Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village.

After Li Fan updated Weibo, he browsed netizens' reactions for a while, and naturally saw those inappropriate voices.

But he didn't take it to heart at all. Even most martial arts fans didn't care, so how could he care?

However, Su Qing, who was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, said: "Those people are really annoying. If they have the slightest chance, they will jump out eagerly."

Obviously, she also saw those inappropriate sounds.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said: "Don't pay attention to them. Those people will always exist. Even if one day they no longer target me, new people will jump out. You have to know that no one can do it." , make everyone like you. Not Li Fan, not Gu Yong, or other first-line superstars, or even respected celebrities. As a public figure, there will always be people who target you. "

"Okay." Su Qing said, "That's true."

Li Fan nodded, then closed the computer and got on the bed...

The night was indescribable, and the next day arrived as promised.

Today, the topic about Gu Yong's new book is more lively than yesterday, and those inappropriate voices are still appearing.

But it didn't cause any big disturbance.

The behind-the-scenes operators, represented by Fingertips as King, did not seem disappointed. They had not originally planned to bring about much rhythm.

Their main purpose is actually to show the outside world that they are not optimistic about Gu Yong releasing a new book tomorrow.

They are convinced of this. When Guyong's new book is released and fails to achieve the expected results, the outside world will think that their vision is very accurate and they see it very clearly.

For them, this is the most important purpose. As for Gu Yong's rhythm, they can achieve whatever they can achieve.

Great Martial Arts Magazine, editor-in-chief Wang Yang’s office.

Wang Yang said to Jian Yishen: "Xiao Tang, for those who say that Gu Yong should not choose to publish a new book tomorrow,

What do you think? "

Jian Yishen had already thought about this question a long time ago. Hearing this, he replied: "Editor-in-Chief, to be honest, I think those views are indeed very reasonable. It is indeed not the best choice for Gu Yong to publish a new book now. However, it stands to reason that Gu Yong should have thought of this, but he still chose to publish a new book tomorrow, which makes people a little confused. Could it be that he is really a little arrogant? "

Wang Yang said: "Do you think he will expand?"

Jian Yishen shook his head and said: "Probably not, but why would he choose to publish a new book tomorrow? It's really confusing."

Wang Yang nodded and said: "Xiao Tang, you are right. I can't figure out the reason. However, he is Gu Yong. There must be a reason for him to do this. What is the reason? It's hard to figure out."

Jian Yishen said: "Editor-in-Chief, are we overthinking? There is no reason at all. This is a decision-making mistake on his part. Don't say he is Gu Yong, even if he is a saint, there is no guarantee that every decision will be correct. no."

Wang Yang frowned slightly and said, "That's true, but is it really a decision-making mistake?"

Wang Yang is still not sure.

Wang Yang is not sure that famous martial arts masters such as Luo Yewu Sheng, Dali Bisha, Qinsheng, Crescent Moon, Wolong, Sima, Qingyun, and Ni Ge are also troubled by this problem.

Gu Yong's new book has attracted much attention from the outside world, and they are paying even more attention to it. This time it is a new book after the legendary "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". You can imagine how much they attach importance to it.

It is precisely because they attach so much importance to it that one by one they are troubled by the question of why Gu Yong chose to publish a new book tomorrow.

Was it really a wrong decision? Luo Yewu Sheng, Wo Long and others did not want to believe it.

But it seems that this is the only explanation that is the most reasonable.

They are troubled by this problem.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan didn't know that his choice to publish a new book tomorrow would cause so many people so much distress. He was playing with Su Qing on Baiyun Mountain.

The weather is good today, the sun is warm, and it is very suitable for hiking. Even when you reach the top of Baiyun Mountain, you will not feel cold.

Today is Saturday again, and there are many tourists visiting Baiyun Mountain. Some tourists come directly for the nameless tower on the top of Baiyun Mountain.

This is because of "The Legend of White Snake". This work itself has nothing to do with the Nameless Tower.

But the origin of this work comes from a legend about the nameless tower on the top of Baiyun Mountain spread in Sansheng Village, Li Fan's hometown.

This theory of origin has been confirmed by Li Fan himself. Therefore, the legend about the nameless tower in Sansheng Village has spread more and more widely with the "Legend of White Snake".

The nameless tower on the top of Baiyun Mountain is attracting more and more readers of "The Legend of White Snake".

Not just ordinary readers, a wave of tower experts came here a few days ago to measure and inspect the unknown tower.

Based on the tower's number of floors, faces, building materials, carving features, Tasha style, etc., experts speculated that the unknown tower should have been built in the mid-Tang Dynasty and has a history of more than 1,000 years.

This undoubtedly makes the nameless tower even more famous.

Li Fan and Su Qing also climbed to the top of Baiyun Mountain and went to the unknown tower to have a look. Many tourists came together with them.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

They took a group photo with the Unnamed Tower, and Su Qing also took a few photos.

By the time we came down from Baiyun Mountain, it was getting late. The day passed slowly, and soon it was the next day, December 22nd.

And this day is destined to be no ordinary day. Gu Yong's new martial arts book after "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will officially begin serialization from today.

For this day, countless martial arts fans have long been looking forward to it.

Therefore, not long after the sky started to light up, before the bookstores and newsstands opened for business, there were already many martial arts fans around who were waiting to buy books.

It's winter now, and it's really cold at this time. However, the crowd of martial arts fans who are waiting to buy books don't seem to feel anything.

They were waiting and chatting in high spirits, but how could they feel the cold?

And the content of the conversation was naturally all about Gu Yong's new book.

Among them, what is the title of the new book? What is the main story? Questions such as whether it will be as good-looking as "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" are the topics of most interest to everyone.

Of course, even at this time, everyone can't help but mention "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

There is no way, everyone likes "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" so much. When it comes to martial arts and ancient vulgarity, they can't help but mention it.

While everyone was chatting in high spirits, the sky was getting brighter and brighter, and the owners or clerks of newsstands and bookstores arrived one after another, opened the doors and started the day's business.

And all the martial arts fans who had been waiting for a long time finally got the latest issue of "Laughing Jianghu" and finally knew the title of Gu Yong's new martial arts book.

No need to open the magazine, the magazine cover is the poster of Gu Yong's new book.

The landscape and ink painting background with protruding peaks, mountains, waterfalls, cliffs, and avenues are full of charm, highlighting the magnificence and loneliness of the rivers and lakes.

A giant eagle spreads its wings and soars, with eyes like lightning and claws like hooks. The silhouettes of two figures, a man and a woman, hug each other and their shadows are very long...

Next to it are four words that are vigorous and unrestrained: "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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