Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1231 Return to Qingyuewan

Remember in one second【】

online. .: .

After netizens discussed Deng Jing and "Du Qing" for a while, they focused their discussion on the two songs themselves, "Du Qing" and "A Thousand Years of Waiting Once Again".

Whether it is songs or film and television scenes, they all have endless aftertaste.

Among them, some plots that have not yet appeared in the serialization of the novel have aroused a lot of discussion among netizens.

For example, the plot of Xu Shilin kneeling down to worship Leifeng Pagoda once again caused everyone to speculate on the reason.

For those who don't like reading novels, they are looking forward to Li Fan serializing the novel as soon as possible and then making it into a TV series.

After watching the film and television music videos of today's two songs, they are already looking forward to the entire TV series!

Magic City.

Li Fan, Qin Yulin, Tang Ying, Wang Qian, and Xiaoyun arrived at an apartment where Qin Yulin usually lived.

As soon as she entered the apartment, Wang Qian put down her luggage and said to Li Fan: "Mr. Li Fan, what do you want to drink? I'll prepare it for you. There's tea, coffee, and juice..."

After spending a few days with Li Fan, although Wang Qian was no longer as nervous as she was at the beginning, she still couldn't let go.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Thank you, just tea."

Wang Qian said again: "Okay, what kind of tea does Mr. Li Fan like to drink? There are Wuyishan Dahongpao, Dongting Biluochun, Huangshan Maofeng, Lushan Yunwu tea..."

Before Wang Qian finished speaking, she heard Qin Yulin chuckle and said: "Qianqian, just make him any kind of tea. He is not particular about tea and cannot taste good or bad. The tea you mentioned, he probably Don’t even know the difference.”

Li Fan laughed and said: "Indeed, that Qianqian, you can choose any one, I think they all taste the same."

Wang Qian covered her mouth and smiled, thinking: "It turns out that Mr. Li Fan also doesn't understand something."

Then he asked Tang Ying and Xiaoyun what they wanted to drink. Both 'women' said they wanted juice.

Wang Qian nodded, then turned around and prepared to go.

Li Fan walked around the apartment,

Said: "Girl, your place is very wide!"

Qin Yulin curled his lips and said, "No matter how wide it is, it's not just a place for people to live."

Well, I have to say that what this girl said makes sense. Li Fan smiled and said: "Girl is right, they are just places for people to live. Do you usually live here?"

Qin Yulin said: "When I was in Magic City, I almost always lived here. Qianqian and I lived together."

Then he said to Tang Ying: "Sister Yingying, you should stay in the room you lived in before, and then Xiaoyun will live in the room next to you."

Tang Ying said: "Okay! I like that room. I'll put my luggage first."

Then he said to Xiaoyun: "Xiaoyun, let's go put the luggage."

Xiaoyun quickly agreed and followed Tang Ying to the room.

After that, Qin Yulin said to Li Fan: "Brother-in-law, besides the rooms of me, Qianqian, Sister Yingying, and Xiaoyun, there are two rooms left. I will take you to take a look and you choose one."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay!"

Qin Yulin took Li Fan to see the two rooms. They were both similar and very beautiful, so Li Fan chose one at random.

After choosing a room and coming out, Wang Qian had already prepared tea and juice.

"Mr. Li Fan, your tea." Wang Qian said.

Li Fan thanked him, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. It seemed to be good, so he praised, "Good tea!"

Qin Yulin and Tang Ying rolled their eyes at the same time, Qin Yulin muttered: "Pretend!"

Li Fan laughed and did not argue with Qin Yulin. When it came to tea, those two girls really knew much better than him.

After a while, Qin Yulin fiddled with his cell phone for a while and said, "Everyone on the Internet has very high opinions on those two songs."

Li Fan said proudly: "Needless to say, has there ever been a time when my quality has not been rated highly?"

Qin Yulin pouted and said, "Dese!"

After a while, Qin Yulin said to Tang Ying: "Sister Yingying, let's go out and buy some food and come back and cook for ourselves tonight."

Tang Ying said: "Okay! I haven't cooked for a long time, let's do it properly today."

Li Fan said: "I happen to have something to go out for, so let's go out together."

Afterwards, Li Fan walked out of the apartment with a few girls, and then slipped away alone.

Qin Yulin shouted loudly: "Brother-in-law, where are you going? Come back early for dinner."

Li Fan agreed, then went far away, came to the street outside, took a taxi, left the Magic City from the east, and went straight to Qingyuewan.

Qin Lie and Mr. Qin live in Qingyuewan, but Li Fan is not here to visit Mr. Qin.

Of course, this time he came to the Magic City to see Mr. Qin, but not now, but to be with Qin Yulin tomorrow.

He went to Qingyuewan now for another thing, which was also one of the purposes of his visit to the Magic City this time.

I still remember that on the day of Mr. Qin's 70th birthday last year, Li Fan went to an area in the distant mountains and forests opposite the Qin family's villa to look for Emperor Shou because of a competition with a young master.

In the process of searching for Emperor Shou, Xiao Ju said that there was an interesting guy in a cave.

The interesting guy that Xiao Shu mentioned was naturally some kind of animal with extremely high talent and potential.

Talent potential is at least

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Only when the score is above 98% will Xiao Ju call him an interesting guy.

Such a guy is rare, so Li Fan is naturally very interested.

It turned out that I planned to 'get' that guy away when I left last time.

But he was with Su Qing last time, so Li Fan didn't have time to return to the cave and get that guy away.

I also heard from Xiao Ju that the guy in the cave was a bit special. For that guy, the cave was a paradise. It was almost impossible for that guy to leave the cave.

Therefore, Li Fan didn't 'get' the guy away last time, and planned to find another time to 'get' it away again, since the guy wouldn't move anywhere anyway.

In the blink of an eye, a year had passed. It was time to get rid of that guy. Li Fan was slightly excited.

The taxi stopped at Qingyuewan. After Li Fan got out of the car, he took a distant look at the Qin family villa. After a year, Li Fan still had a deep memory of the series of things that happened in front of the Qin family villa last time.

Then, after identifying the location of the cave, Li Fan dived towards the cave.

The last time I took Xiaotian directly there, I arrived in a few minutes.

Now, Xiao Tian is also in the space. When Li Fan left the village, he summoned Xiao Tian into the space.

But it was broad daylight now, and summoning Xiao Tian would be too conspicuous.

Therefore, Li Fan had no choice but to sneak over by himself. There were mountains, dense forests, cliffs and ravines along the way, with a river in the middle, making it difficult to walk.

Fortunately, he has a unique skill, and when he exerts it with all his strength, he feels as light as a swallow. He can walk among the dense rocks in the jungle as if he were on flat ground, which seems quite relaxed.

There were few people here, and Li Fan sneaked for a long distance without encountering anyone.

After diving for a while, we were not far from the cave.

Li Fan asked Xiao Ju in his mind: "Xiao Ju, can you sense the cave? Is that guy still there?"

Xiao Ju replied: "Master, you can sense it. That guy is still there. I estimate that guy has been there for at least ten years and will almost never leave that place again."

Li Fan nodded, that's fine. If the guy is gone this time, it would be depressing enough.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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