Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1233 Too stingy

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan and Xiao Ju came to Baiyun Lake. .

In space, Li Fan also has the ability to perceive, and can use the power of space to 'manipulate' things in the space at will. Here, he is the master who can control everything.

Through his perception, Li Fan saw the huge turtle-shaped creature swimming slowly at the bottom of Baiyun Lake, looking quite leisurely.

Li Fan was speechless. Didn't this guy have a strong sense of crisis? Why are you so relaxed and content even after you've changed places?

Xiao Ju smiled and said: "The reason why this guy is so leisurely and contented is because the bottom of Baiyun Lake has much more aura of heaven and earth than the bottom of the pool where it stayed before. It is enjoying this aura now, and its sense of crisis has been much dulled. .”

Li Fan nodded. He knew from the beginning that there was aura of heaven and earth in the space. Although he could not feel the existence of aura, he could sense animals with high talent potential.

At the bottom of the pool where this guy stayed before, there was a very weak spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This is why it stayed in that place for ten years without moving.

But how can the weak spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Tandi compare with the spiritual energy in space?

No wonder this guy is enjoying himself so much that he has dulled his sense of crisis.

It seems that no matter how high the talent potential is, it is only potential after all. Without the Spirit-enlightening Pill to open up spiritual intelligence, their wisdom will be limited after all.

Li Fan shook his head, stretched out his hand, and the turtle-shaped creature that was walking at the bottom of the lake moved to the lake surface with the power of space.

Only then did the turtle-shaped creature sense the danger and kept struggling in panic.

However, no matter how hard it struggled, it was all in vain. Soon it was taken out of the water by the power of space and fell in front of Li Fan and Xiao Ju.

This guy is huge, with a shell about 1.5 meters long, four long and thick legs, a relatively pointed head, an eagle-beak-like upper jaw, a long tail, and a zigzag-shaped ridge on the back. It looks a bit like a snapping turtle.

But snapping turtles can't grow that big. The largest elephant turtle in the world can grow so big, but this guy is obviously not an elephant turtle.

It looked a bit like a combination of a snapping turtle and an elephant turtle. Li Fan marveled at it. It was indeed a creature with extremely high talent and potential. Its appearance was so unique.

"By the way, Xiao Ju, what is this guy's talent potential?" Li Fan asked.

"More than ninety-eight percent, close to one hundred and ninety-nine percent." Xiao Ju replied.

Li Fan nodded, it was very good, almost the same as Zhuiyun's original talent potential.

The guy in front of him, who was neither a snapping turtle nor an elephant turtle, was grinning and looking at Li Fan in a timid manner. His four thick legs quietly moved back, as if he wanted to escape into the lake.

Li Fan smiled faintly and held a Spirit-Qing Pill in his hand. The guy in front of him suddenly stopped stepping back and looked straight at the Spirit-Qing Pill in Li Fan's hand.

Li Fan smiled again and stopped teasing the guy. Instead, he threw the Qiling Pill into the guy's mouth. He had to get out of the space quickly. He was still next to the pool.

After taking the Qiling Pill, the guy naturally fell into a deep sleep. Li Fan said goodbye to Xiao Ju and then left the space.

After leaving the space, Li Fan did not make any other delays. Instead, he entered the entrance of the cave where he came from and returned all the way back along the original path.

It was getting late now and he had to rush back as soon as possible. Qin Yulin and Tang Ying were probably still waiting for him to go back for dinner.

Not long after, Li Fan appeared at the entrance of the cave again, this time coming out of the cave.

Looking at the time, it was already four-thirty in the afternoon, so he had to speed up a bit. Li Fan muttered in his heart, no longer hesitated, and quickly dived towards Qingyuewan.

After driving all the way to Qingyuewan, I stopped a taxi and went straight to the Magic City.

By the time Li Fan returned to Qin Yulin's apartment, it was already half past six in the evening.

Qin Yulin looked at Li Fan suspiciously and asked, "Where have you been? You came back so late."

Li Fan laughed and said, "The place we went to was a bit far, and the bus trip wasted a lot of time."

"Okay." Qin Yulin did not continue to ask, but said: "Let's eat, I'll wait for you."

During the meal, Qin Yulin said: "Brother-in-law, when will we go back to see grandpa?"

Li Fan said: "Let's do it tomorrow, sooner rather than later."

Qin Yulin said: "Okay, tomorrow."

Tang Ying said at this time: "I'll go with you. I haven't seen Grandpa Qin for a long time."

Qin Yulin said: "Okay, sister Yingying, grandpa will be very happy."

The next day, on the morning of December 10, Li Fan, Tang Ying, and Qin Yulin left the apartment and took a car to Qingyuewan.

After getting off the car, Li Fan glanced in the direction of the cave, then walked towards the Qin family villa with Qin Yulin and Tang Ying, carrying a big carp he bought before getting in the car.

After walking a few steps, Li Fan saw Qin Lie walking in front of the villa from a distance. After not seeing him for a year, the old man was in better spirits than before.

Li Fan was not surprised by this. The old man was always in good health. In the past year, Li Fan sent a large amount of fruits, vegetables and other ingredients from the farm to the Qin family villa.

The old man has been eating ingredients from the farm for a long time, and his health is getting better and better, which is really normal.

"Grandpa's health seems to be getting better and better!" Li Fan said with a smile.

Qin Yulin said: "Grandpa has always been in good health, but...

^0^ Remember in one second【】

In the past year, I have definitely felt better and better. Grandpa said that it was because he had been eating the vegetables and fruits on your farm for a long time. "

Li Fan said: "Those vegetables and fruits are actually good things. I say Linlin and Yingying, you should eat more of them in the future. It will also be very good for you and make you grow more and more beautiful."

Qin Yulin and Tang Ying rolled their eyes at Li Fan at the same time. Qin Yulin snorted and said, "We are already very beautiful, we don't need to be more beautiful, especially sister Yingying."

Tang Ying said: "Our Linlin is already the most beautiful woman in the world. "

At this time, the three of them were not far from Qin Lie's position. Qin Yulin called out "Grandpa" and then walked quickly hand in hand with Tang Ying.

When Li Fan saw this, he quickly shouted, "Grandpa, we are here."

After that, he also quickened his pace. He wanted to be more active than the two girls.

Qin Lie had already seen Li Fan, Qin Yulin, and Tang Ying. He was waiting for the three of them to come over. When he heard Li Fan shouting, he laughed and cursed, "That brat."

The three of them approached. Li Fan raised the big carp in his hand and said with a smile: "Grandpa, we are here. This is the big carp we bought for you. This is a wild carp, although it is far inferior to us." The fish on the farm can still be eaten.”

Qin Yulin said: "Grandpa, please ignore him. He has not been here for so long and he only brought one carp this time. He is too stingy."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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