Xia Xiaoyue is a fifth-tier star. Even those who don't know, when they hear the name "Xia Xiaoyue", she is also the name of a 'female' actress. A 'female' actress plays the role of Xu Xian ,What's happening here?

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"Xia Xiaoyue? It should be Xia Xiaoyue, a fifth-tier star. She plays Xu Xian. What's going on? Is the official announcement wrong? She's not playing Xu Xian, but White Snake or Xiao Qing?"

"Tch! How could such an important matter be written incorrectly? Besides, Mr. Li Fan has also reprinted it, so there is no way it could be written incorrectly."

"Then, isn't it that Xia Xiaoyue, but a new actor also named 'Xia Xiaoyue'?"

"Maybe it's a very little sexual thing. The name 'Xia Xiaoyue' sounds so nice, and the name sounds like she's a beautiful girl. How could it be a boy?"

"Yes, then why did Mr. Li Fan let Xia Xiaoyue play the role of Xu Xian? It's really strange."

"It's indeed strange, but since Mr. Li Fan asked her to act, it must make sense."

"It makes sense, it also

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Strange! "


Not only ordinary readers are confused, but actors in the entertainment industry are also confused.

"Xia Xiaoyue played the role of Xu Xian. What did she think? And what's even more incredible is that she actually passed the audition. Mr. Li Fan and Director Gu actually let her pass."

"I heard that Xia Xiaoyue first auditioned for the role of Xiao Qing, but failed. Mr. Li Fan suggested that she try to play the role of Xu Xian."

"Mr. Li Fan suggested this? Is this... is it really appropriate for her to cheat on Xu Xian?"

"I don't know! However, since it was Mr. Li Fan who suggested the opposite, it should be appropriate."

"The "Legend of White Snake" is a one-of-a-kind film, and now even the role play has to be unique? Mr. Li Fan's routine is really incomprehensible!"


Everyone was confused, except for the entertainment media who were waiting outside the door of Jiaheng Film and Television.

The reason why they stay here is to wait for valuable news.

You know, Li Fan's public recruitment of actors is now the focus of the entire entertainment industry. If you stay here, you might get an unexpected surprise at some point.

Now, an unexpected surprise has arrived. Xia Xiaoyue, a 'female' actress, plays the leading role of Xu Xian. News like this is definitely worth being famous.

Therefore, when Xia Xiaoyue walked out of the gate of Jiaheng Film and Television, she was immediately surrounded by a large number of media reporters, layer upon layer with long guns and short guns.

"Miss Xia Xiaoyue, how did you come up with the idea of ​​playing the role of Xu Xian?"

"Miss Xia Xiaoyue, how did you pass the audition?"

"How did Mr. Li Fan and Director Gu comment? Why did they let you pass the audition?"

"You successfully won the role of Xu Xian. Is there anything you want to say now?"


The reporters were all talking, but Xia Xiaoyue was shocked by this attitude. After being a star for so long, how had she ever enjoyed such treatment?

For a moment, I couldn't help feeling a little nervous, but also quite excited.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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