Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1232 The guy in the cave

Remember in one second【】

After confirming that the guy was still there, Li Fan continued to dive towards the cave.

After a while, we arrived at the entrance of the cave.

Compared with a year ago, except that there seemed to be more weeds at the entrance of the cave, there were no other changes.

Looking around the entrance of the 'cave', Li Fan no longer hesitated and stepped directly into the entrance of the 'cave'. The 'cave' was not big, so Li Fan needed to bow slightly to move forward.

However, it seems to be quite deep and extends downwards.

After advancing for more than ten meters, the cave was already pitch black. Even with Li Fan's eyesight, he couldn't see anything.

But this is not a problem for Li Fan. There are many things in the space mall that can provide lighting.

He entered the space and bought a lighting device similar to a flashlight. It was a thin piece and could be attached directly to the back of his hand. It was very convenient.

After walking another ten meters, the downward slope suddenly became steeper, and the surrounding stone walls became increasingly wet.

Xiao Ju said that there is an underground river below, and now it seems that it is indeed the case.

After walking for another period of time, the surrounding stone walls and air became increasingly humid, and it seemed that there was no way left, as if they had reached the bottom of the cave.

"Master, the road ahead is blocked, but the blocked distance is not long, only about one meter. Master can get through it." Xiao Ju said in his mind.

Li Fan nodded, naturally he would not doubt Xiao Ju's judgment.

Moreover, he also guessed this in his heart. Because if this is the bottom of the hole, there obviously can't be any interesting guys.

Li Fan guessed that this place was originally accessible before, but later the road was blocked due to some reasons, such as changes in the earth's crust or something.

It is estimated that some adventure enthusiasts who entered the "cave" to explore before Li Fan thought they had reached the end after reaching here, so they turned around and left the "cave".

But Li Fan had the help of the Immortal Space and the Little Curse. He knew that this was not the end, but that the way forward was blocked.

Fortunately, the distance is only about one meter, so it is not too difficult for Li Fan to get through it.

Under the guidance of Xiao Ju, Li Fan used the tools in the space mall and it didn't take long to open the road.

As soon as he got through, Li Fan felt a very cold moisture rushing toward his face, making Li Fan shiver.

"Good guy, it's really cold." Li Fan muttered.

Exceeding the blocked area, the cave became wider, but more humid.

Moreover, I could faintly hear the sound of running water.

"Master, we are almost there. In just a few dozen meters we can reach the entrance of the cave." Xiao Ju said in his mind.

Li Fan nodded and quickened his pace. The downward angle of his body was slightly gentler than before.

It is actually quite difficult to get around here, but for Li Fan, there is no problem.

The further you walked, the clearer the sound of running water became. When Li Fan walked out of the cave, he felt a sudden sense of enlightenment.

Under the strong light of the lighting equipment in his hand, what appeared in front of Li Fan was an underground cave, which was quite large, as big as two football fields.

There is a pool in the front left, I don't know how deep it is, and the area is almost as big as half a football field.

The right side of the pool is low, and the water flows into the cliff along the river.

"Master, that guy is under the pool, huh? That guy seems to have noticed our arrival and seems a little wary." Xiao Ju said in his mind.

Li Fan was delighted. He was indeed an animal with extremely high talent and potential, and his vigilance was so strong.

However, now that he is here, no matter how strong that guy's vigilance is, it is useless.

Without any further hesitation, Li Fan came to the pond, bought something called a "water-proof bead" in the space mall, and put it in his pocket.

Then he jumped into the pool. As soon as he entered the water, a circle of light curtain formed around his body to block the water, allowing Li Fan to breathe freely without getting his clothes wet.

"Master, that guy is running away." Xiao Ju said.

Li Fan said: "It's okay, it can't escape. In which direction is it?"

The little curse said: "Go 45 degrees to the lower right."

Li Fan nodded and dived downwards in the direction guided by the little curse. When he had dived about 10 meters vertically, he saw a huge turtle-shaped creature in front of him, running forward at a slow speed.

Li Fan was overjoyed, it was that guy. Now that Li Fan had seen him, no matter how fast that guy ran away, it was useless.

Because the guy's position was already within the range of Li Fan's space power, with a thought, the guy disappeared instantly and was absorbed into the space by Li Fan.

After a year, I finally got this guy.

Li Fan was quite excited, but he was not in a hurry to check in the space. Instead, he walked around the water with interest and looked at the pool.

Below the pool, it is several times larger than the mouth of the pool. It is cold, deep and quiet, and is quite cautious.

"Xiao Ju, are there any other interesting guys down here?" Li Fan asked.

Xiaoshu said: "Master, there is no more, just that guy."

Li Fan nodded. He also knew that there should be no other guys. Just now

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Just asking in passing.

After observing the water pool for a while, I found that there are many undercurrents under the water pool, and some of the undercurrents have quite strong suction.

However, apart from that, there was nothing special, so Li Fan was not ready to continue looking at it, but walked out of the pool from the mouth of the pool.

He was going to return along the same route, but before returning, he had to take care of his new friend.

Li Fan's mind entered the space. As soon as he appeared, Xiaoshu appeared beside him and said with a smile: "Master, that guy knows how to choose a place. He is at the bottom of Baiyun Lake now."

The Baiyun Lake that Xiaoshu mentioned was naturally not the Baiyun Lake on the top of Baiyun Mountain in Sansheng Village, but a lake in space. Li Fan called it Baiyun Lake.

The current Xianyuan Space has been upgraded to the fifth-level space by Li Fan, and its area is hundreds of times that of the original first-level space.

The various landforms are also much richer, including mountains, rivers, swamps, lakes, forests, etc.

Flying high in the sky and looking around, it becomes increasingly obvious that the entire space will form a sphere.

However, the small hut in the center remained unchanged.

According to Xiao Ju, this small hut should be the core of the Xianyuan space, but his memory has not yet fully awakened, and he still does not know the specific secrets about the small hut.

Li Fan is not in a hurry about this, he just needs to slowly upgrade the Immortal Space.

As the space upgrades, Xiao Ju's memory will slowly wake up.

However, the reputation points required for upgrading become more and more terrifying as you advance to the next stage. It is simply an astronomical figure.

Even if Li Fan's reputation now exceeds one billion, he cannot upgrade the space from level five to level six.

Of course, Li Fan and Xiao Ju are not in a hurry, they can just rise slowly.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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