Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1249 Untimely Voice

Remember in one second【】

As soon as Gu Yong's Weibo was updated, it was quickly seen by many martial arts fans. .: .

And as these martial arts ‘fans’ spread the news on the Internet, more and more people became aware of the contents of Gu Yong’s latest Weibo.

Everyone was not very surprised by the content of Guyong's Weibo, but more of the voice said "Sure enough".

Everyone has already guessed that Guyong will release a new book the day after tomorrow.

Of course, just because everyone is not surprised does not mean that everyone is not excited.

After all, everyone was just guessing before, and it was not certain that Gu Yong would release a new book the day after tomorrow.

Now Gu Yong's Weibo has finally confirmed everyone's speculation, and everyone is naturally very excited.

After waiting for more than a month, Gu Yong’s new martial arts product is finally here.

However, while everyone was excited, they also felt very depressed.

Because, Gu Yong's Weibo does not contain any other content other than confirming that a new book will be serialized the day after tomorrow.

What's the name of the new book? What the main content is, etc., nothing.

All the martial arts fans were excited and depressed at the same time.

"I'll go! Can't Mr. Gu Yong reveal more information? However, it is finally confirmed that the series will start the day after tomorrow."

"I really want to know what the new book is called? And what kind of story is the new book mainly about?"

"Fortunately, we only have one day, and it will pass soon. Let's all look forward to the day after tomorrow. Guyong will not let us down."

"Of course, if you doubt anyone's new book, you can't doubt Gu Yongda's new book."


Although Gu Yong's Weibo has made many martial arts fans quite depressed, everyone's expectations for Gu Yong's new book are getting stronger and stronger.

Everyone also firmly believes that Gu Yong’s new book will not disappoint them.

The firm belief of martial arts fans makes some people feel gloating and even ecstatic.


They believe that Gu Yong's new book will not satisfy martial arts fans, at least not in a short period of time.

The more martial arts ‘fans’ believe now, the more disappointed they will be then.

The reason why they think so is similar to what Yang Qiming and Li Bo said before.

That is why Gu Yong chose to release a new book at this time. Many martial arts fans have not yet put down "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". When reading the new book, they will definitely be influenced by "The Condor Heroes". It is difficult to fully recognize a new book in a short period of time.

Although martial arts fans themselves are not aware of this, they firmly believe that this must exist.

Those people are naturally the martial arts practitioners who have never disappeared, represented by "Fingertips are King", who have a grudge against Gu Yong.

Previously, the brilliance of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was so great that they could only stop and stay still.

But now, they seem to have seen some hope and are a little ready to move.

As for Guyong's latest Weibo, in their opinion, it means that Guyong has completely inflated and is overconfident in his new book.

I thought that as long as I released a new book, martial arts fans would definitely flock to it, so I didn't reveal any content, and just announced the time when the new book would be serialized.

This is completely a behavior that does not take martial arts fans seriously.

They like Gu Yong's behavior, because in this way, they can stand up and complain for the martial arts fans.

As a result, some inappropriate voices appeared on the Internet.

"Hey! Gu Yong seems to be very confident about his new book! The preview of the new book doesn't even have a title."

"It's not just self-confidence. I think it's simply arrogance. I think that as long as he releases a new book, we will definitely flock to it. No wonder, he has the capital to be proud of."

"Don't tell me, as long as he releases a new book, we will really flock to it. There is no way, he writes well! Even if he doesn't take us readers into account, we will still read it with a smile on his face, and we have to I beg you to serialize a few more chapters in one issue."

"There is nothing I can do. He is the number one martial artist. If we poor readers don't read his books, who will we read?"

"Alas! Forget it, forget it, everyone, please stop talking. We readers are inherently a vulnerable group. Maybe when Gu Yong sees our words, he will still think, 'Huh! You readers are doing this now and waiting for the day after tomorrow. When my new book starts to be serialized, won’t you all rush to buy the book and read it?”

"Gu Yong is right, we would have been rushing to buy and see it. This guy is so mean sometimes!"


These inappropriate voices suddenly appeared on the Internet and spread quickly.

Then, some martial artists represented by Fingertips are King also expressed their opinions on Weibo.

"What I want to say is that some of our readers may have misunderstood Mr. Guyong. Mr. Guyong's Weibo is just to give everyone a preview of the time when the new book will be serialized. It definitely does not mean to look down on the readers. However, I think it is true that Mr. Guyong should not open a new book at this time. Opening a new book a few months later may have a much better effect."

"I also think that some readers may have misunderstood Mr. Guyong. How could Mr. Guyong, such a low-key person, not take readers into consideration?"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"I don't know whether Gu Yong looks down on readers, but it is certain that Gu Yong is a little arrogant. Otherwise, he would not be so confident in opening a new book at this time."

"After all, Mr. Guyong is still young. It is normal for him not to consider the disadvantages of opening a new book at this time. I think it cannot be said that Mr. Guyong is inflated because of this."

"Everyone, please be at ease. Even if you are reminding me with good intentions, Gu Yong may not be able to see it, and even if he sees it, he may not pay attention to him. He is the number one author of martial arts novels, and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is even more so. You are extremely famous, but we are all outdated old men and are not on the same level as others, so why should they care about you?"


These Weibo contents also spread very quickly with the deliberate encouragement of thoughtful people.

Most of the martial arts fans, martial arts practitioners, and other people who followed Gu Yong who saw these contents frowned secretly.

Naturally, they could see that these were thoughtful people who seized the opportunity and couldn't wait to jump out to gain a sense of presence.

They didn't take these voices to heart, except for some martial arts fans who were wondering, "Why do you think it's not a good time for Guyong to open a new book at this time?"

But there are also a few people who seem to take pleasure in others' misfortune, such as Jian Yishen's "Jian Family Army".

Although they now dare not target Gu Yong and are secretly obsessed with "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", it is difficult to completely eliminate their hostility towards Gu Yong.

Now we see that there are so many untimely voices directed at Guyong. Regardless of these voices, can they have an impact on Guyong? After all, it's not something to be happy about.

They naturally rejoice in others' misfortune.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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