Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1230 Gratitude

Remember in one second【】

After Xiaoqing finished singing, the first MV ended, and all the audience came back to their senses.

Whether it was "Du Qing" just now or the one sung later by Xu Xian and Xiao Qing who revealed their identities, they were all so good that they were completely absorbed in it.

Now, after singing the song, although they have regained some consciousness, the melody is still lingering in their ears and they can't get rid of it.

That melody is so beautiful!

However, the picture on the TV continued. The beautiful scenery of the West Lake and the crowds of tourists reappeared. Only then did the audience realize that there was another song behind it.

The theme song of this work is "A Thousand Years of Waiting Once Again".

At this time, everyone became more excited and looking forward to it, because they only knew the title of this theme song, which they only knew yesterday, and they didn’t know the lyrics or melody.

Therefore, after all, everyone is looking forward to the theme song "Waiting for a Thousand Years" even more.

After all, everyone already knows the lyrics of "Duqing", but "Waiting Once in a Thousand Years" is completely mysterious.

Now, this mysterious theme song is unveiling its mysterious veil.

In the picture, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are looking for their savior in the West Lake Scenic Area.

They looked for many people, but none found the savior they were looking for.

At this time, the prelude of the song started, which was still composed with simple instruments. It was quite exciting, and the audience suddenly became excited, and they felt that all the musical cells in their body were stimulated by the prelude of this song.

Then, accompanied by the short and powerful accompaniment of the prelude, "Ha Didi Ha Didi Haha..."

The audience only felt that the music cells in their whole body were burning and becoming excited, as if they had broken through the shackles of thousands of years and were finally released.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words, but it feels very comfortable.

In the picture, the broken bridge of the West Lake appears, and Xu Xian, who is visiting the West Lake, appears on the broken bridge.

At this time, the first line of the song was sung.

"Wait for a thousand years, wait for once

Wait for a thousand years,

I have no regrets


After waiting for a thousand years, I go straight to the topic at the beginning of the sentence, direct and bold!

Even if I have to wait for a thousand years, I have no regrets. This is a love that has been practiced for thousands of years and has spanned thousands of years.

After two sentences, the rhythm of the accompaniment suddenly changed, becoming lighter and lighter, and the singing voice also suddenly changed, and it was refreshing to the ears.

The picture shows the beautiful smiling face of the White Snake.

"Who is in your ears, saying, love me forever.

Just for this sentence, I have no regrets even if my heart is broken.

The rain breaks the heart and the wind sheds tears.

Dreams are lingering, love is long-lasting.


Just for the words "love me forever", there is no resentment even if the heart is broken, this is the vow of love!

Beautiful lyrics, beautiful music, perfect fusion of lyrics and music, even more beautiful! In addition, in the TV scene, after Bai Suzhen searched for her savior to no avail for a long time, she finally met Xu Xian at Broken Bridge.

All the viewers now feel that both hearing and vision are extremely beautiful enjoyment.

It's so beautiful that they hope that this kind of picture and this kind of singing can last longer and longer.


After a continuous period of bright accompaniment, the singing continued.

"The water of the West Lake, my tears.

I would like to become a flame with you,


Wait for a thousand years, wait for once

I have no regrets after waiting for a thousand years.


The water of the West Lake was the tears I shed. All the viewers felt their hearts suffocate, and a faint sadness filled their hearts.

The picture continues, the singing continues, and the audience can continue to be intoxicated.

However, when a song finally ends, even if they don't want it to end, there is nothing they can do about it.

Along with the last scene, Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen ran from one side of the broken bridge to the center of the broken bridge, and finally held hands and stared affectionately.

Accompanied by the last chord, "It takes a thousand years to wait"

The theme song "A Thousand Years of Waiting" ended, and the picture on the TV gradually dimmed. When it brightened again, it had turned into an advertisement.

After being stunned for a moment, all the audience shook their heads and smiled bitterly. After the two songs were played, naturally there were only advertisements.

Then they suddenly felt a sense of loss. They really couldn't bear to end it like this. They hadn't heard enough yet, but it ended after all.

Fortunately, at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, they can see and hear the previous pictures and songs again, which makes their regrets gradually disappear.

Moreover, after a week, they will be able to watch unlimited times and download two songs on the qd music platform.

At that time, you will be able to see enough and listen enough.

At this time, everyone was very surprised when they thought of the singers of these two songs, Tang Ying and Deng Jing.

Tang Ying, everyone is not surprised. They have already guessed it before. The key is Deng Jing. Everyone is very surprised.

As a second-tier star, Deng Jing's popularity is very high, but his popularity is almost entirely due to his image on the screen.

Although Deng Jing also sang songs in his early years, none of his songs became popular, and he has stopped singing for many years.

Everyone is quick to remember that he is also a singer

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Love was forgotten, but he never thought that he would suddenly sing again, and it was Li Fan's song "Du Qing" with Tang Ying.

In the entertainment industry, people who knew Deng Jing a little were surprised, but they quickly learned the reason.

Jun thought in his heart: "It seems that he has always been worried about not singing a popular song. This time he must have volunteered to sing "Duqing". And this song "Duqing" "Not only will it become popular, but it will also become a classic. His dream has finally come true."

Some people who have also sung but have never made a hit song are very envious.

Deng Jing now has "Du Qing", which has fulfilled her dream.

The dream in their hearts, but they don’t know if it can still be realized?

On the Internet, many friends are also discussing about Deng Jing.

"It turned out to be a duet between Deng Jing and the goddess Tang Ying. Teacher Deng Jing can also sing. I never knew it."

"Teacher Deng Jing sang songs in his early years, but he never sang a popular song. I heard that Teacher Deng Jing has always felt very sorry for this. But now it's better, with Mr. Li Fan's song "Du Qing" , Teacher Deng Jing finally doesn’t have to regret it anymore.”

"Teacher Deng Jing sings this song very well. He is a completely capable singer. He has never been famous before. It seems that he has not found a suitable song. It can be seen that a suitable and good song is very important for a singer. How important!”


Deng Jing, who had returned home yesterday, was filled with emotion when he saw the discussions about him by insiders and netizens.

Indeed, his long-cherished wish finally came true, and he finally no longer regretted it.

This song "Love" will bring him many things, things that he has tried his best but has never been able to obtain.

His heart was filled with gratitude!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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