Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1248 1 new Weibo

Remember in one second【】

When Li Fan returned home, his mother had already returned and was picking vegetables in the small vegetable garden outside the yard. . :.

Li Fan had told his family before that he would go home today, so his mother planned to cook more dishes tonight and invite the third uncle's family, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng to have dinner together.

When Li Fan came back from Yuanlaiju just now, he had already told Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng.

Seeing Li Fan, my mother said, "My dear, you can 'get' a few fish in the weir pond."

Li Fan agreed and went to the yard to get a fishing rod, ready to catch a few fish.

Of course, Li Fan can completely use the power of space to "get" as many fish as he wants in an instant.

But Li Fan obviously didn't intend to do this. Fishing was a very interesting thing, and he planned to use it.

Li Fan had already replaced the fish in the weir pond outside the yard with the fry in the space mall.

This is the private weir pond of Li Fan's family and is not open to tourists.

However, if the villagers want to eat fish, they can fish here for free.

Li Fan, dad, and mom also welcomed the villagers to fish and eat.

Li Fan dropped the dropped line into the water and watched the changes in the pontoon on the water while thinking about things in his mind.

It didn't take long for Li Fan to catch two large carps weighing more than two kilograms.

Guessing that it was almost done, Li Fan put away the fishing rod and was about to return to the yard, when he saw the little girl running over, followed by Su Qing.

Today is Friday. There are only two classes in the afternoon, one class less than usual. Naturally, school ends earlier.

Li Fan said: "You girl, don't you know how to slow down?"

The little girl ignored it, but looked at the two big carp in the bucket and said, "Do you want to eat fish tonight? Great, I haven't eaten fish for several days. Brother, I'll take it back."

After saying that, he picked up the bucket containing the fish and walked towards the yard with great difficulty.

Li Fan smiled and let the little girl carry the bucket. He waited for Su Qing to come over, took Su Qing's hand, and slowly followed the little girl.

Li Fan smiled and said: "This girl is quite strong now."

Although the two fish are not heavy, with the bucket and water, they are not light.

Although it was quite difficult for the little girl to lift it, she was able to lift it.

This is normal. The little girl eats food produced on the farm every day, and her physical condition is much better than that of her peers.

Su Qing rolled her eyes at Li Fan and said, "Only a brother like you would watch his sister lift such a heavy thing and not help her."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Children, there is no harm in exercising."

The little girl carried the bucket into the yard and shouted: "Mom, the fish are here, two big fish."

The mother quickly ran over and took the bucket from the little girl, and praised the little girl a few words. The little girl hummed proudly and glanced at Li Fan who was following behind.

"Qingqing is here! Sit down for a while, don't be tired." My mother said quickly when she saw Su Qing.

Su Qing smiled sweetly and said, "Auntie, I'm not tired, I'm here to help you."

Mom said again: "No, no, you can just play by yourself."

Mom and Su Qing were polite to each other, and Li Fan went to put away the fishing rod, then walked up to his mother and said, "Mom, Qingqing and I will help you handle the fish."

But my mother said: "Baby, just handle it yourself. It's fishy, ​​don't let your emotions touch it."

Li Fan smiled, agreed, took the knife and the bucket of fish and walked outside the yard to deal with it.

Su Qing naturally followed, and the little girl ran out quickly when she saw it.

Not long after, Li Fan finished processing the two fish, and together with Su Qing and the little girl, helped his mother prepare other things.

Time passed slowly, and when the sky was getting dark, my father came back, and my third uncle and Sanniang also came over.

Soon after, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Zhang Xia, and Wu Binrong also came.

At this time, a large table of dishes was also prepared.

The next step is naturally to start eating. There are many people, so eating is naturally lively and takes a long time.

The meal ended an hour later. After the meal, the guests sat in the courtyard and chatted for a while before saying goodbye and leaving.

After the guests left, Li Fan and Su Qing also returned to the room.

Su Qing was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, while Li Fan was browsing relevant news on the Internet.

Currently, some of the hottest topics on the Internet are related to Li Fan, such as the topic about "The Legend of White Snake". "Legend of White Snake" has new chapters updated every day, so readers naturally keep talking about it every day.

Another example is the topic about the TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and the topic about Gu Yong's new martial arts products, etc.

The topic that Li Fan is most interested in now is about Gu Yong's new martial arts products.

It was almost as expected by Li Fan. While many martial arts fans were looking forward to new products, they were still unable to let go of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", especially the ending of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

And this is exactly the effect Li Fan needs. In this way, when everyone sees the new "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", they will definitely be quite ecstatic.

Li Fan originally planned to give a preview of the new book. He told everyone in advance that the new book is a continuation of the story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and is about the story of Yang Guo, the son of Yang Kang.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

First of all, it will obviously have a very good effect and make everyone's expectations for the new book skyrocket.

But Li Fan did not do so in the end. Firstly, even martial arts fans did not know that the new book is a continuation of the story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and their expectations for the new book are also very high.

Secondly, if all martial arts fans are allowed to wonder, conjecture, discover, and affirm themselves while reading the first two chapters of the new book, the new book is a continuation of the story of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

In this way, the surprise for them will undoubtedly be greater, and the martial arts fans will undoubtedly be even more ecstatic.

Li Fan was very much looking forward to the reaction of the martial arts fans in the process from the initial suspicion to the final affirmation.

In addition, regarding the serialization time of the new book, many martial arts fans are speculating that the new issue of "Laughing Jianghu" will be released the day after tomorrow, and the serialization will begin.

I have to say that the guesses of martial arts fans are still very accurate. It seems that everyone knows Gu Yong quite well.

Li Fan does not plan to reveal the title and content of the new book to readers, but the date when the new book will be serialized can be revealed. This is nothing worth keeping secret.

Besides, many martial arts fans have already guessed it.

After thinking about it, Li Fan logged into Guyong's Weibo and updated a message.

"Dear readers and friends, good evening everyone, I know that many people are very concerned about it and are also speculating about when my new martial arts product will be serialized?

What I want to say here is that everyone’s guess is not wrong. The day after tomorrow, that is, in the new issue of "Laughing Jianghu" released on December 22, my new martial arts series will officially begin serialization. Everyone is welcome to read. thank you all! "

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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